Sup Forums, in all seriousness, how people are members of the alt-right or is it just a meme?

Sup Forums, in all seriousness, how people are members of the alt-right or is it just a meme?

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Reddit AND Canadian holy shit

If you're a white identity based nationalists you're alt-right. That's what the term was coined to mean.

I'm actually a centrist that agrees with left-wing and right-wing opinions. According to social media, being a centrist is still considered right wing. (global warming is a hoax, communism is bad, etc.) I'm not an alt-right neo-nazi, but I also don't fit in with conservatives or liberals, so I'm just stuck in the middle browsing Sup Forums for memes and recent events.

And almost coherent.

This. It's not just "conservatives who say offensive things" like the media makes it out to be. It's specifically white nationalism

If you are conservative or have right leaning ideology and less than 40 years old you are alt-right

so the university student "raid" has begun I assume? time to take your safety break faggot

the alt right as it's known via Spencer is a liberal psy-op to discredit more moderate types like Milo, PJW etc.

Very effective because Spencer is an attention whore and is willing to play the game, and because most people think Trump supporters are nazis anyway so the alt right thing sticks.

Spencer got like less than 1000 views for any video he posted. His think tank blog has like 20 comments over 5 years. This should be fucking obvious to you guys.

Same here. I just enjoy the conversation.

its made up by the left so they can sabotage peoples reputation

My membership was revoked last week for watching my wife have sex with a black man. They have pretty strict guidelines and by laws.

also daily reminder that the term alt-right is literally a buzzword created by the left to use against the right. alt right LITERALLY means moderate right wing. find me a difference between alt right and moderate right. guess what, you can't, they're literally the same thing and just a buzzword to use as ammo as a way to discredit people by just telling out you're alt right

so is spencer really a mole? can we get some proof on that?

Wow does your ass ever get jealous of your mouth for spewing all that shit?

To all the I I students, remember:

It takes no courage at all to repeat the lie that everyone is equal.

>the alt right as it's known via Spencer is a liberal psy-op to discredit more moderate types like Milo, PJW etc.

This is complete bullshit.

Spencer was headlining AmRen, raising millions of dollars and editing dozens of publications when PJW was selling snake oil and yelling about masonic symbols on the $20 bill.

Spencer was getting arrested in hungary for hosting Alexander Dugin when Milo was blogging about inclusion in the tech industry.

Say what you will about the guy, he definitely has faults and real failings you can and should hit him on. He's not your cup of tea? Fine.

But if I hear this "Spencer liek came out of nowhere guise" shit one more fucking time I'm raiding the IDF-shill farm. Yes I'm mad.


>how many or is it just a meme
>how many or is
Way to format your question like a retard.

Alt right is socially acceptable code word for white nationalist, anyway. So, the same people.

so how big do you estimate the Spencer movement really is? 10% of trump voters? 5? 1?

Anyone right of radical marxist is now considered alt right

Fuck it, may as well embrace it

>be /polgbt/
>spending time with my fellow fashy goys
>mom comes in
>says "Are you talking about those penis women with your gay friends again?"
>I say "Mom!" "They're called traps and it's not gay, it's called alt-right!"
>she leaves


It's explicitly pro-white, explicitly aware of the jewish question, explicitly dedicated to creating and preserving predominately white western states, explicitly not wedded to free market fundamentalist bullshit, explicitly derived from the conservative revolutionary and anti-liberal literary tradition, and explicitly anti-interventionist in the middle east.

Yeah other than that we're basically Paul Ryan conservatives.

im not alt right. Im pretty centrist. the fact is that the right is more accepting and diverse with viewpoints where the left has strict guidelines you must follow to be considered a "liberal"
ei: feminists creating the brand "white feminism"

It's getting bigger with time...
Hard to quantify.

If Spencer were a real white nationalist he wouldn't be allowed on Twitter.

This is irrelevant. If you have white nationalists tendencies you fit into the "alt-right." If you believe in free market and minimal government but have never heard of Rothbard or Hayek, you're still a libertarian as far as your political views go. You might not self identify, but the term applies to your political philosophy.

