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You elected a retard...

A literal fucking retard. You deserve what is coming. No one else does.

Why does he speak like a 6 year old?

Iraq/Middle East 2.0. America hast to be at war with someone at all times.

stopping the N KOREANS from nuking based Japanese is worthy every single American life

You americans are pussies. You will sit there bragging about how big and bad you are, and get all macho because of your military, but when it comes time to actually kill or be killed you shit your pants.

Everyone dies, it's how you die and how you live that matters. Glory for the honour god.

When has the opinion of a dirty nip ever concerned a white man?

Enjoy you 0.0001 birthrate and non existent culture in a generation, faggot

1. He isn't a retard you don't become a multi-billionaire playboy and thenresident by being a retard

Why do leftists always assume the other side is stupid, such a strange childish mindset

>You deserve what is coming
Killing North Korea? I think everyone would be happy with that. Maybe little kim should bomb you instead.

I'll have you know that Japan has a vibrant culture of anime pillows and tentacle rape, sir.

Be a good American burger and go fight for his ego. Your President commands it.

You slants started this whole shitfest when you invaded and subjugated them in WWII. Where do you think the first nuke falls once they have the ability?

Hint: It's not the US or South Korea, and it rhymes with Japan.

He is a retard. He's a big mouth bully with a tiny brain who inherited all the political and business connections and most of his wealth from his father. Read pic related if you want an actual unbiased redpill on Trump.


Go back to plebbit, I'm sure David Brock will pay you just the same to shill there.

>major conflict
>north korea
pick one


He's a shark, the biggest one.

>Someone who starts a war to make anime real and allow us to liberate those qt Nork women is a retard

North Korea lives on grass soup and hatred of America

you won't be able to hide from North Korean nukes once they have them, retard

Distractions, as always. Move along.

North Korea can't be allowed to have nuclear ICBMs. That's worth a war.

Also Iran will see it and have to deal with us accordingly. (the Israel angle I suppose).

But we have common cause with Israel ATM. Greater Israel would fill the Power Vacuum left by Bush the Stupider's ill conceived ouster of Saddam Hussein.

how the fuck did this shit escalate so quickly?

when obama was in it wasnt a problem



Obama's "isn't a problem" is exactly what led us here. North Koreans are the last people who can be trusted with thermonuclear weapons on top of ICBMs. Thanks to Obama's 8 years of limp wristed bullshit, they are now on the precipice of having both.

For comparison, not even Pakistan and India threaten to drop nukes on each other's population centers. North Korea has been threatening preemptive strikes on South Korea, Japan and the US for decades. The difference is that now those words carry weight because they have pursued and are close to developing the ability to deliver on those promises.

Play stupid games, win stupid fucking prizes.

Nork apologists can die in a fire.

hello JIDF.
you're supporting greater israel; what the fuck happened to this board?

Sooo you'd rather us wait till he nukes us first?

>Killing North Korea
Yes, dealing with a smoking hole full of war refugees is what everyone would be happy about

Ok tough guy

51-tier reverse mahjong, folks.

theyre not chinks theyre commies

>You americans are pussies.
Hahahahahahahaahaha. Says the big bad Canadian on a cartoon image board. Faggot, doubt you've been within 500 miles of shots fired in anger.

>North Korea can't be allowed to have nuclear ICBMs

Why not, who fucking cares, its not like they will ever use one.

He's not going to nuke the US. It would be suicidal. Dictators want to remain in power, its hard to remain in power over a smoking hole.

"We can't let him get his hands on the nuclear codes."

Does anyone even know for sure that nuclear weapons actually work? All the test footage looks fake as fuck, and the damage to Hiroshima and Nagasaki looks no different to that from Dresden, which was accomplished with plain ordinary incendiary bombs.

Nuclear weapons are a meme that the powers that be have used to prod us this way and that for decades now. It made people on this board vote for Trump. Now it's making the world go to war with North Korea.

>This entire post
The Earth is flat, hollow and dinosaurs are fake. That's the same group of people you belong with. Retard. Just because you don't understand the science involved does not make something fake.

Why do they keep pushing this headline when the goal right now is to solve the NK problem through peaceful means as has been the case since Trump got China to start helping with NK?

Because fear and sensationalism sells/gets views. The same reason they push this type of shit a couple times a year about NK. Given it's much more serious than years past, them saying "US pushes for diplomatic solutions to the NK nuclear issue" sells far less than "US ready to strike at a moment's notice."

I understand enough to know that the whole "nuclear" thing doesn't make the slightest bit of sense. Everything we are told about the atomic nucleus flies in the face of everything we know about electricity, so physicists had to invent TWO DIFFERENT forces to explain why atomic nuclei don't just fly apart rather than admit that their Greek pagan nonsense wasn't true.


and China is also saying to NK to not attack the US at the same time whilst proposing more sanctions on NK, China doesnt want war it seems

>North Korea lives on grass soup
How do you know this

I am the king of Austria and I support this message.
I'd like to offer your country 12 blackhawk helicopters to conduct "free rides" for commies after you're done with the regime.

