24 year old straight white male, was a liberal beta when I started college, but only for like two years. Eventually realized I wasn't a nog loving SJW like everybody else, so I decided being libertarian was right for me. Fast-forward to today, and the nationalism and white pride are beginning to grow, and I've realized that libertarianism is just a stepping stone to the logical final form. At what age did you accept it, and what was the tipping point?
Oldfags of poll; how long did it take you to reach full on 1488 and why?
Other urls found in this thread:
I am an oldfag who thinks Hitler was a giant fuck up and admiring him is an activity for socially retarded fuck ups.
If you like places where there are lots of retards fucking their cousins go to Arkansas
>I'm an oldfag but I write like I'm from Reddit
took a while but understanding marx vs hegel conflict helps in accepting that socialism will eventually be the last form of government
Not long. It's the come down that takes a few years.
If you have to introduce yourself as a straight white male you are part of the problem
The red pill comes to some as a sudden realization, but it came to me slowly over the years. Started as a bernout-tier socialist several years ago and I'd now consider myself an avowed nationalist.
If you truly understand anything about Marx, you understand why he is wrong.
That is the best that your racial and intellectual superiority can come up with? Did mom and dad remain cousins after the divorce?
I don't think a divorce would effect them being cousins.
I was never a lolbertarian or a liberal. I guess I was just lucky enough to have an extremely redpilled dad, he believed blakcs and whites were incompatible and that ending segregation was a mistake. I went full NatSoc shortly after being exposed to Mein Kampf when I was 17.
The easiest redpill to take is race realism. The harder redpill is that women are inferior and should not be allowed to vote. The hardest redpill to swallow is hating the Jews.
30+ here.
I don't give a fuck about Hitler or "88". It's childish bullshit that only autists and Traditionalist Workers Party neckbeards care about.
I am a white nationalist though. I got sucked into the Sup Forums memes too hard and too fast.
I've been against immigration since I was like 13. Did a lot of reading and arguing with people online (and some irl) about Islam from the ages 17-20. Then Reddit, and other forums, started banning me for simply making a thread "Look at these stats, what ya'll think?". Eventually I got so sick of getting banned (and downvoted) for legitimate posts that I came here. After a year here I sort of accepted the Jews are a problem, but I didn't really get it until I started reading some books on it. And I still have much to learn.
is this OC?
The thing about Hitler is that he's the only person in the last few fucking centuries to have spoken up about the Jewish problem. So obviously we will look up to him, when his writings and speeches seem like a fucking prophecy when reading it 80 years later.
>In Mein Kampf, Hitler described children resulting from any kind of relationship to African occupation soldiers as a contamination of the white race "by Negro blood on the Rhine in the heart of Europe."[6] He thought that "Jews were responsible for bringing Negroes into the Rhineland, with the ultimate idea of bastardizing the white race which they hate and thus lowering its cultural and political level so that the Jew might dominate."
Hitler was a globalist puppet. It's cute to use Hitler memes to offend Jews, but he was still just a globalist puppet and his economic policies were fucked.
Jew pill hardest? fucking KEK
That should be the opener as its most blatantly obvious.
You must have been raised on muh holocaust films since you were a baby.
>only person with massive power
is what i meant to say
>You must have been raised on muh holocaust films since you were a baby.
Uh... yeah. Weren't we all? Hell, schools in Norway actually bus us down to Auschwitz in 10th grade.
Agreed with the 14 words. The 88precepts mostly.
The hardest redpill is realising david icke was right.
The first for me was that film "Inglorious Bastards" It was so fishy, it felt like a Jew's wet dream. Taking a baseball bat to a Nazi was suppose to be funny, but anything towards the Jews was a tragedy. I thought to myself "what the fuck is up with this?" Then I did some research and swallowed the red pill.
>schools in Norway actually bus us down to Auschwitz in 10th grade
that's fucked
Sup Forums is a board of peaceful Ron Paul loving libertarians.
The first thing I sussed was the Federal reserve system , then the other central banks. Then shortly after it was clear its Jewish , then the Jew media silencing criticism becomes obvious.
Then you think "oh yeah that's right , that bloke Hitler said all this" then you see what he had to say first hand rather than the Allies version. Then its full 1488.
This is true, I just realized one day I was a fascist.
