Why was marx wrong?

Why was marx wrong?

Because he's a nigger.

Turns out workers prefer stability and reliability to "owning" things

Their industries failed, workers at factories would just run out the clock because they had no real incentive to work

For example, he stated that the working class (employees) are the oppressed class, while the capitalists (owners of the companies) are the oppressors. This is:

1) not universally true, since I worked for a company where the bosses were my friends, they didn't oppressed me and I got the exact salary I asked for.

2) This mentally of "fighting" against the employer basically just takes joy out of the work. So instead of thinking how to be better in my work, be satisfied that I contributed something useful to society and generally be proud of my work, Marx asks me to be unsatisfied instead and undermine my employer.

Basically, Marx is wrong because he wants to fuck up the natural structures that works and make the society functioning. This was just one example, similar pattern can be found in other ideas of his. For example I come from traditional patriarchal family, which worked just fine and everyone was satisfied with his role - we was a happy family. Marx also attacked that, as if he just wants me to not be content with my life.

No actually he's Jewish

That's Frederick Douglas

He's clearly black on the picture, shut the fuck up potato monkey, your ancestors starved on an island surrounded by fucking fish, kill yourself you subhuman.

He wasn't wrong, he was lying.


A brief look into the life of Karl Marx:

>had no friends throughout primary school because he was such a pushy faggot.
>went to study law at University of Bonn
>joined a "tavern club" and ran up a huge debt
>was kicked out of UoB for doing poorly and being drunk all the time.
>he threatened that he would become a poet.
>when he wasn't writing overly sentimental letters to his parents, he was fighting with them while at the same time begging for more money.
>continued his half-assed study of law at University of Berlin, then switched to Philosophy the moment his father died.
>started sucking Hegelian cock with other left-wingers
>consumed with erasing Christianity. Probably wore a fedora at some point.
>Pussed out of presenting his Doctoral Thesis at Berlin, and instead transferred to a lesser university to get his Doctorate.
>married Jenny von Westphalan, and promptly failed at all his duties as a husband.
>never held an office or any sort of regular occupation.
>they were constantly living in filth and hunger.
>at least 3 of his children died from malnutrition, and 2 others committed suicide.
>when a relative gave Marx enough money to clear his debts and start life fresh, he took the money an went touring Germany and squandered all of the money.
>always an asshole, constantly being kicked out of organizations he was trying to game.
>wrote Das Kapital while laid up in bed covered in boils and other health problems.
>died alone like the wretched, worthless pile of shit he was

You'd be fucking crazy to subscribe to the ideas of a self important, alcoholic dead-beat who never held a real job.

human nature

I work harder to better my own position, if wealth and property is communal I have no incentive to work any more than the absolute bare minimum

also see: making college free makes education worthless

Everything in Kapital is right though

He was right about alienation
Dialetical materialist veiw of history and his views on religion are hardcore autistic

fuck off traitor

yes kill yourself

Ummm because he was completely separated from anything even even close to realistic human nature and objective economics?

Transformation problem

Wasn't he unemployed and wrote the manifesto while freeloading off his rich friend?

Just some short points because that subject would require many points.
His observations on capitalism are often correct but his ideas were retarded.
He himself was not that different from Bolsheviks as people presume. And you should read about Russian revolution, Russian civil war and Soviet Union in general with accent on collectivization to see how bad Tsarist regime was replaced by something even worse.
There were few positives to communist rule, but negative sides were far more pronounced.
I mean, just look at Balkans, a lot of negative shit you see today is a product of communism or was affected by communism.
As for his economic ideas, most important problem is that command economy simply doesn't work. Government is terribly inefficient at allocating resources in general. Yes, you can undertake massive projects more easily, but it comes at a price of terribly inefficient economy. You can pump out 10,000 tanks, but you can't properly feed or clothe your population. A big problem was people hoarding stuff, both as end-users and as producers. Factories demanded far more than they needed, and then those resources ended up being wasted. When it's free there's no incentive to economize, yet it's not free, resources are fucking limited.
About feeding, collectivized agriculture was incredibly inefficient too. Russia was the biggest producer of grain before Bolsheviks, and USSR literally had to import food from USA.
On top of this inherent inefficiency, terrible corruption set in. Nomenklatura was basically a somewhat less privileged nobility.
It was basically another class system in practice.

And another local comparison, notice how many people here had an idea that you aren't stealing because ''you're taking it from the state''?
That kind of mentality and practice is simply unsustainable in long run.
Humans are greedy, resources are limited, government can't see and control everything, thus capitalism is the only system that can work in long run.
Yes, capitalism has many issues, but those problems can be solved by means other than going to another extreme.

Abolishing private property to stop class antagonism won't work unless in small communal or survival situations. Humans are not a hive mind.

Trick question: he wasn't.