What's the politically correct way of describing the language spoken in Serbia and Croatia? "Serbocroatian" sounds too long and made up.
What's the politically correct way of describing the language spoken in Serbia and Croatia...
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Its all Bosnian language
Serbian. Croats are serbs in denial.
Since we're talking about a human language it's just croatian, serbs don't count as people.
I normally say serbo-croat or yugoslavian, depending on how much the person I'm speaking to knows about the balkans. If they are really ignorant I just say croatian.
Show me the proofs
Dont fall for b8s m8. There are no proofs and he knows it.
We are all Montenegrins in denial who speak Bosnian language
there are no proofs because croatians existed before serbs
Wat? I imagine the slavs migrated from the north east, so surely the slavs living in serbia are older.
as an ethnic Bosnian speaking serbian who reads and writes in Sloven-Croatian i can quite firmly say the right term is Southern Bulgarian
wtf is the bosnian language?? Not even Tito spoke of such autism
>Principality of Serbia exists since the 7th Century
>Duchy of Croatia exists since the 8th Century
>Bulgarians are traitors since the dawn of time
sounds like you are confused and really speak arabic
Ironic since Croatians and Slovenians have most Slavic DNA of all South Slavic groups
Serbs are older country foundation wise
It's about as accurate as saying that the UK speaks Elvish. Happens in fairytales, yea, but in reality? Not so much.
Actually uk speaks in pakistani
Wrong, but our two languages are more similar than us english and uk english
Those two countries sound made up.
Bosnian and Bosniak are not real terms
It's some bullshit Muslims made up in 90s
All Muslims called themselves Muslims of Serbian or Croatian ancestry during Jugoslavia
Alija Izetbegovic called himself Muslim of Serbian ancestry before the war
ill kill you
serbocroatian? i'm triggered! that's very insultive! it's BCMS, bosnio-croato-montenegrino-serbian, you insensitive ,pilitically incorrect , unedacated westerners!
>still no Kosovo
top kek
also we speak Czechopolish
They're not countries they're just Bulgarian provinces
We know.
serbia-kosovo border needs some adjustment
proto indo-european
some borders need adjusting
What are you going to do? Get on your horse drawn cart and ride down here faggot?
Yugoslavia was an abomination especially after the 40s.
It was at same time since serbs migrated more souther to what is now kosovo and their rightful land ( I support you on that my slav brothers ) they were maybe settled a little bit later but all in all it was 6th or 7th century
You guys speak... dare I say it Yugoslav right?
>our two languages are more similar than us english and uk english
>not the same language
Why, in this eternal thread, Croats are always, with Albanians, the most retarded ?
never heard of it
shut the fuck up
serbian (štokavski)
croatian (čakavski)
Kajkavian? :^)
Yugoslavian never existed even during Tito era so I don't know who made this meme but it's stupid
It was always Serbo-Croatian or Croat-Serbian depending on where you live
Can you people understand Moldovan, or does your variant have too much Romani in it?
Perhaps you need a vacation on Goli Otok to remind you then? Very nice place I hear.
Mummy Merkel let you play on the internet today? How nice.
I know good sir, I just wanted to see the blokes response
The traitors anger and multiply, showing their powers of Mitosis.
All I see here is serbomans.
>still having Transylvania
are you even trying?
everyone in the ex yu is montengrin by descent, it was the first recorded slavic homeland in south europe
>Ever relevant without a knife in a neighbor's back
Daily reminder
this tbqh
but we speak Bosnian language
We all speak Croatian
Ohh is that why they are so lazy now? All the hard working ones left to make serbia and croatia?
You don't speak Croatian even in Croatia. More or less. They went up north to be raped by the ottomans kek
>croats are just catholic serbs and bosnians are just muslim serbs
Croatian language is spoken from the Croatian-Slovenian border to the Serbian-Bulgarian border
No it's because their country is size of Kosovo and has 600k population literally size of one town in Netherlands
this is correct
I just have one fucking queston to all Yugos.
Is there any difference from Serbian and "Serbo-Croatian"????
And is there any difference from Croatian and "Serbo-Croatian"????
What language of Serbian and Croatian are closest to Serbo-Croatian?
t. Diasporamir Srpskvić
Also, Croatia should have a border with Bulgaria again.
t. Amir Britanovic
and out of the 600k, 500k live in belgrade outside of summer season
>being this arrogant
Your serb tribes backstabbed us 2-3 times in Medieval times, worked with the t*rks in their
invasion of Balkans and for the last time in 1885.
I simply refer to it as Yugoslav
The grammar is exactly the same, there are just a couple of words that are different between Serbian and Croatian.
It's like UK English and US English.
But a new development is that the Croats and Serbs are making up new words to make their languages even more distinct. Maybe in 100 years they will actually be different languages.
why are there 20 balkan threads a day on /pol, whats so interesting about us
It's not fucking reddit tier thread(s).
What do you know?
>Everyone speaks Serbian for 1000 years
>Croats become independent in 1991
>"Croatian has been spoken for 2 gorillion years! It's always been Croatian!"
Literal dindus in that sense.
Because the Balkans are a lively place compared to western nigger kingdoms.
We are similar enough to western europeans so that we are relatable but we've also had a major recent conflict, so to observe the tensions is really interesting.
Also lots of diaspora who feels disconnected from their roots, who feel the need to talk about it.
I can dig
Giving our land to Albos.
Nigga wtf
>Giving land to Albania
who are you to say anything on the subject?
Let's be honest aside from the orthodox monasteries Kosovo is a shit hole. With this everyone would be happy.
You personally don't even own 1 square meter in that area what do you mean with your land?
one is in latin, the other cyrillic
His identifies as a serb. How intolerant are you?
Language is broken up into dialects but the irony is that standard Serbian and standard Croatian are based off the same dialect. There are literally forms of "Croatian" that are more distinct from standard Croatian than standard Croatian is from Serbian. The standard forms differ only in accent and some words but they understand each others unique words but simply refuse to use them.
I remember getting told "don't say deka, it's 'their' word which they stole from the Germans, say chebe, it's good and wholesome." Must suck having to learn the Croatian months of the year, I mean come the fuck on "listopad?!?!?!" hahaha!
kek. is this autumn?
>listo, pad
>falling leaves
seems perfectly understandable to me
No, it's November, I thought the same as you...
It was called serbo croatian in yugoslavia because serbs and croats were the largest groups in yugo. We are all slavic people but we built different nations, languages etc.
To be fair, yea. No one actually gives a shit about Kosovo aside for the monasteries.
Who the fuck invited the made up country and nationality to the party?
Nah Albro, I just found it weird that a Serb would admit that Kosovo is a shithole infested with you lot. Even though I have the feeling that Albos send their dumbest and most Muslim Albos to Kosovo, as the Albanians from actual Albania I've met aren't nearly as insufferable as the Kosovars.
My family's Orthodox, there are ancient Orthodox monasteries there, the only thing the people actually care about. Shoo Bulgaria, you always show up to our threads.
Top kek
I mean october
Sure, if you never travel
>they made up new names for the months of the year
He picked the worst example.
Just look at this shit:
Siječanj, veljača, ožujak, travanj, svibanj, lipanj, srpanj, kolovoz, rujan, listopad, studeni, prosinac