I've grown up with Sup Forums for the last 12 years so I shifted to the right when pretty much everyone else did.
We were already full on 1488. It's why we came here. It's also why Sup Forums didn't want us anymore and this is now a containment board.
Go poll somewhere else and lurk more, faggot!
id say because the way ive seen whites treated now, we give other races so much and are creators of the modern world, but get not a lick of respect for it. FACT: not one first world country was made that way by non whites.
What I thought in the past is that the Jews had a disproportionate amount of power due to their higher IQs, and that the natural result of power is that some people abuse it.
I used to be a center-left normie who liked the Stewart and Colbert shows. One summer night in 2014 I watched FOX news ironically with my lefty dad and ended up secretly agreeing with everything they were saying. Me and dad eventually got sucked into watching it every night. It was right around the time of Ferguson and the Ebola scare. Lots of nigger madness that summer. The thing that really pushed me over the top was Obama not cancelling flights from Liberia because he didn't want to hurt Africa's economy. That hit me hard. That was only the spark that lit the flame for me though. I was full 1488 by the time Trump came on the scene. It was really perfect timing.
I first found Sup Forums when I was 12 or 13. I'm now 24. I used to browse Sup Forums while laughing like a madman over raids. Very rarely came to Sup Forums back then. I remember Sup Forums was very National Socalist with infodumps on Nazis all the time back then, contrary to what lefties say now about Sup Forums being a libertarian board. I remember vaguely some Ron Paul shit but overall I felt this place was a nazi circlejerk back then. I didn't understand it too much back then nor really look into it. My dad has always been very pro Reich and I've naturally been somewhat edgy in supporting Hitler. I switched to /lit/ and Sup Forums around 2009. 2010 til now I've been coming to Sup Forums. I'm gone full 1488. The world's tension has especially made me more and more redpilled. All sides naturally group up with their own when times get bad. Since Trump became president tension has gone down. Somewhat disappointing but Trump is doing what he said by restoring our nation. Honestly I think Obama was more beneficial to creating the happening that Sup Forums wants. Real Sup Forums wants full-scale civil war 1488 happening while T_D wants Civ Nationalism.
Personally I care less and less about being redpilled as the situation gets better. I'm happy with what Trumps doing. Overall we are stuck as reactants to whatever the world develops into. We have some influence but very little. I'm a little disappointed in how Sup Forums and T_D have developed.
Started coming here when /r9k/ closed back then.
My first thread was "redpill me, Sup Forums". At the end of the thread I was a national socialist.
Thats a nice blog you've got there.
This. Reddit fags are too easy to spot
I'll never reach full nazi mode. Basic science destroys the concept of race.
Despite that, I adhere to most ideologies in Sup Forums just by replacing "race" with "culture"
Effect? Nice English
I'm addressing the thread topic. Try to not be such a cunt in the future.
>I am an oldfag who thinks Hitler was a giant fuck up
Solid argument bruhh, he was such a fuckup that Europe is socially, culturally, intellectually still a thing while the the US is worshiping the BBC in their safe spaces while being on anti-depressants.
Sure bruh, he lost, the US has won...
>Basic science destroys the concept of race.
>I am an oldfag who fought for the wrong side and would probably kill myself if I were forced to deal with the reality that I have bankrupted this country for my children to line the jew's pockets.
Honestly about 4-5 weeks. I was going to a very liberal college, was told about how I should have "white guilt" and how many thins are my fault. I started as your open border libertarian, then a libertarian nationalist, now an authoritarian nationalist
>If you truly understand anything about Marx, you understand why he is wrong.
If you truly understand Marx, than you know that he was just a tool of (((international finance))), creating lies to enslave the Goyim and increase government debt
What you talking about nigga, it wasn't /pol it was /new and it was literally Stormfront dropping the redpills 24/7 even that upset moot it's why he deleted it the first time around.
There was a small band trying to dox Stormfront but never went anywhere as the more people read the more everyone started to fall for the pill.
I literally found this website by browsing Stormfront first when I was about 12 thinking I couldn't be the only one who felt the way I did after an abo stole my bike.
Try not to write a book.
The Jews acquired great wealth in the middle ages as Europeans , being Christian , were not permitted to lend money as this was Usury and it was a sin.
