Here's the quick rundown. THIS IS HIM!!!!! >pic related Shoutout to user who first spotted this madman
Alright lads, I've been down the rabbit hole and come back with pics and vids of the stabbing as well as him getting taken down by /ourguy/ just afterwards. Commencing big dump so don't sperg out too soon.
There's another sighting of him at the beginning wearing a grey hoodie. The sneaky cunt put a jacket on later. I'm not shitposting for once and can totally back up with sources. Oh yeah he's blonde/ginger. Get in here Sup Forums and sort this out, and look for more info because people are still uploading!
WW2: The red bearded dude in khaki trenchcoat and combat helment is crucial to the ID. He started this melee by punching out in the standoff and about 25 seconds later he tackled Stabber. He lost his helmet somewhere in this timespace (but got it back after).
2Tone: The fatfag with half blonde/black hair is a useful marker. Stabber attacks from behind him and 10 seconds later 2Tone follows WW2 while he tackles Stabber.
AP: America Pants was near WW2 at the start of the melee and launched into the fray, got mobbed, stabbed and taken down about 8 seconds later. It's confusing because he was then released, walked a few steps and launched AGAIN deeper into hostile territory where he was mobbed and taken down again 20 seconds later, this time near the wall (and not far from where WW2 was tackling Stabber).
Original pic: (Check out the spear on the left ffs) Pics 21-61 in this leftys "Neo Nazi pro trump rally" album are gold. My sides are spinning like pottery >publishing your comrades misdeeds
Jayden Robinson
>2/6 Aerial view of melee
BERKELEY TRUMP RIOTS EXPLODE 41517 >1:03:46 WW2 punches out, starts melee >1:03:55 AP launches >1:03:59 AP mobbed (watch 2Tone in the space above him) >1:04:01 2Tone punching AP (watch Stabber emerge from behind 2Tone on left) >1:04:03 Stabbing
Asher Johnson
William Ross
Nolan Powell
>5/6 The take down
BREAKING! BERKELEY RIOT BREAKS OUT BETWEEN TRUMP SUPPORTERS >1:30 Stabber arm up >1:32 Stabbing (watch WW2) >1:37 WW2 goes after Stabber, grabs him and they move to right