Analogies for gender distribution

This is my attempt to illustrate the claims made by leftists about gender.

Obviously I go with the bottom model: nearly all people are either male or female and happy with it. The overlap is for people who have XXY or XYY chromosomes, or other medical aberrations.

Other urls found in this thread:

Some people get sexually abused as children, which causes brain damage, and they wind up homosexual, pedophile, or with gender dysmorphic disorder. Do not forget the self-propagating damaged goods of society.

>bottom = normal
>middle = decease
>top = mental illness

The gender debate can be resolved when you realize the 2 parties are debating different things.

Gender: The biological sex of an organism [male or female]

Gender Identity: The emotional state of being [a spectrum]

There are 2 biological sexes of our organism (human).

People are arguing 2 different things in this gender debate, each party thinking they are correct and the other is wrong.

who with the help of the internet can easily find a circlejerk somewhere effectively feeding into the delusions.

This is true. The difficulty with this image is that the bottom takes a view of two biological sexes, the top two look at gender identity, which is a made-up psychological construct.

Dont make up shit, they are the same thing you fucking leaf

There are 63 genders. Fucking shitlords, all of you.

>The emotional state of being
Doesn't exist

Yes, the entire debate is mixed up.
Some are arguing about gender identity, which is psychological phenomenon.
Some are just talking about biological sexes.
And all of the above gets confused with sexual orientation.

Atoms don't make everything up. Fermions do.

This image is mostly meant to point out that the overlap is very small and massively over-represented.

i feel like the middle one makes the most sense. a hyper masculine man has almost no resemblance to a seedy estrogen-laden bitch boy.

Leaf phrased it clumsily
The problem is some now consider a dude that dates regular girls but likes wearing necklaces a different gender
While up until 2008? It was just a straight eccentric guy; now it's semi-trans or some attention seeking bs


How would you classify humans whose genetics got fucked up while developing?

Point is he's not a different gender or whatever he's just a massive faggot

>this thread

With sexuality there's a spectrum but not with gender. There are three genders and there have been always, the third is very rare.

OP is a hardcore 100% straight white male who exclusively watches anal sex porn and likes girls with short hair and small tits. You best not come in to his world with any sexual gray areas, that makes him feel uncomfortable and exposed about his secret shame alone time.

The emotional state still devolves into aggressive or submission - fuck or get fucked.

Split it into as many sections as you want, but it's still one or the other.

There are 64 genders, you bigot.

How can you not care about ZžDIHRTYPLhis or DYAIDORLEher feelings.

Wearing a women clothes and silicon implants doesn't make you a special """gender"""