>anti abortion
>limited government
>pro constitution
Is Ben Shapiro Based Jew?
Anti abortion
Other urls found in this thread:
Jew's aren't based, only burnt
He's a kike of the Ayn Rand school of thought that wants to turn nations into nothing more than business and money transfer stations.
>limited government
Pick one
>based Jew
ITT: Jews
he's basted
Ben is based as long as you ignore everything he says about Israel
He jumped on the band wagon of that cunt who said Trump pushed her down even after video evidence showed it to be a lie. He can't be trusted to tell the truth, but being a jew I guess that's to be expected.
other than his opinion on trump maybe
He is against ethnonationalism in Europe, while being a ethnonationalist for Israel.
So, no - not "based" at all. Just another neoliberal who spouts platitudes to get people o believe he's conservative.
>>anti abortion
wow, the jew wants to make it so blacks can reproduce endlessly, with no method of cutting their numbers like abortion does currently? based kike!!!!
Believe it or not, most Jews are conservative
No, he's a jew.
By the way, this is why you should NEVER trut Jews who claim to be conservative who are living outside of Israel. Always, ALWAYS when it comes right down to it, they will support Israel over the nation that is hosting them. They have zero love for their host nation, and only aim to ensure that the host nation continues to provide aid to Israel.
75% of Jews voted Democrat in the last Presidential Election.
So, no.
this isn't true
All of the things you just listed were either bad or inconsequential. That is to say thesee opinions are either a net detriment to society's wellbeing or are opinions held by the majority of sane human beings and are thus not deserving of praise.
Not if he makes money from the media
The only based jew I've known was non observant
The other jews I've known attend Roman Catholic church and pretend they're not jews
until they prove they fit the stereotype in personal and business life
Does he pay people to shill for him here? I see those threads almost every single day and noone ever refutes those points when they come up.
Also, totally agreed with you. He'd be just fine with turning the USA into a supersize mall populated entirely by coffee coloured people as long as Israel is safe.
being American is a net detriment. Oh boi my sides
They don't really give a shit about Israel, they actually quite dislike Israel for giving the goy a bad example.
In the end they will just work to advantage jews regardless of dislike.
I listed those as 1, they show him being leaning more towards the side if sanity and 2, being for a limited governmentioned looks to be against the norm for jews and something a lot of us here want.
I can understand why he's for ethnonationalism in Israel as it is part of his religion, but I mean mainly his views in how a country should be run not pertaining to Israel.
Controlled opposition. You either accept Jewish Globalism as the ethnically-driven power grab that it is, or you don't. If you do accept it, then you don't prance around in a kippah pretending to be an ally of Whites.
Now, if he were naming the Jew while wearing his kippah, I would be 100% OK with that and accept that he has balls and also conviction and is using his status as a Jew to point out the sinister nature of international Judaism. He could be a more mainstream, younger, and more relatable Brother Nathanael. But in order to do that, he puts him and his children at risk. I can understand his reasons for not wanting to do that, but having a reason for being a part of their power structure does not absolve you of responsibility.
The same goes for any Jew. Name the Jew, work to dismantle International Jewry, and I will make a place for you in the Kingdom of Whites. Half measures and pandering will bestow no rewards upon thee on Judgment Day.
>is he a based Jew?
How did I fucking know you were an American lmao
Fuck off you ZOG cunts
Lol I remain skeptical of Michael Levin and Paul Gottfried and they're a million times more based than Bennyboy
Save yourself some trouble and try to make your life as Judenrein as humanly possible. No Jew books, no Jew TV, Jew friends only to study; in person their fuckedupness is obvious and will redpill you
And of course pump and dump Jessica all you want
>vehemently defends Israel and accuses you of being an anti-semite for not supporting it
Um no, sweetie, he's a kike.
If any kike is /our guy/, it's Bobby Fischer.
The big questions are our current banking system, mass immigration and foreign policies. That's what matters the most atm, and he probably doesn't see a problem with current Jewish banking practices, mass immigration into Western countries and wants the USA and its vassals to engage into even more wars for Israel.
>They don't really give a shit about Israel,
Listen to ANY of fucking Kikepiro's podcasts and MUH ISRAEL comes up every single fucking time. I downloaded one of his podcasts had a description that said the podcast was about the left's war on popular culture. Kikepiro talked for 5 minutes about fucking comics, and then spent 20 minutes taking about Obama not supporting Israel enough.
Just fucking ask him on twitter and see how fast he blocks you if you ask him who he would support in a war between the USA and Israel.
NEVER trust a Heeb. The only reason he extolls the USA is because it's currently the most Jewified nation in the world, where's it the easiest to get the population cheering for aid to Israel. Just you fucking watch, as soon as the kikes have done converting the chinks to sucking Jew cock, they'll all move to Shanghai and influence foreign policy just like they did in the USA.
>How did I fucking know you were an American
Because you saw the flag. PS Tell Abdul I say hi.
He was so fucking right.
When good Jews appear, which is extraordinarily rarely, they drop BOMBS. They don't just sound Republican.
>limited government but wants us to defend Israel at all costs
So you're fine with mass third world immigration into the West? Because he mentioned that restricting immigration is racist and therefore really bad, goy.
He's alright. He can stay around if he agrees not to run for office or breed.
Some Jews can more easily recognize the more profitable directions. Ben's just riding the train with more profit, if it were more profitable to be an out and out Commie he'd be that instead.
Came here to post this. It's the one where he blew pol the fuck out in a few minutes.
Don't make it THIS obvious Schlomo!
Don't make us have to shut it down
>but I mean mainly his views in how a country should be run not pertaining to Israel.
