

I-is this the final political redpill?

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no, he's taken the black pill

>British """""""""""""""""""""intellectuals"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""

Tbf he's actually pretty intelligent, he's just utterly demoralised about the future of Britain.

>the black pill

He's too old and Jewish, the blackpill comes for them one way or another. They either go insane like Soros or fall into Nihilism.

Will he answer the phone?

What becomes of those who take the black pill? Do they go quietly into the night or do they go nuclear?

Yes, Britain will be destroyed if it doesn't suck Germany's dick. The power of intelligence.

He's concerned about the economy, morals and education. Hitchens supported leaving the EU, he just doesn't think that it matters in the long term. He'd be correct in assuming so, as Brexit doesn't help fix education or moral issues. And its affect on the economy is up for debate.

he took the bogpill

The true redpill is letting your dog fuck your woman.

What's his endgame?

i pity Hitchens. He isn't willing to take the argument far enough. Notice how things are getting worse as the country gets less British, Peter?

When you accept your own death...nothing can be worse so no threat phases you.

The black pill is actually red, a dark, Very dark, red color...

>even Peter Hitchens has taken the black pill

Truly these are dark days

Once you go black, you can't come back

Christopher Hitchens was twice the man his muslim appeaser brother is.

"PETER HITCHENS: It's not a Muslim issue.”

"But I also grasp that the immigration has happened, that we have new neighbours, and that it is our absolute duty to get on with them and befriend them as best as we can.
And this is why I am so scornful of the windbags and panic-spreaders who now seek to make an issue out of the supposed takeover of some state schools by Muslims."

"I have a lot of quarrels with Islam, but I, and many traditional British Christians like me, have a lot in common with Muslims"


>let's bring in a bunch of Muslims that will surely improve the country

good. let them dispair

chris hitchens was just a jew neocon who used to be a jew trotskyite


If that was true, and that's a big if, then his brother is a jew as well.

Christopher bashed muslims all the time. Why did Peter cuck out and surrender?

define the characteristics of the ascended ones. not giving a fuck is not one of them.

fucking hitchens

bit of a hammy faggot isn't he

True nihilists don't even get out of bed. They die from starvation. Or asphyxiation because they're too nihilist to even bother to breathe.

positive vs negative nihilism
learn the difference

I think it's clear that whites need to start organizing and battling on two fronts.

We should continue to organize and attack on the cultural front through intellectual channels such as Counter Currents Publishing, American Renaissance, etc. There is a small possibility that we can "win" the cultural war but even if we lose overall it will still be beneficial to have as many "woke" whites as possible as we move forward.

At the same time though we need to simultaneously begin building our own institutions and support groups outside of the system. Someone like Hitchens has seen the writing on the wall and knows that we are unlikely to ever restore the West to what it was. Groups like the Wolves of Vinland or more professional associations of like-minded whites will be utterly and absolutely essential moving forward. We must nurture and grow white tribalism with the expectation that the current system is dying and that at some point in the future we may only have ourselves to rely on.

Start networking, start working together, learn valuable skills, and prepare for the worst.

As he has said, Britain abolished itself

The black pill is the inevitable conclusion to becoming redpilled.

Positive nihilism is the logical endpoint of living in today's society. It's heading down the tubes and we're powerless to stop it. Most we can do is stall it slightly.

Brave. New. World.



Bog is the word for God in every Slavic language.


Time to take the vargpill


Only good thing you can do for society is to drop out of civilization.

Agreed. It's what happens when you strip religion, family values and nationalism from a people.

Why serve some greater good when you can just enjoy yourself and live a hedonistic life until you die?

He's right...Varg is right

Isn't Britain heading in the right direction though?

What's he complaining about?

Micah Clarke is an Arthur Conan Doyle novel

I'd argue your goal should be to bring as much peace and happiness to those you love and those in true need. That Jesus guy was onto something.

Glad to see the eternal anglo lost they last beat of hope. Enjoy sharia. London is getting browned into oblivion.
inb4 butthurt argie.