
Someone should give me some non religious reasons to hate gay people.

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They stole your boyfriend

Disease and a culture of emasculated males.

here you go

They're genetically inferior.

thx dad

Massively increasing disease transferability because of sexual openness and high social velocity.

Telegram for you user.

Extremely high amount of STD's. Fags are more likely to be pedophiles. They enjoy poop on their dick.

Siding with

good read
You shouldn't be against homosexuality because of religion, that's a bluepill
Understanding why religion, as a culture, banned homosexuality is the way to go

no babies

>Fags are more likely to be pedophiles.
Is there any kind of statistic on this? Just sounds weird to me.

Well, there's always google to answer your question.

They're already sexual deviants. It makes sense that they're closer to pedophiles than your average healthy person.

There's no shortage of straight kiddy diddlers. But it makes sense that a demographic more open to straying off the path would be more likely to have taboo interests. Also the closet homos that repress probably struggle with keeping composure around opportunities, hence why it's so widespread among priests.

Gay is a very very small portion of society. Yet you always hear that pedos are gay. There may be more straight pedos but the ratio between them both are higher on the gay side.

Bad influence on kids to the point where it may ruin family values and lose humanity.

I'm not sure. I think all paedo's are gay even if they are bi-gay and in the closet. All gays are paedo's too.
A pervert is a pervert, but once one is that far gone they will do anything, too anything.

The problem with homosexuality is that people are trying to make it a lifestyle. Ancient civilizations fucked boys on the side occasionally, sure, but they realized they still had to raise a family and shit.

Go observe creation's default in nature and then you'll realize a thing or two.

Now my portion yes the Holy Bible is true.


pretty good video in full anyway

55% of homosexuals are child molesters statistically

I have always only been attracted to older men that look like my step father. Not only is touching a child sick, but why the heck would you find something undeveloped, dumb, and hairless attractive?

The point is not gay people, as I don't think that most of Sup Forums even cares about homos at all, what Sup Forums and most people who speak against gay movements truly care about is that gays right are being used as a tool to political and ideological gains. It doesn't matter if it's gays, trans or whatever, it could be anything really, the point is that the media, politicians and society as a whole is pushing gay agenda down people's throat


>tfw gay and you know for a fact that gay sex is sexually immoral and you know for a fact that the majority of older gay male's are sociopathic manipulators trying to get some ass so they try to convert children into homosexuality which leads to more homosexuality which is bad but you just want to be straight because of how horrible gay culture and gay people are but at the same time you just wish you were a girl so you could have a tall and handsome straight bf.
why was I born

>2% of the population, 30% of child rape cases
>carry huge amounts of disease
>spread their disease to bisexuals, and then bisexuals spread them into the normal community

>2% of the population and 30% of child rape cases
This is the most retarded type of statistics. How many child rape cases are there? How many total homosexuals are there?

If 2% of the population is 3 million, and there's only 10000 child rape cases per year, then 3333 child rape cases are gay. 3333 child rape cases out of 3 million people. Wow, it's almost like that only represents a vast minority.

it's a power thing, a naked psyche it does not make


Are you retarded?

You are trying to measure how many child molesters are gay relative to normal child molestation not how many gay child molesters there are relative to the total population.

The number is 55% as I stated above

I'd say spreading aids around would be a good place to start.

Being an inferior cutlet manlet is all that's required to hate on gays. Even religiously it's all cock and balls the anti homosexual arguments. Those people have no idea what they're talking about. Grasping at straws is boring. I will grab penis the haters can drink pussy slime from their straws. Put their dick inside a nagging festival. Who the fuck cares. You need all these plus mental illnesses in order to chirp about penis activities and give lectures. Things everybody else started and does, til this day. We are not your straw men. Clams and straw go pretty good together. Here's our fucking straws again. To hate on gays is to be a puddle of estrogen. Secularly. Or religiously

2% doing 30% of the child bothering is a much higher rate than 98% doing 70%.

Do you understand numbers?

>You are trying to measure how many child molesters are gay relative to normal child molestation not how many gay child molesters there are relative to the total population.
Because it's unfair to compare 300 million people to 3 million people..? Even so, it may be more meaningful that there are 3k gay pedophiles out of 3 million compared to 6k straight pedophiles out of 300 million it still doesn't change the fact that 2.997mil are not gay pedophiles.

