Julius Evola thread

Julius Evola thread
This guy apparently is a meme around here but I read his bio and it looks really interesting: where should I start?
Also, somebody yesterday posted a mediafire dump of all of Evola's works but it expired before I could download does somebody have it?

Other urls found in this thread:


I fucked your mama's pussy

evolva is a fucking retard. so are his cult followers


Meh, hes got some good ideas, and some shitty ideas. Worth reading a book or two.



Men amoung the ruins, and ride the tiger were mostly good. Metaphysics's of sex was meh.

stickur cok in de tigrers boi pucci

Ride the tiger.

Read it.

You have a non blurry version?


tell me how something with this resolution is blurry you damn phone faggot

>had no children
>lived with his mom
>jealous of poo-in-loos
>inspired by a muslim
>too edgy to support fascism
into the trash it goes

Ok ill use my computer you stinking jerry.

Cant you understand we Americans dont like hard work!

>No argument

Opinion discarded, and I'm not even a fan of Evola.

OP you're lucky you share the same language as him, you'll be able to find more reading material.
I simplified the IronMarch reading list here, for my own reading list, which I've divided in blocks.
Block 1
-The Mystery of the Grail
-The Hermetic Tradition
-Introduction to Magic
-Doctrine of Awakening
-Yoga of Power
-[Optional/Read Later: Meditations on the Peaks*]

Block 2
-The Metaphysics of Sex
-The Metaphysics of War

Block 3
-Fascism Viewed from the Right [On Italian Fascism]
-Notes on the Third Reich [On German Fascism]
-A Traditionalist Confronts Fascism [On other movements and Fascism in general]

Block 4
-[Any other minor articles that can be found**]

Block 5
-Heathen Imperialism
-Revolt Against the Modern World
-Men Among the Ruins
-Ride the Tiger
-The Bow and the Club
[Optional/Read Later: The Path of Cinnabar*]

*Of at least partial biographical nature, but still potentially contain well-voiced ideas.

**For extended list see Also seek Synthesis of the Doctrine of Race (Sintesi di Dottrina della Razza)
Potentially a good point at which to start reading Guénon and Schuon

In Italian

Block 1
-Il Mistero del Graal e la Tradizione Ghibellina dell'Impero
-La Tradizione Ermetica
-Introduzione alla Magia
-La Dottrina del Risveglio
-Lo Yoga della Potenza

Block 2
-Metafisica del Sesso
-Metafisica della Guerra

(Will bump with this then continue)

fuck this shit OP isn't even here.

try libgen.io/
various lingos.

>Reading him in original
Can't imagine how his pretentious prose looks in italian. Start with The Hermetic Tradition follow it with Revolt Againt the Modern World and then Men Among the Ruins and Ride the Tiger.

Block 1 will scare normies away instantly. It's full of eastern mysticism.

perhaps you should just admit you lack the ability to understand his work in any language, Bugger

that's what they are into these days mate

Nice argument retard

I understand it but it really is a bit pretentious.
Not even close. Normies today practice yoga and think they achieved spirititual enlightenment.

Do you have a link to the books?

Awesome list, you'll enjoy reading through it. IMO you should upgrade Path of Cinnabar from optional to block 5. It's not purely biographical, and in fact most of it is reflection on his earlier works and commentary. In some ways I would compare it to Ride the Tiger. Learning about his relationship with Guenon is also entertaining, you get a window into the lives of genius autists from the previous century.

Haha I'm here Mikey appreciate it, don't worry about translating the whole thing I'll do it myself

Your English needs work. My comment referred to "eastern mysticism" in general, Buddhism-Lite, Diet-Vedanta, and MacYoga. Not Evola's take on these traditions. And I've just provided a link on which you can find most of his work if you could be bothered to read.

here's a link to ride the tiger:


Just got ride the tiger but I haven't read much yet.



So I shouldn't start with Ride the Tiger but with his spiritual works?

Looks like thread is dying but can anyone point me to new authors in the same vein as Evola and Guenon? I've read some Eliade but have never read Schuon

You can safely dispense with Schuon.
Depends on which languages you can read besides English. And also where your interests lie specifically - politics, spirituality, etc.

Start with The Hermetic Tradition follow it with Revolt Againt the Modern World and then Men Among the Ruins and Ride the Tiger. And after that maybe read Fascism Viewed from the Right.

From what I understand of Evola is that it would help to understand more ancient metaphysical works and wisdom.

Much of his work is a study on those tomes. So look into hermeticism, Neo-Platonism, and various esoteric and occultic traditions both Western and Eastern.

Then start reading Evola.

I know French and English. My orientation is more toward perennialism, comparative religion, spirituality, etc. than politics; but I'm not averse to political works

The Decline of the West by Spengler.

If you read French, then you're spoilt for choice. Having said that, there are a bunch of books by Titus Burckhardt also available in English now which are worth a look. Articles also available online as PDFs.


Luc Benoist's "Esoteric Path" provides an excellent overview of traditionalist thought and forms a great intro to Guenon's work. The extra chapter by the translator is a bit crap though.

>Greek tragedies
So what exactly is brownpilled? Well-educated?

what's with the hegelian wankfest???

>permavirgin larper loser who didnt have gf, wife, or kids

truly the embodiment of traditionalism, lets bow down and worship this cuck

Uneducatd pleb:
-> Maria de Naglowska, among many others.


Off topic but any opinions on Jonathan Bowden?

Tbqh, why shouldn't there be?

