Who here is more right?

Who here is more right?

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All I know is my confederate money doesn't work anymore and I can't own any slaves.

The Civil War was basically certain states fighting for more state rights. Those state rights being the legality to own slaves.

>Those state rights being the legality to own slaves.

The ability to decide on their own the legality to own slaves.

The nigger has a point, fucking cuckold (((Protestants))) used (((credit))) to import niggers to do their work for them. If you live in the South it's your duty to kill the descendants of these cuckolds along with any nigglets. Only then may you enter Thule.

Who the fuck has ever claimed it was fought over money?

Yeah what you said. My bad its still a little early for me.

>when your ancestors weren't the currency

But, there are white men literally on our money.

It's also easier to say that blacks need reparations when in fact they did get them.




>implying the war wasn't about a bunch of idiots who based their economy on agriculture getting butthurt when it turned out that industry was the right answer.

>pic related

Niggers were the commodity. Not the currency .

Ignorant niggers, that is the battle flag of the army of northern virginia, it's not the conferderate flag, learn your history

kill yourselves faggots

I can't read that but I am gonna assume you disagree with me. Yes, the civil was about state rights but the states wanted to decide on their own if they should ban or allow slavery.

This desu. People think it was all about muh racism, but it was really about the fact that the economy in Dixie was dependent on slavery. When the tyrant, Lincoln came along and started talking about immediate abolition, the states in Dixie wanted the right to choose for themselves whether to keep slaves because they were rightly presuming that annihilating the institution in one go would completely destabilise the southern economy, like it did.

Lincoln was cucking the south on cotton also.

It had far more to do with goods. Really had nothing to do with slaves but nigs can idolize Lincoln all they want


it was about the Republican Party's extreme tariffs that ruined the economy of the South and the fact that the South's voting rights no longer mattered as not a single state even voted for Lincoln. if you side with the North you are blue pilled

Not true, bud. The CSA required all states who joined them to accept slavery, no arguments. There was no choice in the matter.

Confederate soldiers didn't fight for slavery. They fought "because the Yankees are down here". But southern politicians and the elite DID fight for it.

It was. At the time of the Civil War the South paid far more taxes than the North, and made up the majority of the US economy, and yet those Southern taxes paid for Northern infrastructure. Kinda bullshit, don't you think?

Also the secession couldn't be peaceful because the yankee robber barons and such couldn't stand to have legitimate competition in the form of a rich, successful southern neighbor.

Jews were the largest percentage of slave-holders in the Americas.

Between 40 and 50% of Jewish households had slaves.

The man in question.

the Confederate government is clearly superior to the US

Slavery ruined the economy of the South. Too many adverse effects of the institution, the society was enervated by it.

Truth a lot of good poor white males died defending the (((elite))) on the basis of (((nationalism)))

the Northern government ruined the economy of the south you dimwit


yeah bud jefferson davis was literally jewish

Lincoln was the most soft-handed politician in the Union, bud.

Booth basically destroyed the South by killing the only person who was willing to protect their asses, and Johnson and radical Republicans during Reconstruction gave them a right fucking with the Freedman's Bureau and federal occupation.

Well, its always good to learn something new.


Tensions between the north and south were growing quickly and (((they))) did all they could to fuel the flames of war, so that their factories in New York and Boston could be supplied with cheaper raw materials.

Be that as it may, if the USA had remained agricultural and their source of income being exporting to the UK, then they would never have become the powerhouse they are today. Not that it really matters if the USA or the UK is the global power, (((bankers))) ruled both and continues to do so today.

>swarm of samefagging reddit cucks are trying to force a meme on Sup Forums
>the "meme" just happens to be unironically kosher degenerate gay porn pictures
Every time

>muh lost cause
>muh states rights
>muh economics

>Get told your state is being invaded when States were more distinct and important
>By those damn rich Yankees
>Grab hunting rifle
>Get onnaline
>Die to cannons next to your neighbors and family
>While rich man on a plantation sips sweet tea because he could pay someone to take his place in the draft and really doesn't want his source of income taken away at both yours and the niggers' expense

Sucks desu


ITT lefty class assignment trying to learn the ways of and disrupt user

SAGE goes in the options field

that quote is from the Douglas debates and the only reason he said that was to attempt to pull votes from butternuts in the north.

lincoln was as progressive as they come, for better or for worse.

