Why did Germany attack the Soviet Union? Was it just to destroy Marxism?
Why did Germany attack the Soviet Union? Was it just to destroy Marxism?
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Because Communists are gay
Hitler's autism. That's literally it
>Why did Germany attack the Soviet Union? Was it just to destroy Marxism?
If Hitler didn't do it, Stalin would have once he was ready. Additionally, with SU able to cut off Romanian oil, Germany would have collapsed.
If only Italy had found the Libyan oil, the Axis would focus on complete control over the mediterranean over invading the SU. That would secure a stable oil supply and play havoc on UK's ability to procure resources oversees.
Additionally it would push Franco to the Axis, he could only afford to play neutral as long as Germany was tied up in the east
If the Japanese had found the oil in Manchuria, they could have avoided war with the US and instead move to secure the oilfields by going on the offensive against SU when Germany made their move,
The Germans were having a shit time trying to defeat the UK. They figured the Brits were only holding out because they hoped the USSR would help them out, so the Germans figured that beating Ivan into submission would bring down the Brits.
No it isn't britcuck
Strains was going to invade Germany according to the abwehr so the Germans struck first
Hitler also thought Russia was gonna be weak and useless like it was in ww1
To destroy Marxism and provide living room for his herrenvolk.
oil, and they didn't like commies, thought they would stab them in the back so they wanted to do it first
Cause russia was overrun by jews and they were already trying to overrun Germany.
You need to read Mein Kampf know what happened.
US should have stayed out of the war and let the germans finished off smashing the jews.
Hitler wrote extensively about it. He did it for Lebensraum, living space for the aryan people. Eastern Europe has quality arable land excellent for food production. Hitler looked at Empires of the past and concluded agrarian land is the backbone of strong Empire and its what the Germans needed for their future.
Doesn't address the question, weak attempt to push the idea Hitler dindu nuffin.
This is partly to do with it but Hitler wanted to invade the USSR anyway. Of course the additional reason for invading was that knocking them out would lose any hope for Britain winning the war.
no this is 100% bullshit. Stalin just committed the purges and the Red Army lost 1/3 of their officers. They were wholly unprepared for any war, and got their asses handed to them by the Finnish.
Germans did not want to beat the UK. It's like football. UK thinks it is more important than it really is. The enemy was the Bolsheviks.
this is so wrong it hurts, also checked
Because communism was threatening to take over Europe and this:
Britain declared war on Germany after Germany refused to withdraw from Poland. Germany and Britain were at war.
Also did it not do with the fact that Hitler thought Stalin would stab him in the back first?
>Doesn't address the question, weak attempt to push the idea Hitler dindu nuffin.
nat soc and communism were ideological enemies, the only option was war.
Germany may however have been fooled by the success of the French campaign, the german army was not ready to go east.
I can't watch it, the person that made the video is an idiot. Hitler declaring war on the USSR was his greatest mistake, he lost WW2 because of it. End of story.
As for defending Europe of communism, this is just a disengenuous front that hides the fact the Nazis considered slavs to be mongrel subhumans living on arable land they wanted for the Germans. The reason for war with the USSR wasn't for noble reasons.
No idea why. Maybe the Soviet Union actually attacked Germany and then Germany pushed back hard...
In the end they both were allies in 1939.
For Lebensraum obviously. Hitler and Himmler wanted 'living space' for the German people. They wanted to exterminate/starve the Slavs and then repopulate Eastern Europe with Germans.
Germany's agricultural industry was pretty shoddy so the Nazis thought that they needed more land to feed their population.
That's what revisionists would have you believe but really there is no way to know this. A counter point to this is that the USSR had been secretly helping the Germans rebuild their military by sending them materials as well as providing space for Germans to do drills and modernise their battle strat away from the eyes of Britain. If Stalin did indeed have plans on Germany then it makes little sense to get so involved in helping the Germans rebuild its military for years
Nice sources you got there, Goldberg.
Hitler literally wrote an entire chapter on this in Mein Kampf you dumb gypsy
Yeah Hitler actually had a mental disorder and continually disregarded his generals time and time again. He is the reason for Nazi downfall in the sense of not listening to his generals and pushing new fronts where they neednt be
>That's what revisionists would have you believe but really there is no way to know this. A counter point to this is that the USSR had been secretly helping the Germans rebuild their military by sending them materials as well as providing space for Germans to do drills and modernise their battle strat away from the eyes of Britain. If Stalin did indeed have plans on Germany then it makes little sense to get so involved in helping the Germans rebuild its military for years
It goes both ways though, if Germany had never traded away the industrial equipment to make armored plates for tanks, SU would have been helpless come Barbarossa
also this too
There isn't, stop lying and provide sources, kike.
