Will antifa try to shut this down?

Will antifa try to shut this down?

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>PhD in biology vs Nye BA in mech engineering guy debating bio issue.
I don't Dawkins for his smugness and he's a cuck pic related. Yet I think he'll reck nye.

I'll take "shit that didn't happen" for standard jeopardy dollar amount

if i had to guess i would say most antifa admire both these men simply for their anti-religious views so i doubt they will but the trannies might but then again they might think bill will champion over dawkins which will definitely not be the case.


Fake and gay, however if it was real, Dawkins would absolutely obliterate Nye without any sensible objection. Non-sensible objection? Well... your SJWs, Anfita etc cucks out there sure, but sensible is the key word.

Comparing Dawkins to Nye is just stupid honestly... Dawkins is like magnitudes of order better than Nye in every way (and keep in mind, I think Dawkins is a smug prick of whom I would love to have the opportunity of bitch slapping).

>when even the smug left from a decade ago can't stand the current ones
wonder how far we'll go another decade from now.

Oh please. Richard Dawkins will suck the cock of globalism.


Surprising that Dawkins isn't a race realist with that kind of genetic thinking? It seems he doesn't want to offend (((them))) you know the ones that fund him and push him down our throats... Don't you dare correlate Brain Size and IQ with different races, ethnicities or cultures Goy!

That was a long time ago. He'll fall in line, if he hasn't already.

They both have incredibly weak arguments against the existence of God. For that reason, I think the only people who could win that debate are the people who don't show up.

Gender isn't based on chromosomes, it's based on gamete production. The ones that produce smaller, motile gametes (sperm) are male, and the ones that produce larger, immotile gametes (eggs) are female. If an organize produces neither, it's neuter. If it produces both, it's a hermaphrodite. This is necessary since other animals use different chromosomal systems and genitalia.

In fact, 1 out of every 1000 women have XXX as their sex chromosomes, and 1 out of every 1000 men have XYY as their sex chromosomes. But it doesn't change anything significantly enough to notice for most people.

t. biologist, this just always grinds my gears.

Richard "BBC Cumslut" Dawkins vs Shill Nye the Weimar goy. Whoever loses, we win.

He has hinted that genetic differences, although small, are a piece of information that should not be ignored. But he has never gone beyond that.

No m8. He still shits on muslims on twitter. He's a euphoric fedora tipper but he's consistent.

He's fairly close to a race realist.

In fact, he may be one deep down, but he is not stupid enough to destroy his career by saying that shit outloud. He's already taken a hellstorm for his extreme criticism of Islam.

Uh... no, sweetie. gender is a word. therefore its meaning is fluid and can mean anything.

Gender is social.

Sex is biological.

Genders are infinite. How you do your hair, nails, speech, posture, clothing, etc determine your gender. You could have a gender for each color tie if society wanted.

Sex is based on genitelia. Penis, vag, both, or neither. There are 4 sexes.

You can theoretically have more. Man provides sperm, woman provides egg, and a third can combine both and incubate. (ref. Star Trek). But thats a different species. We're talking humans.


oh man, shitpost aside, I meant to type "sex", not "gender", whoops.

>if i had to guess
You guess wrong, leaf. Dawkins is pretty anti-SJW, anti-Islam, etc. They think he's a Jewish Nazi.

Years ago you were probably right. But just like Sam Harris any professional that speaks ill of Islam is demonized these days by not just antifa but liberals in general. I'm honestly surprised Bill Maher is still on air.

Who the hell defined gender like that and when did it change?

>Jewish Nazi
So they think he's a SJW?

Progressive Democrats, in 2008.

Dawkins was born in Kenya...

the state of being male or female (typically used with reference to social and cultural differences rather than biological ones).
"traditional concepts of gender"
synonyms: sex
"variables included age, income, and gender"

2. bullshit about suffixes in foreign languages

Everything is a social construct you retarded faggot.

But unlike your fairy tale bullshit called human rights gender rolls have outside force to help enforce them.

There's never been a culture that had alpha females running around getting in wars because at the end of the day women's jobs are to be wombs and that civilization wouldn't have made it out of the stone age.

Genders are "masculine, feminine, neuter" etc. You can have feminine men, and masculine women, right? What determines masculinity, or femininity, or neuter is based on how you present yourself and what society you're in. Dresses in some cultures aren't feminine for example. Long hair in some are. Etc.

>gender rolls
Sounds delicious.

Actually, liberals now differentiate even between gender and presentation now. So you can be eg.:

Masculine man male
Feminine man male
Snowflake man male
Masculine woman male
Feminine woman male
Snowflake woman male
Masculine genderfluid/etc. male
Feminine genderfluid/etc. male
Snowflake genderfluid/etc. male


>adult male
>someone with a penis

>adult female
>someone with a vagina

How someone acts doesn't constitute gender.

Notice how google will say for things such as genderfluid that the definition is "someone who identifies as.." not "someone who is."

Even the dictionary fucks libs over. lmfao

shit, I think I need to call "The Electric" Pence to clean up this thread

a few years ago probably. it's a heavily forced meme. almost no one believed it a few years ago and now it's almost real at least in leftist snowflakes minds. but i think the silent majority is sick of it.


if that was how gender was determined then it wouldn't be congruent across different cultures and they would all arrive at different answers to a persons gender and then they'd all call one another trans-phobic. so no you're wrong and your "theory" only causes more problems and solves none.

is this actually happening?

>Genders are infinite.
Then gender has become a completely meaningless word. It's noise. It's an alias for whatever bullshit someone wants to spout.