The South held politics in the country hostage with their interests you autist. Everything done in the 50 years leading up to the Civil War had to be done with the feelings of the South in mind because they held so much sway and were so adamant about getting their way.

That screencap up there's pretty wrong. Most Confederate soldiers just got rounded up locally and told the Yankees were invading them, while most Union troops volunteered because Father Abraham asked them to help pacify the "recalcitrant children" of the South who obviously didn't know better.

The war was fought over slavery, but only in the parlors and halls of parliament. On the battlefield, every soldier was fighting to protect their home.

Remember it's Protestant sects that backed the enslavement of Christans to Moslems.

That said the Poor White American protestant has been faithfully against the Moslems


Which right? Alt right or far right?

Lincoln didn't really care either way what happened to black people. He wanted them to be free, but not at the expense of the Civil War. He'd have easily caved to the South if they hadn't gone full retard and ran away, but then they did, and he emancipated the slaves in order to wreck their economy and ruin their ability to wage war.


like niggers are worth anything.


it sucks they died so a bunch of niggers could invade their cities.

It was about state rights..

More specifically, the right to own slaves. Most people who cling on to confederate flags are skinny manlets with a serious meth addiction.. and that is not being insulting, that is flat out truth - I know I live among them.

To them, state rights is very important - the flag does not represent slavery. But historically, slavery played a huge role in our civil war.

It is therefore in my judgement that the only way to debate fairly is to treat him like a white man.

The civil war spawned from a long, deep seeded disdain of the north and south. They were like two entirely different countries at the time and if you think that a nation split clean in half and killed hundreds of thousands of their own people entirely because some people wanted to own slaves then you're a fucking moron.

To think you can accredit ANY war to a single sole reason is just plain stupid. Was slavery a factor of the war? Sure. If you think there was a WAR SOLELY FOR SLAVERY then you're a fucking idiot. Barely anyone in the South even owned more than one slave, despite people being """educated""" to think the entire south was a plantation with 500 slaves per person.

lincoln only brought in the "we must free the slaves"stuff because he thought that it would have better chances of uniting the states. he didnt care about the slaves at all and it was just a publicity stunt basically. now lincoln got the north already on his side, and then wants to unite the country by freeing the slaves. assuming this was then meant to bring the southerners on his side it seems pretty likely that the majority of the slaves were in the rich northern states and that the southern states actually pittied them.

but yes. the war in general was fought because of money. the southern states had a lot of farming, and were selfsustaining and didnt want to give any money to the northern ones, so they created a high duty fee for anything going in or out the southern states basically disabling them from properly trading with anyone as the prices became to high.

it was about money, like every war, and the slave stuff is just a PR stunt like today is "we must protect those civillians from the evil terrorists we created!"

>My paramount object in this struggle is to save the Union, and is not either to save or to destroy slavery. If I could save the Union without freeing any slave I would do it, and if I could save it by freeing all the slaves I would do it; and if I could save it by freeing some and leaving others alone I would also do that. What I do about slavery, and the colored race, I do because I believe it helps to save the Union; and what I forbear, I forbear because I do not believe it would help to save the Union. I shall do less whenever I shall believe what I am doing hurts the cause, and I shall do more whenever I shall believe doing more will help the cause. - Abraham Lincoln

Just to reiterate, the vast majority of people who fly confederate flags, are absolute trash. Usually their yards are filled with garbage, they are missing teeth, their cars are spray painted, they are constantly getting in fights with other people, and getting in trouble with the law. They have serious drug problems.

They are the white man's version of niggers.

Slaves were a secondhand side effect of the civil war
It wasn't for the slaves
It was south v north for many reasons

any reenactors in the thread? im going to shadow and hang out with a regiment next weekend, what should I expect?

>Southern States literally released statements saying why they were seceding
>all but what, like two of them, say slavery is the main reason
>people still try to debate this

God damn I know Southerners can't read but Christ.

