Just learned that Antifa is coming to my town (i live in eastern kentucky, ya know, middle of nowhere) to protest the largest gathering of White Nationalists in 15 years. they are bussing people in from Louisville and other cities, which from Louisville is like a 4 hour drive. im not really good at explaining things so i'll just link some articles.
They were supposed to have a showing in Nashville but it was a bust. Half the reason was because the Trump march they were protesting was poorly organized and mainly just a bunch of retirees. This event may draw more of them out.
Charles Parker
How do the local hillbillies feel?
Carter Young
since east KY was basically entirely Red in the election, im assuming most people here will lean towards the white nationalists.
i dont think antifa will have a fun time here
Austin Gutierrez
locals also just want an excuse to shoot people, so theres that
Joseph Foster
The antifas usually fold when someone fights back so hopefully they will get fucked up tomorrow.
Matthew Phillips
Nothing will happen. Those hillbillies vote in droves for Mitch McConnell, the rest are methed out or riding their atv. Looks will be given, shriekers will shreik, racists will race, and wierdos will wierd. when it's over, everyone will thank Jesus and return to talking about UK basketball.
Luke Flores
Kentucky-flavored Antifa repellent.
Gabriel Cook
lmao as much as i want something to happen, you're probably right
Jose Young
I grew up there. The facebook lies will be more entertaining than reality.
Julian Morales
Kill the antifa
Julian Baker
This is only ok if you don't use guns to do it.
Zachary Jenkins
Caleb Bailey
Isaac Reed
Well at least in this case they'll actually find the nazis they're always rambling about.
I hope they're aware that the actual nazis probably aren't going to play with kid gloves but hey it's always fun to watch a bunch of upper middle class suburban white kids get a spoonful of the real world shoved side ways up their asses.
Parker Cooper
If they're being bussed in then find a way to mess up their bus ride home.
So they'll have to either find somewhere to hide for the night and/or stay in their LARP gear in smaller numbers (while the more affluent members leave them behind)
Owen Bailey
This.Ultimate jewery here.
Ethan Gutierrez
can you go around packing?
castle doctrine?
tell me if there is any chance to see antifags getting slugged
Carson Young
oh i see
Landon Watson
I actually live in that shit hole but I'm out of town this weekend.
Connor Price
KY is an open carry state. Stand Your Ground is in effect. I sincerely hope it doesn't come to that. State Police will be helping local LEO and the Nasty Girls are "notified." Local ordinance banning masks just went on the books, UPIKE has requested students leave town for the weekend; this has the potential of either petering-out or becoming a powder keg.
Andrew Thomas
title: Origin of The Commie World
Logan Butler
Don't bring guns. Go there and protest as peacefully as possible.
Ryder Thompson
>more commie bashing streams tomorrow
Landon Turner
user you have to go and periscope that sheet
Luis Turner
Antifa in Kentucky?! These morons are making a big mistake, nobody here would tolerate their bullshit. If any Antifa laid a finger on me, I'd bust their skulls wide open. (Pic related)
Evan Bell
Make millwall bricks great again
Jeremiah Lewis
Louisville resident reporting: is very accurate
Jack Young
Fuck off! They destroy shit and riot everywhere they can. Taking the high road is what pussies say to themselves after they get their ass kicked. Go to win or stay the fuck home.
Connor Morris
It's not a protest, it's an event being held by the TWP on private property. So any Antofagasta that goes there may very well be trespassing. The rest I leave to your imagination.
Landon Brown
Nigga just shoot them, isn't KY an open carry state?
Just walk around with a fucking AR-15 semi-auto model and shoot them if they try shit.
Chase Moore
Bentley Russell
You have no ability to look into the future, do you?
Cooper Torres
Oh boy, I'm setting my alarm
Any of you hillbillies know how to livestream?
Gavin Garcia
>Pikeville passes emergency law banning masks ahead of white nationalist rally
Antifa antiseptic
Jackson Butler
No, but I can look at history. Antifa has rioted, thrown rocks, stealth attacked with locks, maced people, and physically assaulted people with their fist and it kept up until pro-trump people fought back. Berkley fell in a day because our side violence. Send a few of these fuckers to the hospital and I guarantee you'll start seeing less and less of these fuckers attacking anyone.