The Jews had no law against this so had a monopoly on banking. Lords would tax Jews and Jews would pass this tax on to the people.
Did you just make it seem like Europe is less cucked than America? Ok Ahmed, nice proxy making it seem like you're in the US.
>shallow set eyes
>fake facial hair
Hitler was a woman.
Way before I found Sup Forums. When I was in juvenile prison I met this Russian guy who had all these occult books about the black sun, Shamballah and entrances to the hollow earth located somewhere in India (Well of Sheshna)
Anyway later on I read that Nazis were looking for the Rheingold and so I started learning about their obsession for the occult. It pretty much pulled me into the ideology
36, SWM reporting
It's been a gradual process since high school (initial pattern recognition even in the relatively post-racial 90s) that I dismissed/ignored thru college and afterwards.
BLM circa 2013-2014 is what really finally made me say, "Fine, I'm a fucking Nazi."
I was forced to watch (((Schindler's List))) like four different times in high school. It just never had any effect on me. I didn't even hate Jews at that point. To be honest, I didn't even think about them. I was just a regular teenage goy living my life, but even as a normie I knew I was watching propaganda. The 3rd and 4th time I watched it, I was complete rooting for the Nazis. The kike sniping from the balcony scene is my favorite. I used to try not to lol in class while we watched that part. I had Jewish friends that I used to pretend to snipe from a distance when they entered the cafeteria during lunch. It was all in good fun though. Now that I'm older I legitimately hate Jews and would love to see them all gassed, my friends included.
>Did you just make it seem like Europe is less cucked than America?
Just spend some time in Europe bruh! Yes, they are cucked, doing what Merkel demands, but in regards to interpersonal relationships, art, mental health,... they are much better of than the US, because the Jews don't push nearly as much degenerate stuff as in the US. In Europe the Jews limit it to immigration and slight gay propaganda.
wtf. basic science substantiates the concept of race. when one race has 20% higher testosterone and average 20IQ lower than the other it is fair to say they are different sub-species.
Pretty much the exact same path as you, senpai.
It seems to be a pretty common trayectory.
>pleddit confirmed 100%
dont like jews, dont like the white genocidal hitler either. The man was greedy, could have been great if he wasn't so god damn greedy. Poland was a right wing, nationalist, anti communist goverment ffs, they had already saved germany from communism in 1921. Never forget Warsaw 44'.
like 3 years
Wow, as if. It's not like the Jewish Problem is anything new. It gets swept under the rug and forgotten. They get pushed out of town and you think they fucked off, but they just went to the next town and continued jawing. Now we have a global jew threatening everything.
Who will save us?
so you're an inferior specimen to Ashkenazi Jews?
Why do Jews hate white people so much?
Honest question I don't understand it.
if the only metric you care about is verbal intelligence, sure. kikes are hyper focused on that.
We're the only thing keeping them from total world domination, because we're smart enough to see what they're doing.
the chinese wont be affected. japanese absolutely love jews for whatever reason
>A 2005 scientific paper, "Natural History of Jewish Intelligence",[2] proposed that Jews as a group inherit higher verbal and mathematical intelligence with somewhat lower spikes in spatial intelligence than other ethnic groups, on the basis of inherited diseases and the peculiar economic situation of Jews in the Middle Ages.
>One observational basis for inferring that Jews have high intelligence is their prevalence in intellectually demanding fields. While only about 2% of the U.S. population is of full Jewish descent,[2] 27% of United States Nobel prize winners in the 20th century,[2][3] 25% of Fields Medal winners,[4] 25% of ACM Turing Award winners,[2] 9 out of the 19 world chess champions, and a quarter of Westinghouse Science Talent Search winners have either full or partial Jewish ancestry.[4]
Hitler and Jews for me was like the final stage of redpill. I mean once you understand what Third Reich germany represented to the banks with their cut off, work-based Deutschmark (labor=trade for services and goods only), how the Globalist banks who were run by Jews and internationals hated it and the power it granted Third Reich Germany. How the enforced birth propaganda for German mothers and the Hitler youth were all designed to grow the empire and how major leaders of every empire or nation in History has been embroiled in a fight with Jews you begin to understand what is at stake, and Hitler...SOMEHOW figured it all out, I have no idea since the wealth of information of the Internet didn't exist back then. Supposedly it was from the writings of Martin Luther...but I've read some of Luther's writings and it is not nearly in depth and scope to with which Hitler took things.
