Wtf burgers why are you even protecting them? Let them defend themselves

Wtf burgers why are you even protecting them? Let them defend themselves.

Do you just allow the leftists within a country to eat themselves to the point they get invaded and occupied by commies? or nuked? With an adversarial nation i'd say yes, which they are to some extent, but too many important lives have been lost.

>the great negotiator
did he asked for pay after the system was in place?

Well unfortunately the last couple of presidents were completely incompetent on this issue and now Kim is closer than ever to being able to nuke Hawaii. Now we have no choice but to stay in case he tries some shit.


> american gangsters trying to extort Koreans out of money

koreans both north and south should just turn on the US and slaughter every american on their peninsula , then help liberate japan just for good measure.


We should instead turn your "country" into lebensraum for all our undesirables. Turn your hellhole into something useful

Um, why are we installing it at all then?

they are protecting their military bases in SK.

South Korea has a pretty good negotiating arm. They aren't stupid and know we are going to contain communism no matter what.

That being said, they do spend a lot of money on military already. They are taking the threat so seriously that they have conscription for males between 18 and 35.

They are already bringing most of what they got to the fight while still having a private economy.
USA was trying to push it here.

Weren't you Poles clamoring for your own missile defense system??

you hasbeen faggots couldnt do it even if yous wanted to

youre a dying empire, look at yourselves, it's pathetics from here, yous are pathetic

have a good look at the former soviet union states

thats your future.


>be american
>spend billions in weapons
>create chaos in the World
>get financial benefits from it
>try to get more by racketting countries

>wanting undesiderable to leben

>40,000 pieces of Artillery pointed at Seoul.
>offer a missile defense shield - cheap.

>has been
>most powerful economy in the world
>most powerful military in the world
>all you foreigners love to talk about
Okay Poland. Your dream girl get a Visa and marry an American or something to chap your ass so bad?

> Subhuman Pollock doesn't know that the US military is also in his country
> Subhuman Pollock thinks Koreans would help Japanese people

Hitler should have gassed your grandparents.


Newsflash, conscription doesn't do jackshit against nuclear weapons. South Koreas are fucking retarded. We should let me them get destroyed.

Yup. You dream girl moved to America and got married. No need to be so sour. I like all the Polish immigrants I've known and worked with. Hard working, reliable people.

This system is nearly useless for south Koreans. The North has so much conventional artillery aimed at Seoul, that shooting down a couple missiles won't change anything in case of a war.

American military industry will profit from it tho

Yea okay. Command and conquer games don't make you a real general. Conscription keeps the male population fit, patriotic, and ready to engage any hostile action. Kims nukes are little noisemakers relative to the size of the Korean peninsula. After a theoretical first strike South Korea would certainly have a chance to defend or even counter attack conventionally.

why the fuck didn't they have these systems in place already? They prepared for nothing except a ground war?

Doesn't THAAD just help against big rockets? Wouldn't it be useless if Norks shelled Seoul?

>missile defense system
It's useless shit if it doesn't shoot at artillery shells.
And it doesn't. Useless shit.

Are you fuckin retarded or are you a child? Japs and Koreans hate eachother. If the US wasn't involved militarily over there China would have done raped all 3 of those countries by now and you wouldn't have fap anime to keep you occupied over there in your pussy ass faggot country. I wish Hitler had blown you fuckin niggers off my maps.

>being this delusional
yes newly competetent country china would have decimated everyone if not for the US

Let's help...

Help us trigger WW3



lol are you fucking kidding? based honuaburu aryians fucking devastated china and korea before we cut off their oil. they are genetically superior to all other asians because they were spared the mongol invasions.

thats why they hate non-white/non-black immigrants so much. they realize that they look so similar that their daughter could end up with a 92 IQ chinaman.

So what do we even get out of the system being there? If we didn't care about casualties to SK, then destroying NK wouldn't even be an issue.