Antifa are not anti religious, they are seem to love defending muslims and shitskins which are virtually all theists.

Better debate right here. WHO WOULD WIN?

Richard sniffs his own farts, but holy shit would that not even be close.
Quality work, OP.

no sweetie, word is a word and can be worded to word whatever word you want to word it to. don't assume word means word if it doesn't word you wordest fucker. because we all know that words can be worded into wordever word you want it to word.

>There are 4 sexes.

I just want to point out that this one has also been sucked into (((hollywood)))'s movies. Really makes you think.

>where do you work out?

If so, gender is totally meaningless, since it's exactly the same thing as identity.

Here's a better way of thinking about it: the gender of a thing is its correlation with the sex of the people who do it. Nurses are feminine, firemen are masculine; dresses are feminine, suits are masculine; paediatrics is feminine, surgery is masculine. The gender of a trait is easily determined by the sex of the people who do it, there's no ambiguity.

A person's gender can then be defined as the aggregate of all the gendered things they do. Consider a biological male who watches musicals, works as a nurse, wears tight black jeans, has a high voice, and drives a prius - he's pretty girly.

>This entire post
I endorse the day of the rake, stop taking gender studies.

Eyn Nye would easily win

Jesus Christ am I really forced to side with Richard fucking Dawkins of all people?

Wrong. Lurk another 3 months and actually do some research before posting again.

As someone from CT that lives near Yale, this is the funniest sketch I've see in a while for how relatable and true it is


in the CONTEXT of what the term "gender" is being used for here -- i.e., people who do not conform to the binary societal constructs of 'he' and 'she' -- gender is a wholly arbitrary term that could mean anything from male / female to reptilian / furry

either the esteemed Dawkins is misunderstanding the neologisitic definition of "gender" in the du jour argument, or he's simply being misled -- no way he's arguing that "gender", in the context of BIOLOGICAL SEX, is a synonym for "sex"

Bill Llib looks like he has some mind powers. Don't underestimate him, though Eyn Nye would easily win in a contest of pure physical strength.
At the Library
>t. City person

If gender is based on choice, why don't trannies choose to become men instead of paying thousands of dollars for someone to chop their dick off?

underrated...and true

>Gender is social.

It's okay, leaf, I make shit up all the time. I don't then try to enforce it onto other people but I at least make it up.

>1 in every 1000 person has a defect in their sex chromosomes
So it really is a genetic disorder!

my point was that you never can tell what individual aspects people are will to overlook especially if they're looking to push narrative. people may sidestep what dawkins says about Islam because be also denounces Christianity or anything akin to that line of reasons. people will usually use the simplest line of rationalization if there's something to be gained by doing so.

to become women*

Antifa are allied with but not identical with low middle class SJWs (most Antifa is fairly well-off) but both belong to what's been dubbed Atheism+ which Dawkins - though in part responsible for the creation of - wholeheartedly despises.

And no, no they won't sidestep that.


Science broke after Eintstein. They imagined back to the singularity and said, well I guess math doesn't work. Lets move on to nuclear bombs.
And all of science agreed that math breaks and there must not be knowable.

Wow, I'm surprised. What's going to happen?

Two members of the "politically correct" class going at it, in an open debate, not screaming at each other at a protest or snarkily tweeting each other from different timezones.

An actual debate.

If this goes down, it'll be an historical achievement.


Antifa have rigorous purity tests which Dawkins will most definitely not pass, mostly because of his views on race and Islam.

If this had been 5 years ago I would be all in for Nye but nowadays I'm rooting for Dawkins to lay down the fucking scientific laws

>openly talking about Lewontin's Fallacy
Redpilled as fuck

I saw Bill Nye at a lab in Los Angeles yesterday. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother him and ask him to teach me about electrons or anything.
He said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?”
I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Bill?” but he kept cutting me off and going “BILL? BILL? BILL?” and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw him trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen beakers filled with colorful liquid in his hands without paying.
The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Sir, you need to have a degree in biology.” At first he kept pretending to be a scientist and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter.
When she took one of the beakers and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any science denial,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a real thing. After she scanned each beaker and put them in a bag and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by mixing the solutions really loudly.

go home reddit.

So what nucleic acid is responsible for tissue differentiation into gametes when translated?

You're just moving the goal post back.

Dawkins used to be the lefts guy. Now they hate him. Wtf happened? We've come full circle here.

At this rate he's gonna say he's a Christian just to oppose the left.

Well amusing antifa has some set of standards resembling a manifesto and i just haven't come across it or pieced it together i'll presume you have a deeper understand of the organization. i just assumed through their actions in north america that they lack any sort of set principles.

How much has Bill Nye changed in five years? Was he that different back then? I only really paid attention to him during the mid-1990s, frankly, as I was a kid that watched his TV program, at times. To my view at the time, Bill seemed to be a decent guy. I suppose he was not spouting this ultra leftist stuff until recently.

>Wtf happened?
Atheism+ happened. Also the upteenth spiritual aftershock of the 60s.

Well, more like a decent-ish view of who their enemies could be.

He was a faggot Atheists and sort of faggot Climate change shill when I checked on him some years ago. Just seemed like some randie Liberal faggot but nothing major. Now...now something changed. I don't know what

gender = sex. It always has before that joke of a "scientist" tried to say it wasn't (with disasterous effects to the lives of the children involved with his bullshit experiment).

gender is muh fee fee behavior in society.
the choice is simple, be a "binary" gender or be an outcast. choose wisely and do what makes you happy. just keep it off my fucking lawn.