Nathan Ward
There will be around 300 state police here. I've been told the police have been preparing for this for a long time and there will be snipers in the hills and on rooftops. I'll be going. I plan on making a periscope. Some event is happening at 2pm in front of the Pike courthouse. So keep threads about this event alive tomorrow and i'll post the persicope.
Ryder Miller
This thread needs more attention
to many shills on slide threads
Aaron King
Kentucky is one of the god tier gun states. And unlike Arizona they can carry anywhere.
Cameron Bell
get out more, you stupid redneck
who do you think fucked your life and your town?
guess what, it wasn't the people that they told you* * where they = the people who actually fucked your life and your town and then used your own ignorance to point the finger at someone else
oh, and if you live in eastern kentucky and you're not fucked, then you're the one doing the fucking
Thomas Watson
Good luck brave user make sure to tage your periscope pikeville so we can find it
Jack Garcia
This is the most normie-friendly A Wyatt Mann cartoon, ideal to spread in Faceberg.
Dominic Stewart
Thanks, i won't be on the front lines but my objective is to chronicle the event and get as much antifa faces as possible for the database.
Evan Barnes
t. ANTIFA kike shill
Jeremiah Brooks
Good enough we all have to play our part
Isaac White
Good luck from GA! Show those Antifa fuckers what Southerners are like.
yeah, your idiotic beta fantasy will definitely happen
get those bad guys!
defend the corporatist state!
forever shiny and chrome!
Aaron Thomas
You are damn right. A lot of people won't or can't admit it, but that's the problem. Systemic nepotism, also a system of good-ol-christian-boys that'd make (((anyone))) jealous.
Either you bought the coal lie, Daddy sold the coal lie, or you peddle the coal lie because daddys coal keeps YOUR lights on.
Most are fervent religious simpletons, or conmen.
I ran ASAP. So should anyone else who doesn't want to live in 1940s where Mitch McConnell and Jesus love you all the way to the voting booth.
Luke Williams
keep bumping the thread nigger
Brandon Ward
>defend the corporatist state!
Funny how your leftists values align perfectly with the ones preached by said (((corporatist state))).
Jeremiah Brown
t. rich mexican trust funder from Monterey, living off the labor of your family's factory that replaced jobs previously held in America by American workers
Juan Cox
It was prolly NAFTA that sucked a lot of red state industry away. You know, that law signed by Bill Clinton Democrat. Oh yeah, can't forget all those affirmative action laws that cut people from working the few jobs available.
Fuck off cuckenstien!
Hudson Flores
Fuck you faggot kike, if I was rich I would escape this forsaken hellhole.
Hunter Sullivan
yeah, we're pretty big on wall street - it's totally our fave
fuck off, trust fund beaner
Nicholas Gray
>antifa commie >calling other people trust funders
Logan Baker
fuck you, nazi spic
you're doing just fine
Aaron Hall
You are practically their foot soldiers, making sure to chimp out on the streets to justify a police state, enforce their leftist poz with violence against unarmed normies and attacking the white working class in a display hypocrisy.
Adam Adams
Someone should recruit the snake handlers to come out, blast their mountain psychobilly and release the serpents.
Julian James
are you fucking serious, you khaki frat boy trump hat fuck
where the fuck did i say i was antifa anyway
i just hate, a.) rich little cunts like you
b.) redneck retards who think supporting rich little cunts like you is a special little revolution because they're sticking it to "the librulz"
i am completely surrounded by category B here in rural NC
Lincoln Myers
>Do not seek the psychobilly snakewalkers >lest they seek you
Jayden Adams
Yeah the 1940s and 50s sucked for america. Who'd want to live there?
Juan Lewis
I can't wait to ground your communist bones to dust.
Parker Lopez
>i just hate, a.) rich little cunts like you
Nigger, the way I see it you're a rich trust fund cunt compared to me. I bet you even have running water.
Carter Johnson
Please happen
Aiden Thomas
you jelly, poor fag?
Ethan Ross
Aww cute, another 14 year old cuckfag trying to make daddy mad. I bet if you were a girl you'd be burning coal right now.
Gabriel Jones
Stay strong, Pikeville bro.
Ryan King
You type like a typical Redditor faggot. You stand out like a sore thumb here Ancom shill.