I see, this is very interesting. I actually had no idea Russia was providing these things to Germany.
It wasn't a mental disorder, he was doped up on drugs almost constantly which warped his judgements.
The SU was helpless for Barbarossa. They lost millions of men and the Wehrmacht smashed through across the steppe right up to Moscow wiping out the Red Army as they went.
I don't think a single piece of equipment was what saved the USSR, though I'm sure it helped. The USSR was long investing in tanks already in secret.
>End of story.
Nice argument.
towards the end of the war he was doing drugs everyday
yes there is dumb gypsy nigger. The chapter is called 'Eastern Orientation or Eastern Policy', which outlines everything the previous poster had said. Hitler wanted Eastern Europe to provide future for the future German people
ah, this makes more sense, thanks
That wasn't an argument, that was a closer. The arguments are in the other part of the comment ;)
Because the Germans were fucking idiots who followed a braindead moron with retarded and extremely racist policies.
>I don't think a single piece of equipment was what saved the USSR, though I'm sure it helped. The USSR was long investing in tanks already in secret.
While it's only one of many factors, the industrial equipment needed to produce high quality hardened steel was something SU was desperately lacking, they would have had inferior tanks, as opposed to superior ones during the earlier stages of operation Barbarossa.
The biggest issue was still Germany's still horse and cart logistics system, but that's another debate
hitler was a zionist, but how can stupid goyim ever compete? lmaooooooooooooo
>Hitler declaring war on the USSR
no shit
>was his greatest mistake
maybe but there where good reasons to assume otherwise at the time
>he lost WW2 because of it
not really
You are just stating things as facts, you have no single argument in your post
who cares, /ourguy/ lost the war and there's nothing we can do about it.
The war was 90% on the Eastern Front. If Germany didn't bring the USSR into the war on the same side as Britain they would have had a good chance at forcing the British to concede at some point and come to a peace agreement, leaving Germany with the better half of Europe under its control.
war is about resources
Hitler also tried to occupy USSR oil fields
>killed 20+ mil drunk ruskies
Why do so many people ask this question? Do they forget what the Soviet Union was? Why do you act like the Soviets were innocent?
Jesus fucking Christ you people.
At least half of those 20 million were civillians. Not to mention, the allies did win the war in the end and Germany remained cucked for decades.
But at the time there were very good reasons to assume, that it was the ideal time and maybe the only good chance for a blitzkrieg win on the eastern front. The video explains it very well, it's no revisionist stuff.
>the wermacht didn't kill soldiers just civillians
>the wermacht didn't kill soldiers just civillians
I never said that. Learn to read.
That's total bullshit. Stalin sperged out and went into isolation for like a month after Hitler betrayed him. He would not have attacked Germany.
At least the nazis didn't rape your women, can't say that the other way around.
Stalin refusing to evacuate civillians and purging his military command (prior to the war) apparently never happened too, right Vlad?
The germans were trying to destroy the the jew propagated bolsheviks
You don't decide the fate of nations because you trust someones character
>At least the nazis didn't rape your women
They raped women and the set up brothels on occupied lands where over 32000 women were forced work. Not to mentions, slavs were genocided by the Nazis.
>refusing to evacuate civillians
As for the rest of your statement, I never said that any of things you mentioned aren't true.
>If Hitler didn't do it, Stalin would have once he was ready.
Exactly this
The invasion of Russian in 1941 came at a crucial point in the advance of Russian technology, the Russians were just putting into production their top-of-the-line fighter planes like the Yak-1 and Lagg-3(soon to be replaced by La-5) which were both far superior to the Me-109 and were replacing their outdated Polikarpov I-16s. Of course the T-34 were just coming off the production lines and replacing outdated 1930 design tanks and being put into massive production. Germany was only able to make headway in the early part of the invasion because Russia was not able to field enough tanks early on. If Hitler had waited just one year it would have been impossible for him to invade and he would have been in very stark danger of being invaded by Russia. Even with the ineptness of Russian military tactics, Russia had in inexhaustible supply of men and hardware and could have easily invaded Germany territory and won the war on its own.
I get that Hitler was making these decisions with the information available to him. And even the other Allies expected the USSR to collapse quickly. Still, some of his General Staff advised against it simply on the principle of fighting a war on two fronts is just something you aren't supposed to do. Hitler didn't follow conventional wisdom, though his gambles had paid off before.
see The USSR making leaps in military technology isn't evidence of their intention to invade.
