How much did you pay in taxes last year?
How much did you pay in taxes last year?
paying taxes is for plebs
This is my first year in a """real""" job so I've not paid for the whole year, but it will end up as being £9,000. Pretty outrageous amount desu given that I'll be paying off student loan for 25 years and living in a flatshare until I'm 30, this a bit of a Reddit-tier comment but the older generation really have fucked things over for the younger generation in the UK.
So figuring about an average 50 hr workweek minus time off comes out to roughly $8/hr in tax
Sorry not a slave to the state
How is that possible
$35k state local federal. Cut the taxes and gibs president trump!
I paid zero tax, my wealth allows me to do this and get away with it.. And to not need a job so I can fuck off all day doing as I please..
$247k CAD
Owed just over $800 when I filed. Not sure what I paid in total. I make 58k.
How is everyone on Sup Forums rich all of a sudden?
GTFO w/ your lying asses.
6 million mang
Your mother will die no matter what OP
too goddamn much
Management ;)
Around 300k (((freedom))) dollars.
50k in state federal and city
do you lads even have jobs in indianistan
27k in pure income tax
About $14500. Really enjoyed paying that 1000 dollar nigger care penatly for not having insurance for 8 months
Rich people of dont like taxes vote republican, and this place attracts right wing weaponized autism
About 40k. This shit irritates me.
By following the teachings of Ron Paul since 2008 of course.
I paid way too much in taxes the last few years but I'm working on getting my income set up so it's taxed less. Also fuck accountants they're not worth it until you're making like $1M/yr.
The penalty was stopped, dude. Trump did that his first week in office and they were never able to collect it except out of your income tax return anyway.
Stop giving the government an interest free loan for the whole year.