>The number is 55% as I stated above

I totally believe it but [citation needed]

It is a much higher rate but it doesn't mean anything if the number of child bothering is low. All you're really saying is that there's less gays than straights, and that's like, no shit?

>faggot can only think in terms of genitalia

Sounds about right

Truvada. Surrogacies. Blah blah. Benis bagoo procreation is just a fix. A temporary fix for your pile of shit you made

Ayy it's the religious Canuck that lectured me on why I shouldn't repress.

theyre fags

You don't have 300 million gay people so you can't use that number when trying to understand the gay community. I don't understand how you don't get that. You are just throwing around big numbers and small numbers incorrectly to try and sound right

Let's not hate "all" gays, but there is clearly evidence to stay away from a few different classifications of them.

The thing is.. We know solidly 2 ways homosexuals are made:

1. Lack of development of specific things the body needs, like ability to produce testosterone because of a gonad issue. REAL medical issues that they are born with due to mutations during key stages of development while still in the womb.

These are "ok" gays in my book

2. Early sexual encounters, these tend to lock in the kids sexual preference at the age of molestation

Here's the issue.. The people born with genetic abnormalities are FAR FAR less than children molested, and I would also like to point out that, gay boys have a much higher chance of getting molested or pursue that lifestyle at an early age.

Another part of the equation, not all people who get molested are going to turn out gay and pedophiles.

Quote from one of the links above : "48% of respondents [of members of People Can Change online support groups, which have a combined membership of 600 men] said that, as children or youth, they had been sexually abused by an older or more powerful person."

This number is obviously high, but how high is it actually?

Now, I don't need to give you any reasons, you can come to your own assumptions, cheers!

Let's say fags were 50% of the population, there would be much more child rape as a whole. Gays are more likely to rape children.

Do you understand how numbers work?

People molest children because they are often driven to act out what was done to them. Just because 30% of molestations are male on male that doesn't mean these men don't typically identify as heterosexual.

I purposefully left out "and delete your existence" as part of my point. I could go on forever. Chicken or egg you made all this. We are blessed. Read books better. On your own. In their original languages. What else. Did I make this thread? On what does it focus? On what are you focussing? Do you all focus on all the time bringing little photos to the office of your fat tuna casserole girlfriends and forcing me to care is that it? This barely scratches the surface and I don't give a damn. Imma go back to the artificial wombs thread. Wanna see your face when everybody is reproducing and living like Ronaldo does and all you can do is bring Sept 23 to fruition
There are a metric fuck ton of right wing closet cases, pedos, and hetero pedos. It doenst work this tactic Chaim

Here is your citation

>family hypocrisy channel

While that is completely true it's also extremely unlikely that that would ever happen. The truth of the matter is that there are 3 million gays, 300 million non-gays, and that's how it's going to be. I see your point but it doesn't justify hating 3 million people for the actions of 3k.

This article seems like it's trying to write a narrative instead of actually putting forth facts, it doesn't even have the numbers I asked for--probably because it would disprove the basis of it.

Their citation is at the bottom of the page

Its too long to post here in full faget

You eat fungus boxes and sex up a snake's sloppy seconds. An apple a day stupid bastards. I'm talking to a bunch of shiksa

Stop being a faggot

>a snake's sloppy seconds
top kek

You sound extremely upset?

How are those STD's treating you btw?

He should write screen plays for feminism inc and I can't tell on whose side you're on. Anyways abandoning what I knew would be a shit thread because they always are. That's why there's more of these than anything. A fake jew bolstering narrative as always

Ok let's let muslims in the west because only a minority of them are actually terrorists.

That's not true though, the muslim ideology is one that begs for world domination. Gays can't even maintain a society, so at worst they're disappointments.

Poopie dicks,

Why would any sane person want Muslims or fags in their country?

No, at worst they are serial child rapists

Hate the gay community, not any individual for being gay.

Same as niggers. Hate the black community, not any black person for being black.

Rules have exceptions. That said, the gay community is fucking dogshit.

Look up "bugging (AIDS)" and if that isn't a sign of extreme mental illness, I don't know what is.

they're fags

next question?

Read about bug chasers and gift givers, it's the most disgusting thing ever.

>It's unnatural

appeal to nature is a logical fallacy.

Also pic related

Do you want to know most likely why homosexuals have a higher rate of pedophilia and why they should be treated differently? Pedophilia happens when there is a cross wiring in the brain either through genetics or abuse that changes the brain. The brain that is supposed to activate for sexuality activates when it sees children instead of the normal response of protection. Homosexuals already display a problem with their wiring with their homosexuality

I don't want the brain fuck up of homosexuality accepted or promoted in my country.