And what views would that be? He knows full well that abortion will never become illegal again, so he rails on it free in the knowledge that his opinion will never have real world repercussions, but will get him some phat goy gold. He rails against Mexican immigration comfortable in the knowledge that it can never be stopped - it just gets him listeners - while never mentioning H1B visas whereby Indians are brought in en masse to the USA.
The fact is, he's a conman, like all Jews. He attacks things that he knows will never be changed, while attacking the things that could lead to those things being toppled - a resurgence in white pride, a strong Christianity, an ethno-centric view of the USA as a European state.
His entire fucking goal is to ingratiate himself with frustrated right wingers, placate them with platitudes, and then beg them to support Israel. That's it. Exact same shit with Bill Kristol or the innumerable kikes in positions of power all around America and Europe.
I'm not messing around but Ben looks so similar to me.
Fucking exactly. This is why Brother Nathanial is so fucking Ace, he knows exactly what the Jews are after and reveals all their lies.
Brother N is exactly what we could have had, by the way, if we hadn't had such shit nobility in Europe. Imagine - all the European Jewry converted to Christianity. Imagine, all the European Jewry like Brother Nathanial.
Pick one
Go back to r/thedonald and make your based kike/nigger/thot in a trump hat there.
Just like Europe and the sand nigger migrants, we don't want you here
Yes. He hates jews himself, see here:He goes through the intellectual rigor of justifying right-wing values while we appeal to emotion and prejudice. Not that we're wrong, but he's the reason why he's on CNN and holds the same beliefs as us and we're not.
Post proof, nigga.
>israel firster
How, exactly, did he blow us the fuck out?
He's against abortion - big fucking whoopie.
Is he for ethno-nationalism? Well, yes he is! But for Israel. And if you're an ethnontinalist for ANY other race? Well, you're fucking Nazi scum, and he's right there, urging Antifa to fuck you up.
So no, he didn't blow us the fuck out, his video merely showed us that Jews can only ever be right wing in Israel, and only a Milquetoast Republican everywhere else.
As a white man, would you not support your (if an ethnostate) country over others?
I was just thinking today why the elites in Europe didn't see the threat of the Rothschilds during that time period. When he sowed the seeds of global finance. But maybe by that point it was too late and nobility was far too in bed with Jews and their money.
All the bullshit about Jews pushing leftist causes to undermine the West when it's just because they don't give a fuck about being Jews.
No hes the otherside of the Kosher sandwich. Ask him about Israel
he does make some great arguments but still, a fucking kike
To me, financial control is the core of Jewish control and is why they have so many nations by the balls. Maybe somebody back then thought "hey maybe we should retain control over our finances instead of letting these Jews take it over" but who knows. Some patriots like Andrew Jackson did fight the Jews though.
don't fall for the kosher sandwich
lean right and you get stuck with Israel first, you belong to me goyim hehehe
lean left and you get marxism, social justice, go be a degenerate goyim hehehe
look for a 3rd way
>t. someone who hasn't heard him talk about foreign policy
Dude is basically a neocon once you look at his foreign policy stance.
Of course I would. I am British, I live in Britain. However, I respect the right of all nations (except Israel, which I will explain in a moment) to live separately and at peace with one another.
But these kikes are different. They know full well that Israel is fucking shit tier to live in (plus, they're fucking cowards) so they go to live in a host nation. And in that host nation, they work tirelessly to drain resources from the host to their actual nation. They pretend to be for their host nation, while working insidiously, like through AIPAC, to draw a tithe from the host nation population to fund their people in Israel. And they do it in every country the reside in!
For this cowardly, disgusting and duplicitous action, I don't think Israel - or Jews, for that matter - should be allowed to exist. They bleed other nations like parasites, deliberately weaken them, and enslave some to their cause.
Think about this for a moment - the greatest thing to happen for the Jews was the Holocaust. Someone complains about Israel, and the double standards whereby Jews are allowed to practice ethnonatinalism while we whites aren't? Just whip out MUH HOLOCAUST and you're cool.
>Based Jew
t_d pls, you have to go back
td don't like shapiro, he was a never trumper, unless of course his supporting of trump's syria strikes have made them change their mind
Not all Jews are against us, some truly like us and do act so
>some truly like us
That's why they call us goyim, right?
Fuck off, Canucuck.
Come here to Canada, you'll see Jews having it hard as us, they became goyims among their own but yes, they do exist. As long they are pro-freedom and hate muslims, vote conservative I can call that an ally
Jew > Niggers and Arabs here in Canada
NEVER trust a Jew. But steal their arguments if they align with pro-white policies.
Why are you so intent on defending Jews? If anything, you seem MORE inclined to defend Jews that your own countrymen.
This is a classic symptom of the brainwashed goyim, and he's just as bad - if not worse - than the left winger who idolises niggers. He constantly supports Jews, and does nothing for his own people. It's fucking masochism at a grand level.
>>anti abortion
fuck off
>Came here to post this
>Shilling for a neocon israel first kike
He has never claimed to be against ethnonationalism in Europe.
Holy fuck this thread's Jew apologism is fucking off the wall
He is against illegal immigration and the islamizatin of Europe. You haven't read or watched his lectures.
It's not about illegals, that's a fucking smoke screen. America has been taking over 1 million LEGAL 3rd worlders since 1965 (Hart Celler) and he sure as fuck isn't against that. He said calling Western Civilization European was racist, goy.
Not Jews buddy but the ones I personally know are right wing - they have 0 fuck given of their jewish identity - They are not all zionist, traditional or else, they are kinda unique here
The jew won't behead or steal me unlike the muslim and nigger
What's wrong with being supportive of your own race and wanting an ethnostate for that race, and working in it's favor? If I was Jewish, I would probably be a Jewish nationalist, same thing if I was Asian, I'd be an Asian nationalist.
And when has he ever said he's against white ethnonationalism?