Why do you hate ur country?

Why do you hate ur country?

It's full of Poles

It's full of Poles

>Living in a 40% non white country
>Having a political system that is ran by (((them)))/ globalists
>Watching my country's history being removed
>Lost sense of identity
>(((liberated women)))

Not enough diversity. 60% is way too many whites.

It's full of Poles

How about you Japan?

>history and identity

I don't, but I would appreciate some more Japanese people.

Not enough Poles

It might be short, but we still have both.

It's full of Swedes


>Why do you hate ur country?
It's Canada

No okonomiyaki

Women here have devolved into worthless fucktoys at best. Where can I find a woman worth wifing these days?

Try the university, lots of lone girls there

fucking cane toads everywhere

I wouldn't call it hate, more like disappointed with the direction it's headed in. Influx of the 3rd world, communism light being treated as legit, bunch of out of touch jews in power, etc.

look at this

All the people who aren't black are gay or jewish.

He said worth wifing you mutton head

University for women worth wifing? I would do everything BUT wife the girls I met in college.

>go to the worthless fucktoy factory

Yeah, nah, university girls are even trashier than your average girl, and paradoxically, even more entitled.

Church is really the only place to have a chance of meeting a decent woman, and even then, good luck.

too damn cold

chinks galore

I've actually heard this a number of times, might have to try it out, I just feel like the girls in church tend to be younger because they're usually forced to be there by parents, but I guess it makes sense that for every 100 sulky teens there there's gonna be one twenty something lonely based qt3.14

There's quite a few single women at church, the problem is, they aren't guaranteed to be pure. Religion fucks with their head, and they get all pent up, and explode into ultimate degeneracy for a few years. Some will stay in that mindset for the rest of their lives (some of the most degenerate women I've met had hardcore religious upbringings), and some will settle down into their more traditional mindset, and go back to church.

Not all of them do this, however. Good luck trying to find one that never slutted around, instead of one that's trying to repent.

I dont
America is great

Femboy Prime Minister.

I don't hate my country. I hate its people

>all these people with 0 national pride
please leave.

I dont hate my country, I hate the government and the people :^)

America is a gay country run by Jews.

It's completely hostile to any true expression of human wants, needs and aspirations. It completely destroyed any semblance of the notions of classical liberalism being applied to it's own populace in World War 2. Over a century of Fabian society marxist bullshit has warped our population into thinking that no matter what social problems are present in conemporary society, taxing the rich (and everyone else) will solve them. We drink water, we eat food and we think socialist. We have a political system that represents nobody and survives on pure tribalism. We have completely changed the nature of our capital city, because once the Labour party discovered that once working class oiks get a little cash together they tend to think more conservatively, so rather than adapt to this trend they thought it apt to import millions of foreigners so they would always have a large voting base (should've imported a few million more given their current predicament). We are America's lapdog and our quaint, yet glorious culture is becoming more base and vulgar as a result of it. We shot ourselves in the foot when the church endorsed the actions fo the government (wholesale slaughter of young men) in World War 1, rather than being above the temporary whims of nation and government.

We also have regulations that seem hellbent on destroying small business, I mean if your local Paki shopkeeper decides to show you his fine selection of tobaccos so you can make your choice, that business can then be fined to the tune of £10,000. We have a bullshit education system, which gives you no knwoledge of the classics (because oiks can't afford it, and even if they could what would they do with that knowledge except subvert our Marxist ideals)and history is taught with massive 500 year gaps. This means what our youth get isn't a richer understanding of the world, but instead a few trendy job skills like programming which will be outdated by the time they enter the workforce.

We also have a paedophile occupational government, which nobody seems to care about. Our biggest media entity the BBC, is constantly embroiled in sex scandals, but because most of the brainwashed cunts in this country (y'know like Northerners who bang on about their dad who worked on the rails for 50 years and was a member of a trade union or something collectivist and moronic like that) use this as their sole source of news. Not only that, we have to pay a fucking tribute to this immoral organisation under the threat of a fine for not choosing not to enjoy their homosexual/socialist/racemixing propaganda.

We have a healthcare system which has a complete stranglehold on the nation, is always short of funding, and will never address it's true funding problem (like Africans and Pakis coming over solely to get treatment on the NHS). Our governments, whether they be Labour or Tory want to browbeat us with this funding crisis so they can tax whatever the fuck they like (the next labour government will give us fat, sugar and alcohol taxes). Real wages haven't risen at all since 2008. Most of our towns look like the one in Eraserhead. Our police has surrendered all of it's power to the courts, so you have completely unsafe streets to walk down, but that's okay, I'm sure longer punitive sentences within our already packed prisons will show the criminals a thing or two (when they aren't fucked on spice or converting to Islam). Add to that the complete breakdown of the family, and multiple generations raised by the state, and single mothers all over the place with their half breed broods.