Alt-Light LARPing

Good going faggots. You wore pads and helmets to a park to suck each others dicks for a few hours. And I thought Berkeley couldn't get any gayer.

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and guess what? your kind didn't show up and nobody got hurt. kys antifa shill.

sage this shit

I hate Baked Alaska and the proud goys at least as much as antifa desu

Antifa pussed out. Can't punch commies of they don't show up.

what's wrong with them?

is that trudeau?

wow. 2 of them are white! well done america!

You proud goys make me cringe harder than hairy asshole porn.
You and antifa make the perfect couple, just a buncha do nothing faggots larping westside story


You can tell OP is hardcore "real" alt-right because he sits at home covering in fear of going outside talking shit on the internet. OP is gonna prove how hardcore he is by chugging some milk and posting some memes. What out, here comes the superior white male.

>altright meme

only if antifa was there to glitter bomb people.

>$85,000 in donations later

Bitch please, while you losers are out there playing dress up, im practicing to really mess people up. Even have an AK? Didn't think so

What are you talking about? Who got $85,000?

Also, I don't get what you mean by calling them LARPers. A LARPer is someone who talks shit on the internet but never goes out to the real world to actually do anything. Really describes most of Sup Forums better than these people.


the stickfaggot

>was there
>looks over at AR
>"even have an AK?"
fuck he's right, I need an AK.

That's great, just goes to show that the right-wing side is much more popular.

I don't get what you're butthurt about.

>paying a normie 80k to cheat on his wife and go play knights of the cuck table

Probably got a california mag lock and 10 round clip like a pussy


He's more of a man than you will ever be. Good for him getting legal defense.


>3 time CONVICTED felon

uh huh, sure kiddo

I used to play with sticks like they were swords too, then I turned 6

Not sure if this is news worthy. Community seems to be in an uproar about it.
Not sure why they would even come here.
April 29th: Rally Against the Nationalist Front and Traditionalist Worker Party

Not sure if news worthy or not but the city here passed an ordinance that you cant even pull a hoodie over your head, mask, or anything else preventing your identification while antifi and this for white people group square off.

Who cares, it's their money. I don't see what the problem is.

These normies are making right-wing ideas socially acceptable. They're certainly more beneficial for the right-wing than an autist arguing with other autists on Sup Forums every day.

Who the fuck are you quoting, faggot?

How many commies did you beat? Answer the fucking question.

you have no idea what LARP really is. Just fucking google it

daily reminder, these are the foot soldiers of your movement Sup Forums. these are the base. there won't be a shift in tone or demographics for them to the right in the future either, if anything, in time they will go further left, compromising on many things because they are a diverse cast after all.

anyone who actually believes Trump is the path to 14/88 or even 14 should unironically kill themselves right now. Civic nationalism is the only way forward now. A good percentage of those people are non-fundamentalists and outright atheists too. This is what Sup Forums wanted. to get reddit to join us and drop epic "redpills". are you happy Sup Forums? Did it live up to your expectations?

0 because they don't exist, Reagon killed them all.

I've problably beaten up like 30 gang banging black dudes. I pick fights with real targets, no scrawny vegans who don't shower.

I know what LARP actually is. But that's not the only way LARPing is used on Sup Forums. I remember a lot of people calling stormfags LARPers because they don't do anything but jerk each other off on their forum. But that has nothing to do with live-action roleplaying.

It does get gayer, the left does the same thing but they are actually gay, therefore it's gayer

The only thing gayer than the proud boys are the not proud boys

that could be armenian

The notion of prominent people associating with white nationalists and not being socially ostracized for doing that is an amazing step forward by itself. I never would've thought this possible just a few years ago.

>This is what Sup Forums wanted. to get reddit to join us and drop epic "redpills".

No, it wasn't.

Popularity is death. This has happened before and will keep happening. Once we're flooded with normies (now) the slide is in full swing. Just like Sup Forums was once home to gore and pedophilia it's now just a normie cluster where people post pictures of themselves and complain about their relationships.

Time for a new shithole to keep people out of.


How the fuck are you going to effect any real change that way?

If we went by your logic Hillary Clinton would probably be president right now because Sup Forums would have never gathered behind Trump due to his cucked stances on race/LGBT movement.

>Civic nationalism is the only way forward now.

More like the return of the Cuckservatives: The New generation.

>antifas creed: We will bash the fash no matter what!
>cops enforce law and protect rights
>antifa puss out

This is the weakest revolution ever. I hate you cunts.


>using 7.26 for happenings in America

Get out.

Oh please tell us moar! I think you are a fucking faker bullshit artist!


That's exactly what I thought.

>they don't exist, Reagon killed them all

For your sake, I hope you are joking.

I see honkies, gooks, bitches, niggers...

Alt-Light is real diversity, kike.

You fucking fagits probly never been in a real fight. I do judo and boxing.

yet you bitch on Sup Forums

Get off the computer and go work on your terrible form.

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.

YOu wanna go bich. I'm 6'6 and 260lbs. I can bench 300. I'll fucking wreck your candy ass

did...did you just literally fall for the navyseal copypasta?

It's like finding a leprechaun's gold!


Anyway been fun, but I'm off gentlemen. Was there, was a good turn out. The paintball gear everyone was wearing was a lil silly though. Sad I didnt get to see any revolutionary LARPers get btfo though, oh well.

Looked fun desu.

Coulter got cancelled but they held the event anyway and antifa thinks they "epik trolld" the right by letting them hold the event on their home turf.

gg antfa

>antifa are a bunch of cowards who don't show up if they don't have superior numbers

what a bunch of faggots