Noah Cox
yes, exactly
you've analyzed a foreign society exactly correctly - leftists who oppose trump, corporatism, and the US police state are in fact closet supporters of a.) the US police state and authoritarian knuckleheads that support them, b.) corporations that spend millions opposing everything they stand for
get over to the banco del frijoles or whatever, and pick up your trust fund check, you useless NAFTA bitch
Jackson Hall
Conceal carry. Live to your constitutional rights !
Andrew Jones
1940s as in these people are still managed by people from that generation who are clueless as to how modern society works past "how it used to be". Technologically ignorant, entitled, and very ignorant. Imagine if you multiplied your dimentia-laden grandpa, and then put those clones in charge of everything.
John Torres
40s and 50s were a time of incredibly high rates of unionization, huge government spending, and high marginal tax rates for the rich
but yeah, keep voting for the Paul Ryan budget, you cucked Chamber of Commerce faggot
Grayson Cooper
"Hey Pa, hold muh beer while I knock this city feller on his ass".
Never fuck with farm folk, they grow big, strong kids.
Eli James
it will never happen, you fantasist loser
feel free to post your info and i'll post mine
you're just another sucker
Alexander Carter
muh cummunism gonna save the day
nuttin to lose but your chains
Michael Watson
Elliott county KY here, anyone else famm?
Kevin Carter
good memes, rich computer beaner
Matthew Price
Leftists oppose Trump for fucking retarded reasons, instead of crying "LE LITERALLY SEXIST HOMOPHOBIC HITLER THAT WANTS TO GAS LE POOR MUSLIMS, MY PUSSY GRABS BACK!!!" you should attack his broken America first promises and the filthy (((Goldman Sachs))) kikes he's appointed to fuck you in the ass. Plenty of common ground there with the right-wing.
Logan Perry
Justin White
Get off the internet, Cody, it's bedtime.
>ur mom
Ian Price
They don't, that's why they only sperg about muh white supremacy whilst inconveniencing actual working people.
Owen Morris
i grew up poor but i'm not poor now, or close (at 36)
so it's not so much that i'm jelly as i know what you are - and, obviously don't trust your sheltered spoiledfag ramblings as "populism"
>The left-wing activists behind the anti-conservative riots at Berkeley have ties to one of the nation’s most prominent pro-pedophilia organizations.
>The Coalition to Defend Affirmative Action, Integration & Immigrant Rights, and Fight for Equality By Any Means Necessary — more commonly referred to as By Any Means Necessary or BAMN — is one of the militant leftist groups waging a campaign against conservatives and Trump supporters in Berkeley. The group’s planned aggressive demonstrations against conservative commentator Ann Coulter and the students coming to hear her talk led to the cancellation of Coulter’s speech this week due to safety concerns.
>BAMN’s parent organization worked directly with the North American Man/Boy Love Association (NAMBLA) in the years just before it founded BAMN, according to NAMBLA documents reviewed by The Daily Caller. In addition, a member of that parent organization said to have founded BAMN is an admitted member of NAMBLA, which she has described as the victim of a “witch-hunt.”
36 years old. believe it or not, not everyone who thinks you're an uninformed tard is trying to piss off pappy
my dad died when i was 25 and he was an LBJ dem anyway
what about yours - he's a spoiled racist cunt, isn't he?
Asher Thomas
somebody please just set up an mg42 in a building somewhere
Noah Martinez
you should follow his lead
Xavier Rogers
Post war economic boom, together with rapid expansion and social conservatism is what made that era "great". But yeah keep voting for the party that would rather race bait and offer quick fixes whilst turning your country into a shittier latin american country as opposed to actually solving americas issues, you pathetic vagina hat wearing, estrogen filled white faggot.
Carson Howard
Owen Thomas
When will we all decide that we should reject both extremities?
Admit it.
The extreme of both sides are fucking retards.
Christian Green
Alright you slimy Communist fuck. I'm in Mandeville, Louisiana at 30.39381014, -90.10537395. Come and get me and bring your friends. I'd be happy to ventilate every last one of you limp-wristed faggots.
Joseph Stewart
little fork dude
Robert Morgan
Lmao that's even fucking sadder, your whole lineage should be wiped out.