
Social Democracy general. Stop fascism edition.

How'd that incident in Katyn work out for you?

what are you referring to exactly

If you permit the capitalists to remain in power, they will continue to use resources to push governance that gives them more authority. The only way to stop fascism is to dismantle capitalism.


Get back to scrubbing toilets for euros. You're not paid to take a break.

But SuccDems are social fascists?

>If you permit the capitalists to remain in power, they will continue to use resources to push governance that gives them more authority.
No? In a healthy democracy, if capitalists keep securing more and more power, it just turns into a neoliberal corporatism. Like in the US, especially visible when it comes to the corporate wing of Democrats. Nevertheless, it's bad for the ordinary people, who aren't allowed to benefit from the economic growth anymore.

How come so?



The fascists wanted to kill 85% of the Polish population, they weren't any better than the Soviets

Listen to me. This is real freedom, freedom to own property, make a profit, make your life. The West, so afraid of strong government, now has no government. Only financial power.

Holy fuck kike, kill yourself.

For fucks sake I endorse capitalism so do basically all Social Democrats nowadays. But I sternly oppose neoliberalism and yes I think some Social Democratic leaders(like Schroeder) betrayed the working class but sometimes it can be somehow justified by the economic situation.

Compared to what nazis had in mind, this was nothing.
fug off Razem


>betraying the working class is justifiable
>supporting capitalism
I spy with my little eye, someone who will run crying to his fascist buddies when communists come for his toothbrush.

ITT: Faggots

Fascism is pretty much social democracy without the democratic part

>USSR wanted to help german communists in 1919
>Poland fought them off
>SuccDems told Freikorps to put down the revolt
>Hitler came to power and invaded Poland
I hope those 20 years were worth it.

muh chapo trap house

Just came here to sage.

ancap is the way to go. fuck socialism

You're a teenager, aren't you?

Fascism is pretty much anarcho-transhuman-communism without the anarcho/transhuman/communism part

Holy shit kill yourself you fucking idiot

This Democratic Socialist group started at my school. Thinking of joining, thoughts?

>the rich run hogwild
>we just haven't let them run wilder

He's half-right, though. Fascism is a welfare state capitalism sans democracy.

Ask them if they support capitalism, then kill them all if they do.

I'm just here to tell you that social democracy can only work in a high iq homegeneous country. That's why it worked in Scandinavia for so long.
Try that in multirracial countries and what you will have is lots of unproductive people on welfare reproducing, while more productive whites have to pay for it.

We in Latin America tried that, didn't work so well.

If you see Antifa and think "Man, they look so powerful and cool, I could really make a difference joining them!" Then yes, join.

Fascism has more command economy elements than democratic capitalism or neoliberalist systems. Militarism and militarist organization of society is an inseparable component of fascism, most social democratic states lack that component.

>70% taxes

>be social democrat
>fuck over entire voterbase by stealing everything they have and giving it to muslim invaders
>expect to be elected ever again

They import all immigrants to get them to vote for them though
jävla sossar

Really baffling how their campaign slogan was "Don't throwaway the welfare!"
Literally muslim appeasers

some temporary liberalizing economic could be justifiable yes
ancap is as fucking the way to go as communism

oh no sorry, actually we've had a lot of communists states which although poor survived few decades, so you can make an argument that communism actually somehow "worked" for some time, ancap never did tho

I don't care about "homogeneity" I think multi cultural countries can work aswell, but I agree that social democracy needs a highly educated population(actually any system works better with more educated population desu) and strong labour unions in order to work properly

Soviets hated the social democrats.

Aren't Social Democrats and Greens ruling your country?

no I'm not I just dont really get what does he mean