He realized there was a war and he was preparing for it. He was trying to be a force of good against the Sabbateans which have taken over Judaism completely. I'm sure they were always a sect, but they have completely over taken Judaism.
If you notice most religions have at some point been infiltrated in a counter group.
Catholic -- Jesuits
Judaism -- Sabbateans
Christian -- Charismatics/Mormons, etc.
And then you link it up with the "star of david" and it's the same star for black magic, etc.
It all leads you to the idea that there is an infernal quasi-immortal force controlling and corrupting groups.
But why Jews are at the forefront of that I didn't believe that. But if you think about it they killed Christ, the clung to their talmud babylonian dogma, they believe in the chosen vs. goyim, they believe in using usury to destroy goyim, etc.
And it's perfect. Their original hebrew+babylonian talmud = Judaism. It's perfect because it's a complete inversion of do unto others as you would have them do unto you.
I've always been a real windmill when it comes to ideology.
>Full commie (Have always been conservative in certainly issues like gay marriage, abortin and immigration)
>Standard young leftist
>Watch a Peter Schiff video, feel like I finally understand economics and become a tea party-libertarian
>Study economic history and economics in general
>Shift back to the left, but through abandoning neoliberalism, also abandon principles I had held on libertarian logic, like individualism, subjective morality, liberty over a healthy society
I'm probably something akin to a Strasserian, since I seem to be a bit more to the left than most of pol.
beautiful scene
No one said anything about inferior. Each person should be proud of their race. Jews have made it a game to play races against one another. They must be dealt with.
Revenge for us pwning them for 2000 years, the climax being the Holocaust. Also like the other guy said, we're their biggest enemy (at least in the west, they wouldn't be succesfull in subverting the chinks). So what they want is to make mongrels of the European race, which would make us dumber, and cause friction between the population (think Brazil). If people are too busy fighting each other there's a lesser chance of us ever being allies in defeating the real enemy. Also a continent of mongrels are much less likely to kick the kikes out based on their ethnicity. In the past, the Jews were the biggest minority and thus target for persecution.
the mathematic intelligence is on par or below most white groups, otherwise you are just backing up my point for me. jews have insane verbal intelligence but that metric alone does not make for a "superior race" just an annoying one
Oldfag here who thought hitler wanted to do good but was to incompetent to achieve it.
He also was a military fuckup who never listened to his generals.
He had a good idea, but to grandiose.
Even if they are superior to us who gives a fuck. I still prefer to live among our people
Jew pill is the hardest? Fucking kek
There will come a day where you go full circle and end up as an ascetic, atheistic nihilist who turns to Communism for the sake of ideological salvation. It happened to me. It'll happen to you.
Damn. I'd love to hear more about this and Hitler. Got any good links or videos? Any hidden gems of info ?
How right is this for other fags here? It's pretty damm accurate for me
No, you just sound like a blackpilled idiot.
>have brownish looking kids in Kindergarten, always making trouble
>have turks in class from grade 1-10 always making trouble
>have few guys from Kazakhstan always making trouble
>have turks in my team during soccer practice literally trouble is the only thing they can do
>have nigger in class from grade 11-13 only trouble, retarded beyond believe
At that point my circle of friends consisted of 7-8 like minded Germans who all went to different cities for Uni, barely saw each other.
>doing physics at Uni, mostly male, mostly white, people who slow others down during exercise groups were usually brown people or women
>3-4 years ago go on Sup Forums, take in the usual memes, start reading few thousand pages of history books, some Ideology here and there
>"well that's what I thought all along"
>Going full NatSoc took like 4 months at that point
It is probably easier if you start at the bottom of society in a shitty school full of subhumans and experience everything first hand and working your way up compared to people sitting in their ivory towers, going to the best schools, only knowing German people etc... Native non-Antifa leftist people are usually the ones with the most privilege I have found during my Uni days. The only reason they are leftist is because they have not experienced all this shit themselves and refuse to believe any negative story about non natives.
communism is a fucking joke. And atheistic nihilist is the default status of all Brits.
You basically were never red-pilled. I can tell because you talk like a fag.
