Fighting Zionism since 610 AD

Will you join us?

i already brother.
praise allah

Praise allahamburger
Fuck those kikes up

But they didnt exist, askhenazis didnt exist in those times

I'd take nigger jews over you dirty fucking sand niggers. Muhammad was a faggot


Shia or Sunni, brother?
I don't side with takfiri.

>Will you join us?
Apostates burn in Hell, you reprobate fool.
Muslims are worse than kikes because at least God swore to redeem them for the sake of their forefathers.

Muslims are the sons and daughters of Belial and we have no fellowship with you devils.

No, because you are literally worse in every way

Burn in hell

>Shia or Sunni
Sunni superficially. There are no sects in the Holy Quran.

Sorry Akhmed.

In the fight between the civilized man and the savage, I choose the civilized man.

Go away sheitan. Labayka ya Ali.


You may only post in this thread if your flag has the same colors


beheaded in 3,2,1

absolutely takfir

Fuck you Abu Bakr GOAT

>Shia's BTFO

> He will not behead us

We will work together to destroy zionism

Abu Bakr liked to cum in Umar's sweaty asshole

>Muslims are the sons and daughters of Belial and we have no fellowship with you devils.

Learn some jewish religion bruh! The jewish messiah is literally the christian antichrist. What does this make the jews?


Sure as long ad we can kill the Jews again

You can be a friend of the jews and not a puppet, goyim

White Sharia is coming fisabillah

Not by choice.

>pic related


White muslims only






Reminder that Mohammad was white and Islam is the white mans religion. Even Hitler knew how great our societies would be if we had adopted Islam instead of Kiketianity.

>haha not all jews are bad, goys
>just those G-D damned bull worshiping askhenazis!



Non fat jon tron holy shit.

zionism is not the only enemy
you are in fact another enemy
the enemy of my enemy is not my friend


I'm getting sick of this shit fuck islam and fuck this thread. Sage Stop trying to make your bullshit religion into a fucking political ideology.

I'm interested in coverting to Islam. Where can I start my journey?

If Western civilization falls to the Jews we will certainly join you, as long as we get to torture all living kikes to death for their crimes.

I am a catholic but I can honestly say that the American media establishment and the school system has taken things so far that I no longer care if muslims take over the world.

If global sharia law were implemented I would not care. I no longer see muslims as my enemy. I was once into a crusader anti-muslim mentality. No more. I no longer see muslims as the enemy, I am not sure how I see them now. All I know is I don't hate them and I don't care if they take over the planet.

The liberal leftist bullshit that Americans are spreading through the world has just gotten way too much for me. America really is the great satan as far as I can tell.

Well the conservative values of Islam are much more acceptable than what the leftists are trying to transform western society into, so it's no big surprise really.


t. muslims