Are cyclists the worst group of people?

Wearing their lame lycra with corporate logos on them (they pay to wear advertising), take up lanes for cars and create major traffic jams, want same rights as both pedestrians and vehicles. Cyclists are just all around dumb cunts, they should be banned, fuck them all

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they should have a number plate and minimum third party insurance to ride on public roads.

Yes. I lurk /n/ for the occasional plane and train thread and the cyclists are the absolute worst posters to ever post on an imageboard. Snobby, obnoxious holier-than-though snowflakes

but they say they are pedestrians when you suggest they need number plates

On the road? I would say the worst are people that get too close to your bumper, even if you are speeding.

We have bike lanes on the road and although most follow the bike lanes, they grt in the very furthest part so they stick out into the lane still. No idea why, like it is a straight road there is no reason to stay on the outside of the lane.

they are not allowed on the pavement so not pedestrians.

I'm a bike to and from work and would never refer to myself as a cyclist. These guys are assholes. I stay out of the way as much as possible and ALWAYS yield right of way to motorists and pedestrians. Safer for me and them.

>they pay to wear advertising
unrelated but similar, it pisses me off to no end how jiujitsu gis are
>covered in patches and branding head to toe
>looks like a nascar suit
>that'll be $250 please
motherfuckers should be the ones paying people to wear this shit

i feel like they deliberately like to fuck with motorists

that is true but they argue anyway

bike rider =/= cyclist, cyclists are the lycra wearing arrogant pricks

I'm with this guy. I put anywhere between 20 and 300 miles on my bike in a week but would never identify as a cyclist. I wear black or neutral tones and actually follow the rules. Still faster than most of those candy-coated fags.

Exactly, its like the ultimate financial cuckery short of're paying to let someone advertise on the stuff you wear

i remember well a southernboy getting pissed off in his 18 wheeler in San degio once and ran down like 18 of them because they wouldnt get out of the roadway.

they should ride their bikes on the sideways not the roads


>ITT a bunch of fat unfit fucks who travel through life on their arses, from sofa to bucket seat to office chair and back, lacking the muscle control to even raise their foot off a pedal for 5 seconds.
The indignity of having to slow down and be looked at by fit, powerful humans.

If cyclists would get the fuck out of the way, no one would care at all. But they don't. They act like cars until they come to a stop sign or a red signal, then they act like colorblind pedestrians.

Drivers hate pedestrians, pedestrians hate drivers, but fucking everyone hates dumbshit cyclists.

no, it is still kikes, then niggers and spics for a tie, then pooinloos, then the chinks.

If I were king I would declare open season on cyclists for automobilists, and would pay people for videos of their hunts

cycling must be one of these new midlife crises. a lot of cyclists -- especially the aggressive ones -- think it's macho or something. i beat the hell out of one in victoria circa 2010 for trying to pass on the right. he got all up in my shit at the next stop sign and i laid his ass out.

point is, whatever happened to just buying a porsche and getting a mistress? now every other middle aged loser wants be lance armstrong or turn their dick inside out.

Fuck you nigger.

The absolute worst

Fuck you at least the not destroying the enviroment by driving from A to B.

What are you driving a Hummer? Guess so cause you sound like a little Dick!

KYS cucklist

i dont give one pisss about the environment you little gay ass liberal pussy


I don't cycle. Purely for the fact most people can't drive and I wouldn't fancy getting run over by some nonce.

Cyclists are the worst. Fuck them.

>muh dik

Australians are the worst type of person and should be banned.

Dude those twins are freaks of nature and major autists. Leandro is a fucking beast tho

I drive a hummer with a Prius shell on it. I use the trunk space to burn plastic.

Yes. There's a great webm of some cyclecucks on a highway taking up the center lane, then one tries to move into the right land without signaling or looking and goes right into a semi

t. devastated cyclist

where is cycling pepe?

Yeah, it doesn't take much interaction with a cyclist online to get turned off on cycling in general, (((user)))

I will say that if you plan on going more than say, 10 miles at once, you need those faggy spandex shorts or your thighs will chafe raw. But you don't have to wear them on the outside, you can wear them like underwear and put something on over them. But cyclists are speshul, and they like to show it. Boy do they.

Personally, I don't like cycling on public roads. It's just not safe and people just don't see you. And you can't take the whole lane either. I'd rather ride a loud ass motorbike and have on a club jacket, if for no other reasons than it forces people to pay attention and SEE you.

Also it's the reason you always see bikers riding in groups, because as scared as you are of them, they are scared of you too.

my god, you're such a fat fuck

Those two chinks are so weak. It just shows how competitive "martial artists" are just masters on touching their opponents the most times.

Maybe you should worry more about the Muslims that are consistently raping your women and killing your populace than some arctic animal maybe having a harder life than it did previously.
Just a thought.

>thinking non-commuting cyclists are real cyclists

Also, watch the low jab with my ulock if you fuck with me on the pavement.