SafeBreak time. Come back when your heart slows down.


I would say about 1/4 of Trump voters have a mindset that is inherently (ethno)nationalistic and rejects modern conservatism out of hand. I would estimate more so among young Trump supporters.

As for people who regularly follow Spencer or other Alt Right figures media and agree with it and know the memes? Maybe 5%, but much more skewed young.

People who literally follow Spencer around the country or are members of activist groups that explicitly identify as "Alt Right" or have dedicated significant portions of their lives to participating in the "Alt-Right" in different ways. Like 5,000 people.

Holy shit I didn't even realize this had happened. Everyone in this thread skip to 2:20 and tell me RS "came out of nowhere."

Would you say it still holds up to that definition still?

SJW college faggot

fucking KEK!!

Cool meme, kike. Real original.

Fuck I'm 42 and been on the web since '95 :( muh feels

pussy faggot

>Containment label made by (((them)))
> Kinda like pol was originally a containment board, but spun out of control

And 1:07:00

Jesus. It blows my mind that people don't know this shit.

just remember, we have guests.

32 and alt right. White nationalist. Look at a crime map and it's the same as a demographic map. Whites are superior and the United States has bases in all your pussy countries.

>Spencer was getting arrested in hungary for hosting Alexander Dugin

Oh, so he's Putin's plant then? Even better, i'll go make a donation.

It's a meme
Never post here again

It's a rare case of MSM meming something into reality.

i'd like her out like a yogurt lid

i guess where i disagree with the alt-right is how muc they attribute blacks doing bad to race, and not culture.

It's a meme tell your friends

so you believe 1/4 of trump voters want either an ethnostate for whites someplace, or want europe and america only for whites? That seems like a ridiculous number.

The Alt-Right is an Israel/CIA controlled opposition campaign. The very term was coined by a Jew and now the leaders of the (((alt-right))) are either Jews themselves or Zionists that shill for Israel and/or Civic Nationalism. The Alt-Right was designed to be a response to ANTIFA. The goal is to divide the American public against itself through the use of opposing political ideologies. Antifa/Alt-Right are fighting in the streets for something neither will ever see fulfilled. You're being distracted while the real threat already sits in seats of Government. It's all a psyop and we're very close to losing.

Wake up, Neo.

We seriously need to ban ''is x a joke'' thread

>It also holding conservative/traditional values and being redpilled on JQ/ZIONISM

It's a meme. They will never get off the ground like so many other white nationalist/supremacist groups that have popped up over the years. The only reason why it's getting any coverage at all is because the media needs a boogeyman to get democrats to get out and vote against republicans.

The alt-right isn't "redpilled" on JQ/Zionism. Richard Spencer and Jared Taylor reject anti-semitism and Mike Enoch is married to a jew.

What am I supposed to do with all these sources?


which claim exactly do require sources for

Bullshit, this makes more sense

>Unironically using the term "antisemitism"
>Saying that Spencer doesn't talk about the Jews and their crimes

t. a leaf shill

Is Spencer praising Russia or Israel?

Oh, this pasta again.

Get connected to your local Alt right group. I am serious. Some of it is cringe some of it is keks and some of it is saving western civilization.

A combination as useful as Anne Frank's drum-kit

Oh, no refuting my claims again.

>The very term was coined by a Jew

who cares?

>the leaders of the (((alt-right))) are either Jews themselves or Zionists that shill for Israel and/or Civic Nationalism


>You're being distracted while the real threat already sits in seats of Government

let's hear your plan of action.

Talking about jews and saying they need to get the fuck out of America are two different things bud. They don't deny the holocaust and they aren't for the removal of jews which is why most fascists and KKK reject the alt-right. That and their aversion to rejecting faggotry.

The alt-right is full of redditors, fraud e-celebs and jews. It's perhaps the most jewish invention in modern times.

Alt-Right is a meme. Either you're a full-blown traditionalist or a civic nationalist. Or an Ancap but we don't talk about those "people".

