When did you realize the Catholic Church is a sham?

When did you realize the Catholic Church is a sham?

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Compared to every other fuckacted religion on earth,
What's wrong with it?



Jesus: "Do not call anyone on Earth your father."

Maybe 10-8 years ago.


what this guy said.

Its far more tolerable than most religions.

And pretty fucking relevant to our culture to boot.

What about your father?
....No seriously, this is nothing

The Catholic Church says that the Spirit can move outside of the Church. It therefore no longer claims to be *The Church* and is thus just another protestant church. But it is the worst protestant church if it is a protestant church. In giving up its claim to be the Church the Catholic Church has given up any reason for Catholics to remain Catholics. In giving up this tradition it renders all of the rest of her traditions null and void. She has opened her doors to all kinds of heresy and is unwilling to even defend herself. She has no identity. She is no one and nothing, and it is better to have never known her.

The church has been experiencing a resurgence.
bless our holy Father!


It's the most based form of Christianity out there.

Nothing like the Happy Drive thru feel good Bible banging heresy called Protestantism.

Yet another twit that doesn't know the Bible. Takes on verse out of context and runs with it.

When I got my first communion and I realised that the lamb of God did not come out of Fr. Mathews penis.

Underrated post

Well you're not white anyway, probably Muslim too... so we understand.

>It's the most based form of Christianity out there.

My man!

When a nun gave me a rosary in 3rd grade and said the little plastic bump on the back of the plastic cross was a piece of earth that Jesus had walked on.

>tfw when the Goyim buy your country's dirt

not a sham. it's just lost its way.. like everything else that jews have gotten involved with
get out

When i read the bible at 12
also SAGE

its true he need to larpg harder
i think he is low level in his clan

Only vaguely related, but:


When I was 8 and running circles around my sunday school teacher with the most obvious questions possible.

They literally invented the word propaganda. They have been a scam forever. Who's got the pope merchant?

The differences are minimal, why follow ancient comic book heroes instead of modern ones?

The church has been experiencing growth in its traditional parishes which disagree, and some out right hate, with everything Benedict does. And they aren't wrong to do so.

digits confirm the Vatican is run by reptilians.

Just humans afterall, as you were.

>some out right hate, with everything Benedict does. And they aren't wrong to do so.

Oh I see, the pope is only important when you agree with him.
Typical pick and chose Catholic

Go kiss a nigger's feet, you degenerate kiddy-fiddler.

Orale, pendejo. Catholicos son blancos.

Even if it was, the Catholics fought Moslems for hundreds of years. In the west they are the viable theology that can stand against the Sacren horde, provided one is traditional and doesn't forget their roots for the sake of (((modernism)))

Right before you realise its the only thing keeping the sky from falling

the catholic church has been co-opted/infiltrated by jews

they used to teach that jews killed jesus

now the pope is a faggot communist

>there is an entire britains worth of white catholics in north america
damn more than I thought

All three Abrahamic religions are cancer.

We aren't denying his importance. You just seem to misunderstand both his role and his standing. He serves the church, he isn't some uncorrectable king.

Most Israelis aren't actively Jewish right?

Truth, but they'll kill you for heresy so all that remains is manipulating superstitionists by affirming their belief while suckering them. The superstitious mind is immune to critical thinking as applied to their own fantasies.

They believe all faiths but their own are bullshit. I have seen zero empirical proofs that any of them aren't bullshit. Should such be provided I'll recant and kiss the FSMs noodly appendage.

God bless the pope

Whitey here...

>he isn't some uncorrectable king.

Uh, actually....the pope IS infallible.


preach on brother

I think you mean Francis

I keep the holidays and go du mitzvas when I'm asked....that's pretty active

its a cast system with jews on top, then israelites, then islam, and on the bottom is the christians

When my catholic teachers shilled for immigrants, blacks, and the ex priest who said, ''Scotland will become like England, and this is a good thing.''

Also, pic related.

It's true. Because Jesus is EVERYWHERE

Infallibility isn't absolute and applied to everything.
Yeah sure cause a church with female priests, degenerate marriage and non existent attendance is worth it.

>"When you turned into a heretic?"


Papal infallibility doesn't work like that, brother.

An early age, but then a few years back I realized I was strongly mistaken and became Catholic.

Going back home walking in a trail in the woods on a sunny afternoon following a grade 8 world history course on the printing press.

Fuck off jewboy.

As much as I feel he needs correction, he is still Pope as of now, user.

I know a lot of jews from panama post here, but there's plenty of Christians do too.

When I left high school.

Also, there are far worse religions out there.
>"Religion of Peace"

Everyone needs to stop living for the world. Live for the Father, this Earth is meaningless.

To that end, the Catholic Church has lost it's way. But so have Protestants, so have most people who profess to be a Christian today. The world is the sham, OP. Only the word is meaningful.

Another thread with Kyke flags popping up...hahaha

Get away you bipedal rats, you slithering faggot kykes.

When I realized that there is no god. We are alone on our little blue dot. This world has been built by whites and it belongs to us. Christ was a Jew, and Jews are the deceivers of nations. The Pope kissing nigger feet is just icing on the cake.

Well that stinks

Not an argument.

t. larping Wicca-tier faggot

>the state of christcuckoldry

When a priest molested me and my brother

Because it is a falsity, and a pathetic attempt to rail against others for personal amusement as well. In the absence of everlasting life the weak seek knowledge, thinking that it can protect them. Knowledge and wisdom are very different things.

When they started the pedo coverups

sounds hot


Went to a Catholic High School.

Parents never cared about religion, so neither did I. after a few years of Catholic school I started to realize what a sham it is. Before i didn't care, now I am against it.

He's right though.

And fuck off with the larpposting, you're cancer.

I'm not calling you a jewboy because you're from Panama.
I called you that because this is Sup Forums and if someone disagrees with you,
You call them a Jew, a nig or a shill. It's protocol.

>Religion of Peace"
Catholic here but I have to disagree bigly.
It's a pretty good debate over which religion has caused more harm and suffering for mankind.

I am 100% grade A potato nigger... You faggot. Can't wait till King Kim Jong buttfucks your cuckold country