Just ordered it. Thanks

Read Ride the Tiger, and Revolt Against the Modern World.

He is very far right, and even criticized NatSoc for not being far-right enough even though he aligned with it is some ways.

He also is very anti-democracy as well, but do not misinterpret that. Reading his works will explain his stance.

He is an unapologetic traditionalist who is definitely worth reading.

Also this is really great. Just watched this last night.

copypasta on recommended reading

evola isn't a starting place. he's literally endgame-tier purple-pill concentrated truth.

if you don't know what the perennial philosophy is,
if you don't understand how rome ordered it's pagan society,
if you don't understand basic occultism,
if you aren't familiar with norse, greek, and roman pantheons/myths,
if you don't understand the ideas behind primitivism, traditionalism, deep ecology,
if you aren't familiar with fascism and how evola viewed fascism,
if you aren't familiar or don't believe in a spiritual plane,
if you aren't familiar with samurai rituals,
if you aren't familiar with the concept of honorable warfare,
if you aren't familiar with the metaphysics of life and death in primordial societies,
if you aren't familiar with the sacred/profane dichotomy, etc etc etc

...then evola won't make sense to you.

if you want a fast track to reading and making sense of evola, i recommend the following course of action:

read a basic primer on hinduism (a very short introduction series is acceptable here)

read a basic primer on paganism (not wiccan or witchcraft) the older the better

find primers on norse/greek/roman myth/pantheon and get familiar with them.

learn what you can about ancient egypt.

read mircea eliade's sacred & profane

read the aeneid

read rene guenon crisis of modernity, and also the reign of quantity

read logic & transcendance by frithjof schuon

read the unabomber's manifesto

be familiar with what fascism actually is (not what Sup Forums has told you it is).

read ernst junger's storm of steel

read oswald spengler's decline of the west.

read patriotism by yukio mishima

understand marxism and understand capitalism. and understand how they both operate from an economic materialist paradigm.

read spengler's man & technics

read ludwig von klages' biocentric worldview

finally read "the golden bough"

I've always wondered how he escaped jail or execution.

You're welcome. Coomaraswamy has a few good things as well. T. Burckhardt's Alchemy book makes for an interesting contrast (and a bit more readable too) to The Hermetic Tradition. His astrology book is also excellent. Martin Lings on Shakespeare (audio plus chapters online) is also great if you're a fan of literary mysticism.

We are in the Kali Yuga, the death throes of this world.
A primordial rebirth is coming and few will survive.
Ride the tiger lest he eats you alive.

You can find the details in Path of Cinnabar. At one point the police came to his door after Mussolini had been killed, and he escaped through the backyard. He was later charged with fascist collaboration or some such thing, and he gave his own defense which lead to an acquittal.

Off topic but is there a better format to read pdf files than Adobe Reader? Something that shows the pages side by side would be a start

Good post.
Throw in Fustel de Coulanges' "Ancient City"
Leon Gauthier's Chivalry: strobertbellarmine.net/books/Gautier--Chivalry.pdf

is this a joke?

thanks, saved

here is a huge collection of occult literature, including some of Evola's works

there's lots of great stuff on Hinduism, Paganism, Magic etc


pic related may also be helpful

sure is ambiguous larping in here

>muh read thousands of pages then you will understand otherwise its too hard to describe anything some concepts are just so beyond summary

>As long as you're not vibrating in negative frequencies 24/7 and have a couple of wards in place you can study in peace

some concepts actually are beyond summary mong

It's not, am I retarded and haven't figured out how to do that in Adobe?

not a single fucking one in the universe cant be generalised down to its core principles

your autistic larping about magic spirituality detracts from any observation of society

you can select twin page view mode. it makes la vita piu facile.

>I want a paragraph-long summary of esotericism and Tradition and if no one can give me such a summary then it must all be bullshit

Must hurt to be this stupid

>Must hurt to be this stupid
Makes life much easier if you ask me.

appeal to magic

you buy into this bullshit instead of offering up political insight because youre fucking retards

/x/ exists for this bullshit, this is where we discuss politics

if you cant adequately explain how they intersect without devolving into a larp, you're not in the right place

You think that Mega link could get deleted in the future?
I don't wanna download 44 gb but I might want to look for something inside that huge folder someday

>intersection of Traditional Metaphysics and politics



Read Burke and Carlyle

more Evola articles: web-beta.archive.org/web/20140704174700/http://thompkins_cariou.tripod.com:80/id3.html

I doubt it, it's been around for a while

hardly. pol 101 was hard mate, is that why you had to turn to mysticism to understand basic concepts like economics?

I bet youre a big fan of the documentary What the Beep do we know and that book the secret

>People jumping into Ebolas occult works without knowing anything about Neoplatonism and western mysticism

Why are you arguing against a worldview you don't understand by your own admission and an author you've never read? You see the absurdity here, right?


because this is a board for politics and you're discussing mystic shit that belongs in /x/ and when asked to provide any logical connection between the two you provide plato like that justifies larping

why not discuss kaballah and aboriginal gods and its influence on politics? ones no more magical than the other, infact aboriginal mystics are 40,000 years deep, surely they must be applicable to poltics also?

He's a hackwriter
>de Maistre
>Samuel Johnson
>HL Mencken
>George Fithugh
>thomas hobbes

I used to be an Evolaboo until I realized his traditionalism is actually just new age thinking.

Very anglo centrist list. Still good though.

Most of the good Western traditionalists are anglo lad. Continentals get too much into le ebin mysteries of the existence