>When Abe Lincoln wanted to preserve the union and nothing more

Lincoln was in favor of waiting slavery out, like many people of the time, since slavery was becoming unprofitable and untenable in an increasingly industrialized world.

I should apologize for never owning a slave to someone who never was a slave.

>Who here is more right?

The reasons we were given for the following wars have turned out to be lies:

Iraq 2
Iraq 1
Spanish American War

But sure, the civil was was about slavery.

If the war was about slavery does that mean the union would let a non slave state leave?

Niggers are on a whole new plane of narcissism. The war was about states rights and the north screwing over the southern states. It's depressing how shitty our school system has to be when it panders to the lowest rung on the ladder.

kek where do you think that long and deep seeded disdain came from, user?


3rd grade history books, the post

Not if the reason was fucking retarded like the CSA's.

They'd been threatening to for years over the most petty shit imaginable. The only reason the Civil War didn't start years earlier was Andrew Jackson threatening to hang every government official in North Carolina.

The south seceded because of slavery, but the north went to war to preserve the union, not to free the slaves. or something


What is a non retarded reason the union would let a state leave then?

>The south seceded because of slavery,
No they seceded because they were going to be a permanent minority
Lincoln had no intention of banning slavery

>Rich people own slaves
>Rich people have all the power and are the only relevant parties when discussing the South's motivations
>South gets invaded because of the elite Southern Democrat's actions
>Confused poor whites go die for rich slave owners
>Slave owners continue to throw bitchfits for decades after while the poor resent the North for what they saw as an injustice, even though it was their rich neighbor's fault in the first place

Six percent of southern whites owned any slaves at all. The war happened because Lincoln invaded.


i think that 3/5 compromise, was literally a COMPROMISE... really makes you think

>The Civil War was basically certain states fighting for more state rights

Yes, the northern states right to ignore federal laws trying enforce slavery.

If you niggers were currency I'd spend you in mexico.

Wars are fought over money, land, or power. Any idealistic reasons spouted such as liberty, freedom, democracy, evil nazis, etc. is just so the average joe has a reason to go to war, so that he feels he has something to lose if he doesn't go.

What did poor northerners get out of the war?

you should kill your self.

The union was using the power of the state to squeeze the South for more and more money. Southern states didn't have enough votes to counter anything Northern states did. Their solution was to break away. Union got to tell the story because they won. Much like the allies got to tell the story of WW1 and 2. Accepting the victors side without considered the conquered leads to american levels of education that you see spouted here every day. It is like being on facebook.

i just remember i have proof that my family never owned slaves and i'm positive my great great great grandfather didn't take a bullet to the gut and bled out in a ditch so that "those rich plantation owners can own niggers"

i don't know why he fault but I really doubt that was it.

The war was about rich people losing influence and gambling to get it back. nigs just got caught in the crossfire. sucks, but it was no more racist that any other slavery in history. the REAL racism started after the war when nigs were walking the streets and whites were starving and lost all their land.

eternal yank strikes again.

It was not a rich southerner that told the north to invade

you should kill yourself.

Worthless bonds.

They did it because Lincoln told them to, basically, and because they thought the war would last like three months at most. After their brothers and neighbors got slaughtered, and they realized this would take awhile, they did it because they were upset at the South and wanted their country not to explode.

federal taxes, more influence in elections when 3/5 was scrapped, foreign funding

Of course I don't side with the tyrant, (((Abraham))) Lincoln. Long live the Rebellion.

get a load of this libshit!

It was rich southerners who devised the CSA and engaged in an act of war by attacking Fort Sumpter, though.

Read a book, nigger.

>country not to explode.
Letting in the Irish to fight the war did far more harm to the country than letting the South leave would have.

>The war was about states rights and the north screwing over the southern states

bible belt "education" everyone.