Those dudes are pretty good but they are really fucking weird. I also hate how BJJ now has become about points and not violence as it should be

If you're cycling through town to get to work, I don't give a fuck. I mean, yeah it's a little annoying when you don't signal, but at stop-light speeds it's not that big of a deal. Those people that do it as a hobby routinely travel in packs and go 20 mph in a 50 and don't even try to get over to let you pass. They don't pay attention because they're constantly exhausted. They don't even use bike lanes when they're there. Then they set up events that take up roads for miles and hours, fuck up everyone's commute, and leave plastic cups all over the ground.

>no true Scotsman for faggotry

I always turn on my sprinklers and give those fags a healthy refreshment when passing in my car

You have real laws that protect cyclists. Here if someone hits you and they have a competent lawyer? They're more than likely to skate. Serious.

Point A to B only allowed.
The road isn't a place for these dorks to dress up like a ballerina and ride their bikes to work out.

You're going to get run over idiot

Confirmed cuck. And you are now a confirmed cuck for supporting his cuckery.

lets cut everyones arms off to prevent crime, t rex didnt need no arms

OP couldn't be anymore correct. Fuck all cyclist!!!!!

Get on our level

They're up there.

>cycling path right through the entrance to my home
>waited 15 minutes for an entry
>almost ran into another wave of cyclists while hot pedaling it in
I guess I can't completely blame the cyclists, but they really need to work on picking better routes through an urban and suburban environment.

bike lanes should be built into all new roads

They're called bike trails. Get off the fucking road.


this is so faggy it hurts
when on a bike I don't wear all this shit and I don't take the whole road for myself.
I tend to apply two rules:

1. Only obey traffic signs that pretend me from getting rekt
2. No matter the place no matter the context if the bike fits a gap I'm going into it at full speed

Roads for motor vehicles ONLY

I was driving today and was held up by 2 cyclists on the road...literally 10 ft to the left of them is a proper cycling track. Why thr fuck cant they use that?

lets all unite against the evil cyclists !!!

>he's worried about the quality of the environment that goatfuckers and gooks will inherit


I think most major roads should have bike lanes. Regardless of how unsafe the road is to ride on they still do it so why not just widen the road 3 more feet on one side and paint on a bike lane. Not only will it keep these assholes out of the way but it would help out the ppl who ride their bike to work and what not

Found the statist.

No thank you. I prefer actually being able to see their pissed off faces in the rearmirror

This is my big objection to them. They claim to be a vehicle when it benefits them, and claim to be pedestrians when it benefits them (i.e. when there's a pesky stoplight and they feel entitled to just blow right through it). Then they cry when one of their dumb ass compatriots gets smeared all over the payment by an someone in an automobile just following normal laws of traffic like a fucking civilized human being.

Why didn't you spammed the horn? That's what I always do if the fuckers won't move. No one has lasted more than 3 seconds

This is now a bicyclist rekt thread

Your pulse is pounding in your ears. You begin to sweat but your ultra sheer skin tight latex outfit absorbs it. Every muscle in your leg is being used to propel you across the road. The cars honk as they try to pass you but YOU are in control of the lane. Every honk is just another notch in your cycling belt. You think to yourself " Yea , come and try me - I am a cyclist" . The wind perices the aerodynamic slits in your fiberfoam helmet. You give off a chuckle and whisper to yourself "Safety first". Your pumping hard now, the exertion makes you release little pee from your micro penis. It doesnt phase you. You reach the top of the hill - time for the reward. You sit down on your custum made extra cylindrical erect seat and coast down the hill. Your cheeks get rosy as the cylinder of the seat geta dangerously close to your anus. You think "hey, i deserve this, i am working out arent I? ". The seat penetrates deeper and you have won the day.

>Get off the fucking road.
Bicycles are legal traffic in most US jurisdictions. You guys that sperg out about road riders are legally in the wrong. Usually the rules are something like 1) same direction as cars and 2) rightmost 1/3 of the lane unless you need the whole lane, 3) obey basic traffic rules with certain exceptions depending on city.

>ITT: Fat fucks jealous that us cyclists can do 20-30mph using the power of our own bodies whilst degenerate fatties need a 1 tonne steel box to haul their shit-smeared anuses around

Stay mad. Also feels good getting huge alpha leg muscles from my daily commute. Means I don't need to have a leg day at the gym so I can focus on my upper body. If you don't use a bicycle for literally every journey under 10 miles, you're either obese or a scared little cuck who can't handle traffic.

I'm hard after seeing this. How does he do that?