The Soviet Union was getting ready to conquer Europe and would have easily succeeded without hitler
Britain and France would've gotten BTFO hard as they barely recovered from the great depression even with loans from the banks
They weren't invading anyone, nor causing world wars and untold destruction. War makes sense when you conquer weaker populations. Taken 2 great empires, diplomacy and intermarriage is the only logical way, and has been since the dawn of history.
>The Soviet Union was getting ready to conquer Europe
literally no evidence of this
so basically because Russia had a treaty with Germany and traded materials with them that nullifies Stalins intentions to invade? very weak argument
You have to realize that the Soviet Union literally consists of the far-West region of Russia, that's to say the cities within marching distance of the Polish (Nazi) border.
The Germans had Japan to make the USSR nervous about sending all their troops from the South East region. Germany also armed Ajerbaijan to the teeth and encouraged them to attack the USSR's southern border. Finland also was not that hostile to Hitler and so that provided something of a Northern defense too. If Hitler had just gone straight for Moscow rather than wasted time securing oil fields etc they would have been in a better position. Instead he tried to perform a pincer movement which ended up allowing bad weather to effect troop deployment, and the German army eventually ran out of steam and allowed Moscow to conscript a ton of drone-like soldiers and send them in waves at the Germans.
It was the death penalty on rape for soldiers.
Stalin encouraged it.
>Not to mentions, slavs were genocided by the Nazis.
Bullshit, you autistic mongoloid
>"Stalin and the Soviet high command responded to the summer offensive by forming the Stalingrad Front with the Sixty-second, Sixty-third, and Sixty-fourth Armies, under Marshal Semyon Timoshenko. The Eighth Air Army and Twenty-first Army were also placed under his command. While the initial Soviet response to Fall Blau was to maintain an orderly withdrawal and thus avoid the massive encirclements and troop losses that had characterized the early months of Operation Barbarossa, on July 28 Stalin issued Order No. 227, decreeing that the defenders at Stalingrad would take “Not One Step Back.” He also refused the evacuation of any civilians, stating that the army would fight harder knowing that they were defending residents of the city."
Materials sent in secret to help Germany rebuild its army in secret. As well as providing space in secret for the Germans to drill and modernize their doctrine. I would say this is excellent evidence to suggest Stalin did not have intentions of invading Germany. If he did then why wouldn't he try to starve them of all this instead? Why wouldn't they work with the British to ensure the Germans remain neutered so they're weak to invade later?
>literally no evidence of this
look up the number of tanks in Russia during the invasion iirc, Russia had 4 times as many tanks, Im looking for actual data
Because Germany economy was a trash and even after conquering the whole Europe Reich's budget was deficit, so they need more lands for looting
again, this is really a stupid argument, not going to respond to you again
That doesn't mean they were planning on invading Germany. Having a military doesn't mean plans to invade
wait so having lots of tanks is evidence of plans to invade Germany, but secretly helping Germany modernise its military means nothing to you?
ok, you made your point, can you stop responding to me now?
interesting way to admit defeat
You didn't refute any of his points though. Why did the USSR sign the molotov-ribbentrop pact and build their military up if they weren't planning on expansion? Why did they go to war with Finland for the snow? I'm waiting.
The preparations for Barbarossa were based on the large build-up of military forces along the border, which is why the initial stage of the invasion was a slaughterhouse.
Obviously, there are historians who claim that Soviet expansion and build-up was to take up a better defensive position against an inevitable Nazi invasion; however, that meant abandoning the defences prepared in the 20-30's like the Stalin Line, without preparing any new fortifications.
Additionally, the annexation of Bessarabia (Moldavia) pissed off the Germans because it brought the Red Army within striking distance of the oilfields in Romania and was a perceived overreach of their allotted spheres of influence. This probably led to the rejection of a second proposed Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact.
There's also more speculative work like Icebreaker, claiming the Reds were preparing an offensive in the summer of 1941. Most historians deny this basically because they claim the Soviet equipment Suvorov mentions was partially obsolete and/or the purge recovery was not completed, which didn't stop them in Mongolia or Finland.
There's a good case why the Germans were thinking that the Soviets would invade them, regardless of the realities of the Soviet plans.
Ok so if invading Finland can be extrapolated to desire to invade Germany than why the fuck aren't you extrapolating Germany's annexations the same way? Why are ignoring that Hitler actually dedicated a whole chapter of Mein Kampf to his plans on Eastern Europe?
