and everything related
The fall of Europe
>everything related
I see what they did there
Are you proud of your work shlomo?
Get real kike. It's the fall of Western Europe. The other half doesn't give a shit.
that makes sense actually.
English should be the universal academic language
thx satan
Literally nothing wrong with that. I hate the Swedes, they are subhumans, nothing but the jews of the north. Their culture is obnoxious. Their language is but a knife scraped across a chalkboard. They have the guts to impose their pathetic monkey language on superior races...
The fall of Sweden cannot come soon enough.
very nice job our greatest ally
tl;dr me on this peculiar rivalry you have with Sweden.
Seen it in several threads now
nice! I have another collectible for that
Why does this feel like the jews?
Here is another one.
Half of these posts are completely fabricated or non-sensical and the other half leave out crucial details to force a narrative.
For example, the victim here was a refugee child and father which you neglect to mention.
not peak Sweden, but close
>swe fem party
that combo tho
>Why does this feel like the jews?
whats your endgame merchant?
Don't vote Le Pen guys, or you could lose this!
Can you post the full article? The link is dead.
Two-tier caste system; globalist Jews, and the mulatto-mongrel underclass.
Oh, thanks for clearing that up.
>a refugee child
So fucking what?
Why it is so good to see this?
White Women are the bane of your society. They're so quick to virtue signal and the lack the brainpower to do it correctly. A fake sob story is all that's needed, and maybe some shoe polish on your face.
The fucking jew in the background kek
>you neglect to mention.
You think I made that or the tweet? What's the character limit in tweets? What does it matter who the victim was, it's a shit show that wouldn't happen in Europe if those people weren't there. The link is right there so there is no narrative except the one you crafted in your own head.
If these are the swedish conservatives I cant fathom what their extreme left are
hilarious of a kike to make jokes when this shit is pushed by your people
the ragheads are right about one thing, you need to go
>the victim here was a refugee child and father which you neglect to mention.
What significance does that bear? It seems completely irrelevant.
Feels good to be eastern savage and survive instead of being european beta faggot ;]
Miss us, Pieré ? Do you like the future made by you liberators? :`)
Let's not forget Russia
I want you guys to google image search "Germans" and laugh at the first results
I know all about the African cancer. :(
Oh, tell us about your glorious country, Ahmed!
What can I say? This is what happens when you murder or drive off your Jews and recruit niggers and asslifters to take their places.
I don't blame you for laughing. Call it the revenge of the Six Million.
>I cant fathom what their extreme left are
Let me help you with that good sire!
you realize at some point we're actually gonna give a holocaust a real try
Fucking top kek
I live in Scotland m8, 95% white and fucking loving it
Its England thats the cucked nation, rest of the UK is nice
Youre falling for his cherrypicking bait
First 3 images were alright the rest is shit
>95% white
Thats 2% more then germany
Thats not a country
>Its England thats the cucked nation, rest of the UK is nice
Same about eastern Germany, except Berlin.
>being this disingenuous
in the context of the entire thread, it implies that the refugees are killing/raping europeans. When in fact, a refugee child got raped by a paki and then the father got killed by a european
You should start doing performance art slaughtering mudslimes and kikes
>what did they mean by this?
Dutch men protesting the mass rape of German girls on New Year's Eve in Cologne, by wearing miniskirts outdoors. Take that rapists!
Poland is of lesser stock, but at least you kept your values
Hungary, too
Fuller version.
Don't know why you would be celebrating this, once we go you will be fucked
Let me tell you a little secret goys...Portugal is actually Islam free!! Lots of niggers in the south but they're all christians because we did a goddamn good job at keeping our ex colonial empire faithful. And besides that, all that sandniggers care is reaching northern europe because our welfare state is shit compared to Germany or Sweden. We felt detached from the migrant crisis like no other country in Europe because no refugges come across our country, and Islam hasn't had a presence here since we took this land fom the Moors more than 1500 years ago
this is sad
>no refugges come across our country
you are the refugees
Feminist muslim lesbian trans-woman anti-patriarchal post-modern expressionism on the struggle against oppression of the disabled downtrodden minorities within minorities. I think th shit would sell!
And it's your fault you ZOG Jew piece of shit.
We're fucked, all of us
You yourselves are a half-step from niggers
That's bullshit. And whoever faked this article should use a spell checker.
i hear that dryga are easily obtained as well
>Why it is so good to see this?
Because you feel close with migrants ?
Another day without seeing a shitskin...
Why are people still pushing this meme? Even women can be extremists. Deport or shoot their asses is what I'm saying.
cant say im not jelly mateusz
you won't even understand the meaning of fucked untik you witness the peak of the African population explosion