Trump's ratings are down and he's heard that the easiest way to boost ratings is to start a war


Drumpfkin exodus from Sup Forums when?

>That pic
>That filename
Who could be behind this post?

>You deserve what is coming

Same goes for you Japs once you get your comeuppance for Nanking.

Nothing you just said makes any sort of sense. Are you the type that watches youtube videos by tin foil tards and considers it competent science?

There's nothing about nuclear fission and nuclear fusion that "flies in the face of everything we know about electricity."

Do you understand what fissile material even is? Are you familiar with the what a supercritical mass is? Do you understand how fusion reactions work between isotopes of hydrogen (namely deuterium and tritium)?

your little island is only protected by the US, think that one through dumbass

I'm aware of all those claims. Are you aware that they rely on the idea that positively charged protons can co-exist in a small area of space without flying apart because of the electric forces between them?

Read up on electric universe stuff, the whole "nuclear" thing and the strong and weak nuclear forces are a fig leaf over the real way things work.

They are just crazy enough to do it. They'll be aggressive/take a bit of land etc and if they are checked they will retaliate with nukes.

They may have occasions internally where the leaders have no choice but to do these kinds of things or be dethroned.

So they will, because dethronement is death. The calculation for the dear leader is: I die by being dethroned, or I do something crazy and because I have nukes the west backs down.

Rinse and repeat and North Korea would get whatever it wanted. Since that won't happen it will come to blows. Better now before ICBMs than later.

>brit user claims that fundamental physical forces don't exist because he thinks nukes are a conspiracy

Holy fuck is that you George?

>austrian user can't admit that strong and weak nuclear forces don't make sense

never, they own it now its theirs

Hook, line, and sinker.

But in all seriousness we can't let this guy get the nuclear codes

>that font rendering


>therefore nukes dont exist

who the fuck uses this board? who are you fucking people?

China and US Dresdening a meme country with zero allies is not """"World War III""""

Chinks are Chinese people you retarded ameriburger. You're thinking of gooks, which refer to east asian/pacific islanders.

Jews are the only National Socialist state I know of. Strange you guys hate them so.

I for one see them as leagues better than any alternative to fill that power vacuum.

I guess you're about to explain the strong and weak nuclear forces to make me look like a retard now, then?

Someone who knows better than to swallow the nuke pill.

Trump seems desperate enough to please his Zionist overlords that he will go to war with the hermit kingdom. Kim knows this and is making threats to call everyone's hand, in the end the chinks will eliminate Kim to save the USA from a disaster.

Read Rutherford, Niels Bohr and James Chadwick. The answers to your question(s) were addressed long before the first nuclear weapons were ever on the drawing board.

Again, because you don't understand something does not mean it is incapable of existing/happening.

Maybe start with Bohr's quantized atomic model.

It's either Syria or NK, better pick the one that is less likely to become a failed state.

>not seeing the potential in operation black shield
kike pls

BREAKING: #Tillerson calls UN to suspend or downgrade diplomatic relations with #NorthKorea. Details to follow on.rt.com/8a7c

I also meant to add, that while the EU is a very interesting theory and a good way to put your brain to work, it has more holes in it than "mainstream" science does, by a wide margin.

Many of the solutions proposed to some of EU's biggest problems must violate conservation of energy and Maxwell’s equations.

I honestly liked Motherboard's sentiment:
"The electric universe concept does not meet the National Academy of Sciences’ definition of a “theory,” which is “a comprehensive explanation of some aspect of nature that is supported by a vast body of evidence” and “can be used to make predictions about natural events or phenomena that have not yet been observed.” In physics, theories need math. That’s how you predict, gather evidence, verify, disprove, and support. But EU theory isn’t big on math. In fact, “Mathematics is not physics,” Thornhill said. While that equation aversion makes the theory pretty much a nonstarter for “mainstream” astronomers, it is the exact thing that appeals to many adherents."

It's not as bad, but is right up there with flat earth.

never change

They just make it worse. Bohr glosses over the fact that protons shouldn't be able to neighbour each other by focusing on the electrons, and Chadwick's neutron proposal somehow became more popular than the idea of the nucleus containing proton-electron pairs, which would have been a more convincing explanation than that "neutron" rubbish.

If you take away Chadwick and start working on the basis that the discrepancy in nucleus mass arises not from neutrons, but from hitherto unsuspected properties of electrical interactions between proton-electron pairs in the nucleus, you start to be able to resolve a lot of the issues with the electric universe theory.

How long would a war with NK even last?

Wouldnt it be over almost immediately when Murica carpet bombs them?