Nazi military build up was more than USSR's. Nazis spent 6 years on it while USSR had only just had its purges. The fact is the USSR's military was in no state to fight a war, which we saw the results of during Barbarossa. So don't try to spin this like it was the USSR building military and threatening Germany with it. Germany had been doing it for far longer already and actually took the initiative
You referenced "most historians" a few times, perhaps you weren't aware these same historians say Icebreaker is debunked
the USSR also had no food and supplies
Hitler in addtion to running out of fuel, was running out of maganese, which was critical for the war industry
do you know where maganese was in vast quantities? Ukraine
You're only mentioning my last paragraph, while ignoring everything else.
The soviet military was deployed on the border without doing any work to build defenses. This isn't even controversial.
Try checking out David Glantz.
Because soviet was the biggest ally force that time. defeating them would have ended the war. The war was taking too long and people suffered too much so adolf tried what he could to ff.
>Nazi military build up was more than USSR's.
look up the number of tanks/planes, Russia had more tanks in 1935 than all the world combined, you dont know what youre talking about
>Nazis spent 6 years on it while USSR had only just had its purges.
purges had no big affect on Russian army, Stalin was still purging while the war was going on. Russia lost a million men just holding the siege of Stalingrad, Russia could afford to put millions of men in Germanys way that would mostly get mowed down and still come ahead in attrition
just think about it. they tried pushing moscow as fast as possible? not the smartest desision unless you are trying to defeat the leaders fast.
They had 2 million soldiers on that border, the Germans had 6 million (including Allies). The experienced divisions of the Red Army were way over in Siberia preparing for what they thought was an imminent Japanese attack. Stalin even ordered the divisions near Germany to withdraw back from the border further
>Marxism is a method of socioeconomic analysis that analyzes
What nonsense are you talking about? Hitler never mentioned Marxism. There's nothing to destroy.
>purges had no big affect on Russian army,
except losing 1/3 of their experienced officers
number of tanks/planes is not evidence of their intention to attack Germany. Nor is US military build up evidence of intention to attack Canada
the invasion of the Soviet Union was a strategic move (mostly for resources) which ultimately failed
if the Germans defended the eastern front without invasion, Stalin would not have invaded. they were in a somewhat weak status and the Molotov–Ribbentrop Pact was still fully intact.
>the USSR also had no food and supplies
Not themselves, but the US took care of getting the supplies to them.
Just like the US used civil shipping to support UK, without declaration of war. The Germans didn't attack ships of (((neutral))) nations, pretty stupid of them, never trust a jewed nation.
>the USSR also had no food and supplies
Top kek
because hitler was a fucking idiot. leadership? yes. charisma? yes. strategic thinking? NEIN NEIN NEIN!
Hitler was an idiot! Nearly captured the entirety of Europe, yeah dude a real idiot. Without US intervention in supplying steel and resources germany would have won.
"nearly captured bla fucking burger gibberish
>>Ja, ze Winter is coming.
>> ja ja let uns attack ze russkies in winter
>> was can go wrong? ja ja
Glad we could talk about that.
Yes, in an age of mechanical warfare, sitting out the war for 4months until the springtime, I'm sure we won't lose all momentum, morale and have our supply lines cut from all around us. I'm sure the Russians won't use the time to build endless amounts of defences and modernize their equipment and industry.
Why did Hitler attack the Soviet Union ??
Leon Degrelle explains why, (watch from this time stamp)
Anyone interested in German history during ww2 should watch the entire video, Leon Degrelle's talk will answer many questions you have about ww2.
He was a confident of Hitler they spent much time together discussing topics. Hitler respected Leon so much that he said , if he had had a son , he would like this son to be like Leon Degrelle.
" Degrelle later claimed Hitler told him, "If I had a son, I would want him to be like you.""
This video should be a sticky IMO
Leon Degrelle - The Epic Story of the Waffen SS
Download and save this video, it sheds more light on the 3rd Reich than any book you could possibly read.
Oil. Namely the Ploesti oil fields in Romania which Hitler feared Stalin taking for himself. At least that's the most reasonable induction.
The summer 1942 southern offensive which ended at Stalingrad was aimed at oil fields in the Caucasus.
WWII was the first energy war.
Hitler and the German generals realized invading Russia was a colossal fuckup even before Stalingrad.
the German army was not fully mechanized at the start of the invasion, most of the German soldiers had to walk, it shouldnt have taken 3 months to invade half of Russia, more like 3 weeks if everything was mechanized instead of horse drawn
Germany started the war with 4000 warplanes, by 1944 they were producing 4000 a month of just the Me-109