Don't use the term "alt-right". It is a meme popularized by the left to shut people down. We are not some cohesive movement. We agree on next to nothing. We are simply Sup Forums.

>who cares?
Most everyone thinks the "alt-right" started on Sup Forums. They dont know it was a Jew and a Zionist who came up with the idea. So who cares? Everyone isn't either a Jew or a Zionist traitor. All Jews are bad.

pick one of the leaders of the altright you believe is NOT a Jew or a Zionist shill and I will prove otherwise :) Go ahead. I'll wait.

>let's hear your plan of action.
There is no plan and even less action if the People are confused or misled as to what is actually happening. You need real understanding before you can decide how to respond to the actual threat.

>most fascists and KKK
So no one rejects the Alt Right. Thanks for clarifying.

BTW, how are those fascist KKK rallies going up in Canada?


>to discredit more moderate types like Milo, PJW etc.
those "moderates" have no philosophy, no ideas, no projects, no plans, no vision for the future.
The entirety of their beliefs can be summed up as:
>let the left do what is doing while we mock them on the youtubes
>do not organize in any way, do not search for alternative philosophies or ideologies, do not effectively resist any policy, just point and laugh at fat pink haired weirdos and do nothing else

The CIA/Mossad connection

I thought we were a mix of crypto-fascists, ancaps and fags?

>pick one

You first. Name one person, actually alive today and who anyone on this board might know, who you do not consider a shill, a jew, a zionist, or otherwise unfit to lead a pro-white movement.

Name one. And then I might take your (mostly easily refuted) arguments seriously.

what's a crypto-fascist?

Paul Gottfriend created the "alt-right" along with Richard Spencer. See pic here: Paul Gottfried is an Israeli Zionist Jew who "opposes both the Civil Rights Act and white nationalism."


Richard Spencer is a CIA asset. He's in with the Bushes and his wife is connected to Russian intelligence.

>pic related

America, Israel, Russia, North Korea and etc. are aligned. What you're seeing on the news is meant to entertain and distract you.

B-but, this is an anonymous board...
We don't have a centralized power structure, ideas lead us, the chaff falls, the cream rises. Fag

You said my claim that EVERY alt-right leader is a Jew or a Zionist is wrong. I therefore asked you to name one you dont believe is a Jew/Zionist. You failed to do so.

I accept your defeat.

>They dont know it was a Jew and a Zionist who came up with the idea.

how is it relevant? would you like the movement more if a non-jew had come up with the name? or if they change the name to something else? bringing this up seems like grasping at straws in a desperate d&c attempt.

>pick one of the leaders of the altright you believe is NOT a Jew or a Zionist shill and I will prove otherwise :)

>pick one of the leaders of the altright you believe is NOT a Jew or a Zionist shill and I will prove otherwise :)

you pick one. name any prominent member of the alt-right that is trying to drum up support for jews/israel.

You implied you were doing anything but pointless trolling and consensus breaking. I have good through every one of these shitty inforgraphics with you (I imagine it is actually you or at least someone from the same organization) at least 10 times.

Now, name one person who is both alive and not a shill, jew, zionist puppet or otherwise unfit.

Name. One. Person.

It's white nationalism. It's useful for subtlety and as a general search term for aggregating pro-white content. It provides a good label for those open minded enough to be pro-white but still may be put off by Natsoc or fascist imagery.

Better yet, all the people who tried to claim the term but weren't white nationalists (Thernobich, PJW, Gavin/Rebel Media) have all abandoned the term. Re: numbers, Fash the Nation was getting 100k listens a week during it's height, as I recall. Dailystormer gets 160k unique daily views. Those are just two media forms, but there's no way to get a total headcount.

Alt right is just a strawman created by (((them))) to lump every trumpsupporter, conservative/rightwinger, stormfag and any one being against the establishment together to then discredit them all based on a few negative examples they mostly fabricate themselves.
also now they dont have all kinds of people with all kinds of cultural, social, and ethnical background hating the establishment for all kinds of different reasons, but just this fringe bigoted and racist alt right group. everyone who identifies himself as alt right is either a usefull idiot or shill.