This kid right here is why the southeast US bears more resemblance to subsaharan africa than to any sort of respectable civilization.

we should really just let them have their way and slash the minimum wage down there, to take advantage of their large uneducated work force who are apparently willing to work for pennies on the dollar. serve your yankee overlords kiddo, we deserve something in return for keeping your vile little shithole afloat with our tax base.

yup. i think most alternative scenarios would involve back to africa, slave reservations like the natives, or allowing them to go the Caribbean. Haiti was a slave-founded country that might have been enticing to ex-slaves of the time.

oiling the cotton gin is way easier that getting niglets to dig through that shit.

The Civil War was a conflict of Federal Authority vs States' Rights and the States lost. This cemented federal power and paved the way for the Gilded Age, Monopolies, Mass Third World Immigration to replenish the labor market, Globalism, Central Banking, the Military Industrial Complex, Corporatist Media, and other horrors of the Modern Plutocratic World.

That being said, the war did end up involving slaves' rights because the North needed to win the war. Much to their chagrin as they needed to prove offensive capability to gain foreign support from Britain or France, the Confederate States of America were playing a very defensive game. Thankfully, they had a fairly large supply of food, lots of defensible locations, and some of the greatest military minds of the era on their side. So, the North had to win the war through attrition. They did this by conquering the Mississippi and cutting off Western States in the Confederacy, Blockading the Eastern Coast and the Gulf of Mexico in the confederacy, destroying the few industrial sites the South had with Sherman's march to the sea, razing the Shenandoah Valley which supplied the Confederacy's main force (Lee's army), and lastly the Emancipation Proclamation. If the North depleted the South of its slaves, they had no food production. Through these methods, the South was worn down and forced to surrender at Appomattox Courthouse with no foreign aid or domestic supplies left.

Lincoln was prepared to send the slaves back to Africa, but he was assassinated before he could present the issue to Congress. Due to the more pressing matter of Souther Reconstruction, the Freedmen's Bureau was introduced as a placeholder and Jim Crow laws were introduced to repress the Freedmen. Instead of sending them back to Africa, they were suppressed and frustrated for multiple generations making the freedmen easy pawns of Jewish Schemes.

muh prosperity through inflation

>How small is too small? Inside the 28 sq ft, $500-month 'pod' an illustrator built into his friend's San Francisco apartment
>Peter Berkowitz, 25, constructed a tiny bedroom pod in the living room of his friend's San Francisco apartment
>One bedroom apartments in the city rent for $3,500 per month compared to his $508 per month to live in a pod
>The pod is equipped with a fold-down desk, cushioned backboard that's slanted and LED lights for reading
>He believes pods can provide a 'needed fix' for people who want to add a bedroom to apartments without rent rising
>His eight-foot-long pod is also equipped with a sliding door and has room to store his books and clothing


i largely agree with the premise to preserve the union, but that was a single facet out of many issues.

the american civil war decimated the young male population, and left a whole swath of america with a shitass economy and few prospects. the war was not necessary, and was pressed on the average man by a few thousand powerbrokers with large financial interests. there's more in common with the whiskey rebellion

They're both wrong.

The Confederacy was about state's rights, specifically state's rights to own slaves.

But the battle flag of northern virginia has become a cultural totem of the south to represent their region and history.

I think it could be compared to the Israeli flag DESU. To a lot of muslims and kebabs and now some leftists, the Israeli flag represents oppression and they will be butthurt if a store has an Israeli flag in the window

I'm not even a dixieboo. I'm from the south and my culture is entrenched in the south, but the south was wrong in the grand scheme of things. Yanks and specifically Abraham Lincoln planned on getting all the niggers out of America and back to Africa. Unfortunately he was assassinated before he enacted a plan

yes, i'm sure the indoctrination centers in the diversity centers in the north are much better.

the south was poor before the war, and was nothing after and the north taught all its kiddies that the civil war was about big strong, irish, black, and dutch people whipping all the ugly ango, ulster scots for making those po' blacks work against their will.

The southeast is shit because the north burned it the fuck down, never fixed it, and let all the niggers loose

>California tries to rule the country despite being a minority
>The Antebellum South tries to rule the country with the 3/5ths compromise artificially inflating their population
>"I-It's okay when rich white people do it"

Plantation owners were literally (((them)))