>be me, cyclist since turning fucking 12
>19 now
>Usually just rode bikes from walmart until they broke down through my teenage years, but this year my Walmart mountain bike finally busted down and I bought a $400 road bike with my money I saved up from my job
>Absolutely love cycling, would never trade it for a car or motorcycle if I can help it.
>No gas, no stupid fucking maintenance(I don't have to take it into a shop, adjustments are easy, etc), no insurance, etc.
>Get to work out on my way to work, and when I'm off work, I get to have nice enjoyable peaceful scenic little rides around my neighborhood, enjoying the nice air and sun in my face.
>When I'm having a bad day, going outside and hopping on my bike and just riding away from my house and just letting it all go instantly relaxes me and makes me calm and happy and chill again. Suddenly, the anxiety and anger over Leftism and Jews is gone for a while and I can just simply experience being a human again for a while. Like a Buddhist meditating or some stupid fucking analogy like that.

I hate other cyclists though.
>Other cyclists, about 75% of them, are massive fucking shitheads who are arrogant.
>Don't ever fucking obey the law of the road and fuck over everyone they see because
>"m-muh glutes"
>All wear ugly ass fucking stupid looking pajamas

I try my very hardest t obey and respect the law and the rules of the road. Sometimes there's a big ass bump in the road and I have to fucking swerve off into the other lane to go around it or I'll face plant. That's usually it.

When a car is behind me, I always pull over into the sidelane and slow down and nod over my shoulder and allow them to pass infront of me, since I'm usually always too slow to keep a respectable pace with them and they'll be slowed down and frustrated.

Basically, I try to be a nice human.

Haven't been hit by a car in years. *knock on wood*

the women niggers of the road

God this so much.. every fucking day to work i have to put up with this bullshit, LITERAL cycling path 10ft away; but nope.. lets just cycle down the middle of the road cause lol drain covers.

lmao hey loser, get off the road !
this happened to me yesterday, some asshole thought he was the center of the universe rolling in the middle of the street on his fucking bicycle, i stomped the gas, and he got out of the way, and that is how we deal with you faggots.

Or the only way to your work is on a highway.

i agree with what you said but the greentext is way too smug

also nice quadro-quads

>thinks everyone under 200 lbs is a faggot
>sits on his fat ass all day eating cuck food
>he will never know that feel of glorious 100 mile self propulsion

basically a fat drain on Australias abo medical care system who will never know happiness

i don't usually watch youtube vids posted here but this was glorious

Coal Rollers are just male Coal Burners who can't accept their homosexuality.

I'm a cyclist, a lawyer and all PI's do free work for me. On every occasion some faggot does this to me I memorize plates and terrorize. be careful who you buzz, autist

You're in the wrong according to the law.

Funnily enough, it's always nigs in BMWs demonstrating that sort of behaviour in London. Law-breaking, aggressive, and insecure.

What about pedestrians then you dumb cunt

>create major traffic jams

This never happens.

I just want to slaughter them and feed the vultures

It makes me kinda sad to be associated to asshole Cyclists and see the attitude most here in this thread have towards them, but I completely understand, because I have personally seen and argued with jackass Cyclists in real life.

Fucking two Cyclists riding on the wrong side of the road, side by side, and I call out "get the fuck on the right side of the road you fucking faggots."

And they look at me like they're surprised or something someone riding on their mode of transportation would call them out on their assholish bullshit.

I have yet to find any fucking real valid justification from these idiots for their behavior, and I whole heartedly think they deserve to get run off the road or hurt from their behavior.

Their behavior actually leads me to try my damndest to be as kind and nice to motorists on the road as I can. I mentioned earlier I pull off and ride slowly on the sidelane to allow other cars to pass infront of me since I'm obviously much slower than them. I also frequently nod at them and wave/give a thumbs up as they drive by. I dunno. I just want people to feel good.

Am I a bad guy?

Google "How to roll coal"

How about you keep to the fucking side of the road you fucking autists, you're not a motorized vehicle you will get ran over by a crazy fuck sooner or later, I was just scaring him but some people are actually fucked up they don't know how to use a horn

Lmao ok buddy good luck memorizing my plate as I speed past you at 70 miles an hour

>implying statism is bad when used to counter leftists

You're a big guy

I would love a movie where a guy kills cyclists, the scrawney pekerheads

day of the wheel when? purge all cyclists WHEEL WAR NOW

>they grt in the very furthest part so they stick out into the lane still.

Are you in a part of the US that gets snow? Here after winter, the sides of the roads are covered in gravel, dirt, glass and a bunch of crap that accumulated during winter. Trying to roll on that is a guaranteed puncture, so you end up trying to stay out of it which puts you right on the line. Until the municipalities get off their asses and use the absurd amount of taxes we pay them to do their jobs and finally clean the streets, then we can ride normally.

Found the autist.


You know nothing of the pain those pretentious cyclists can bring. Live in a Dutch rural area and you'll see them every single day, glad not All of Them drive like Total retards.

>he lives in leafland and doesn't have a 29er with 3 inch tires on tubeless rims to ride through snow

until you use your fucking brain and get the right bike no one cares what you think

The windshield sprayer on my car is fucked up and sprays to the side instead of on my windshield so I use that to my advantage when I pass cyclists on my way to work and give them an early shower. Some of the regulars have started to recognize me.