Yes 6 years of writing for blogs and suddenly becoming relevant with maybe a few thousands followers =CIA

You paranoid faggots are so retarded

Why was Spencer in Israel with Gottfried?
Why is Spencer "close" friends with a Jew who is against white national but pro-Zionism?
Why does Spencer, who as you said "came out of nowhere," have a relationship with the Bush family?
Why is Spencer's wife connected to the Russian government?

Every alt-right leader is either a Jew or a Zionist. Disagree? Name one that isn't.

Go ahead. I'll wait.

Alt right usually believe Muslims instead of the Jews are the problem.
Sup Forums is a Ron paul/national socialist/libertarian board. A real pol user beleves Trump is a Jewish puppet and the alt right suck the cock of trump like millennials suck the cock of Bernie Sanders.

Name someone who isn't a shill, jew, zionist or otherwise unfit.

Name one person. Go ahead. I'll wait.

is this real

David Duke faggot...


confirmed shill.

there isnt an alt-right leader who isnt also a Jew or a Zionist. im glad you agree.

duke isn't altright.
he isnt speaking at schools.
he isnt raising money for his agenda.
he's a white nationalist.
try harder.


The term "alt-right" has been around for about 7 years, really started to gain traction 3 or 4 years ago. In it's broadest sense it was a description of the whole evolving far-right, reactionary zeitgeist that includes Moldbug, NRX, Sup Forums, frog twitter, My Posting Career, the identitarian movement, etc. But most of all it was the new, young white nationalism.

Sup Forums doesn't need a label- If anything, we're just the Right, or the far right- you don't really need a cute term when you're actively calling for a race war. We should have no leaders, no group or movement that we're tried to because it could always go south. Sup Forums doesn't hop on the ship and therefore can't go down with the ship. All we need are our principals and dank memes. But by the original, broadest sense, Sup Forums was unquestionably included in the phenomenon that the alt-right described- to pretend otherwise would be like some leftist going "Um no dude, I'm not a COMMUNIST, Im just a guy who wants to see the proletariat rise up in a global revolution and seize the means of production don't label be brah"

But this all changed in 2016 after the Trump phenomenon brought increased attention to us and Spencer evidently saw the change for gone and attention. Spencer now treats "alt-right" like it's a political party or a club, something you can have membership in. I have mixed feelings about this, because it's kind of gay. Giving it a logo, especially one that fucking shitty, is not in keeping with the original meaning of the term, which was more a broad description of a set of discussions. On the other hand, Spencer, unlike nearly all of the visible personalities who have ever been associated with the term, keeps the focus squarely and unflinchingly on white identity and white nationalism.

Doing college speaking tours and never ceding an inch on the focus of white, white, white is incredibly valuable in a world where everything inevitably slides left when it enters the public discussion.

Actually I found that article from googling and find it interesting. I believe you about who Gottfried was and his tie to Spencer.

>America, Israel, Russia, North Korea and etc. are aligned. What you're seeing on the news is meant to entertain and distract you.
Why did you go there?

Yeah. How do you think it is that someone like (52Wo0Qnz) shows up in every single thread with the SAME completely retarded infographics and the SAME copypasta. Every. Single. Time.

You really think there's some dedicated right-winger devoting this much time to warning us about shills and zionists? No. This is literally a Soros or similar professional shill.

Notice how he still can't name a single person on earth who isn't a shill? See: That's because he's here for no reason but to plant the seed of the idea the entire alt-right is a Jewish plot. He has no agenda. He isn't "one of us" regardless of your ideas or what you think of the Alt Right or Spencer. It's just simple textbook consensus breaking shilling.

Still here shill? Name. One. Person.

Spencer had potential, but then he went full 14/88 larp mode. Molyneux has more potential of being a nationalist leader than this faggot.

>how people are members
The leaf almost made a real sentence boys.