He was right about the pedo elites
Hitler was a drug-loving egomaniac who only cared about himself. He was for censorship and pushing his agenda by any means necessary. He didn't care if it took millions of his own men to quench his thirst for power. also, 25% kike. not thanks.
This was my first Hitler redpill. Sums up the problem perfectly in 6 beautiful minutes. Read the Culture of Critique to really understand the JQ.
white nationalist. no one here even knows a natsoc system works they just post pics of germany during ww2 and jack off to muh natsoc
Never did and never will, and I've been reading Stormfront for over 15 years.
White nationalism and nationalism is too reactionary for me, and most of it is based on chauvinism that doesn't make much sense in the real world.
I'm 42, and became a college-indoctrinated cultural/informal Marxist by 23 or so. I was never very comfortable in that ideological skin, a discomfort I would attribute to the basic instinct for common sense of any rational human being, but it was a superficially logical way to describe and understand the world, and it was easier to grasp than the truth, so I suppressed my better nature and went along with the tide: voted straight-ticket Dem or sometimes Green, bitched about vile white men despite being one, lamented the sorry and unfair life conditions of the Global South and blamed my own people for it. Chomsky was my God, Z Magazine my sacred text, and Huey Newton my patron saint.
About 15 years later I was in London visiting a friend when James Watson made his famous remarks about race, evolution, and intelligence. Surprisingly, unlike American media, British media actually if only briefly gave his statements fair hearing, and permitted the public to discuss the issue in the civic square. Ultimately, of course, his statements were dismissed, the discussion tabled, and the whole affair forgotten, but it had a very deep impact on me, and sparked a curiousity and years-long intellectual inquiry that ultimately led to a political rebirth: we are not all equal and it is the insistence that we are which is the cause of all socio-political strife. Everything I believed was wrong. Everyone I know is deluded, and when I inform them of my awakening, they think I've gone insane.
It was a deeply depressing and damaging experience, but I eventually resolved to make the best life I can among the ruins. I'm still young enough to have hope and feel an obligation to the young men who are inheriting a much worse lot than I did.
Even if we can't save it all, we can maybe salvage something. I'm not going the way of the Afrikaaner or the Rhodesian.
It took me 88 gorillian seconds of lurking on Sup Forums
Yea you can tell from his faggot spacing. His paragraphs are gaping like his pozzed ass.
What's wrong with being reactionary? If the European race is being wiped out (wether or not it's intentional by the Jews), it's perfectly logical to oppose that.
you're basically asking the most vague as fuck questions. I'm not fucking wikipedia, ask something shorter and less vague
>falsehoods and butthurt: the post
>inherit higher verbal and mathematical intelligence
so how exactly have you disproven this point?
28 here and 11 year Sup Forums user(mostly Sup Forums and Sup Forums. I was a left(socially) libertarian for most of my life.
I had never voted or really cared about politics until trump's election at which point I started browsing Sup Forums about a year ago.
I got red pilled on blacks by all the chimpouts last year over police shootings. And then red pilled on muslims immigration after seeing videos of "refugees" flooding in within the first month. I then voted in the primaries at which point I was basically a civic nationalist.
After about 6 months I was fully red pilled on everything except the JQ. At this point I encountered TRS and other alt right podcasts who made some solid arguements that actually convinced me to believe all of the evidence I had seen on here about the jews and the holocaust.
9 months in I was full 1488 and ready to sign up for the right wing death squads
Well then you should take a couple of steps back, Hitler and Nat-soc isn't the right direction, Libertarianism is fine just don't be a dick.
>I have no idea since the wealth of information of the Internet didn't exist back then.
Oh that's easy. You have a wealth of information today, but people barely read due to small attention spans. Back then you had no modern distraction and reading lots of stuff was important. Hitler must have read a fuckton of information. Lean Degrelle said Hitler sometimes "flew" through 2 books a day if he had the time and even when he was homeless, his only possessions was a suitcase full of books he carried everywhere.
I assume Hitler already read way more than 50k pages of actualy information (not modern online clickbait news sites) the time he joined the NSDAP.
Never go 1488
Never go full retard
So how exactly has the Jewish population done more harm in Europe than the Germans?
>you fags are as bad as SJWs
inb4 buzzwords used to slander my point because it's fact