Biologically inferior.

Reproduction is not necessary for the long term existence of society

Gays account for 5-10% of the population (MAX), but a third of child molesters.

i wonder who could be behind this post

I wish I had known all this growing up. I was the only kid who seemed to ever state his disgust for fags and faggotry in school (when the topic was brought up, I didn't go out of my way to tell people I was anti-gay). I was against gay marriage for religious reasons, but I personally always found fags to be repulsive. Now I have some good secular arguments for why this should not be tolerated let alone encouraged.

>"Almost all sex crimes against children are committed by men."

I'm calling bullshit

>attention seeking whores with arrogant personalities.

It's just gross? Also they try to invade and permeate society and make as many things as possible gay.

Certainly not a member of a particular race of hook nosed financial finaglers

Gays are alright people.

Gay culture is not.

There isn't any

don't hate people for being different hate them for trying to push their shit on everyone else

holy fuck how based is this guy.

A Beacon of Courage.

There's no reason, user. Homosexuality is totally normal and not a perverted degeneracy at all.

because you're just like women, but not as pretty and even sluttier

While the gross argument seems a bit stupid at first, it may be the single best argument against homosexuality.
The human nervous system is the culmination of billions of years worth of evolution and contains within it the absolute cognitive necessities for survival.
The human nervous system is attuned to detect "grossness" and respond to the gross stimulus with repulsion. This response is triggered by biological hazards, bad smells in particular, as the ancestors that did not respond at all to those stimuli were less likely to reproduce.
Rotting food, fecal matter, and certain fumes elicit this natural response in most people and it is understood why humans have evolved to be aversive to these sources of repulsive stimuli.
All these stimuli present a danger to human survival, rotting food makes you sick, fecal matter spreads disease, and fumes can kill you or cause debilitating disprders if the duration of exposure is too long.
It is quite possible that the natural human aversion and sense of grossness felt when exposed to homosexuals is a responnse that has been naturally selected due to the dangers that homosexuals present.
It is well understood that homosexuals have a significantly higher rate of STD occurence than the general population and are also known to be more likely to engage in deviant behaviours with minors.
So while a sense of grossness in response to homosexuality can be interpreted as a juvenile, it may in fact be a finely tuned nervous response to a biological hazard.

They are genetic dead ends

Claims that gay parents are just as capable of raising children as straight parents are misrepresented. Source:

Between 24% and 90% of lesbians report being psychologically abused by their partners. Source:

Gay men are 60x more likely to have HIV than straight men. Source:

46% of male homosexuals report being molested, as compared to only 7% of heterosexual men. Source:

Gays are more likely than straight people to have mental illness. Source:

43% of gay men have over 500 partners. Source:

Gay men are six times more likely to commit suicide than straight men. Source:

Gay men are 12x more likely to use amphetamines than straight men. Source:

Gay men are 10x more likely to use heroin than straight men. Source:

Liberal arguments in favor of homosexuality are based on logical fallacies. Source:

10 to 15 percent of older homosexuals have more than 1000 sex partners. Source:

Gay people are 2-3x more likely to abuse alcohol than straight people. Source:

Up to 50% of lesbians have reported sexual abuse. Source:

79% of homosexual men say over half of their sex partners are strangers. Source:

99.8% of lesbian, gay and bisexual teens will change their sexual orientation within 13 years. Source:

Two-thirds of men and women who were homosexual change their orientation to heterosexual five years later. Source:

Two thirds of self-identified lesbians later have heterosexual relationships. Source:

Identifying as lesbian, gay or bisexual does not end sexual questioning or confusion. Source:

One in eight gay men in London has HIV. Source:

Gay men are twice as likely as straight men to be in interracial relationships. Source:

In Australia, 25% of homosexuals have had more than 100 sex partners. Source:

Gay men, who are 1.65% of the US population, account for 63% of the country’s syphilis cases. Source:

In 2010, homosexuals were about 200 times more likely than everyone else to be diagnosed with HIV. Source:

Gay men are 15 times more likely to have Hepatitis B than everyone else. Source:

Homosexuals are more to use illegal drugs and drink to excess than straight people. Source:

>EU flag

You don't belong in this wod, monster!

For another reference. Quality is questionable