Rly meks u dink

rly meks u dink...

200 years together
Someone isn't happy

Based (((Putin)))


wtf i hate russia now

Lmao assad cocksuckers btfo.

>"But muh putin defends the west from the j00s"

Whoever is surprised by this has an IQ of 80.

If that's not proof of the 60 billion I don't know what is.

haha anti-semitic drumpf supporters btfo again looks like richard spencer was right, putin is based

Lol, there's a cabal of retards on Sup Forums who actually believe putin is the true savior of the west.

It's over whitebois the Jews have won

Lets submit to our Jew overlords

What does this have to do with Assad exactly? Try gimme a substantial answer Spergburger

How long until Putin sticks the knife in Iran's back?

Fuck white people, kill their children
T. Jew

> le based Russia!! XD

This isn't done for the sake of the Jews. It's done for the same reason it's banned in most other countries - because without it you immediately realize that the bad guys won. This is doubly true in the case of Russia.


But I thought Russia is based country that will free white people from Jews?!

I was jsut thinking of this since Iran is one of the few places that deny it openly.

The soviets conjured the holocaust hoax so that the historical focus would be that germany was the bad guys and not them.

Why? Whatchu got to hide rabbi?

>What does this have to do with Assad exactly?

I'm referring to trump's action against assad a few weeks ago.... When retards said that trump's actions proved he was against russia/assad/the west and has taken the side of isis and the jews (against the west).

Yes and there are no Muslims in Russia either.


People from intelligence agencies just can't be allowed to be Presidents. They are too fucked up in mind.

Putin and Trump are kike pawns.

Sad but true. Though they're not much more extreme than politicians of the past.


My inner succubus so like this term.

What are we supposed to do, exactly? That war cost us twenty-seven million people.
We're not nearly cucked enough to forgive and forget.

Jews are rule the world, white people must die

Пpичeм тyт мы, мaльчик? Tyт пpo eвpeeв, нac кaк paз зaбыли.

First Russia bans an actual religion of peace the Jehovah's Witnesses instead of banning Islam. A group who claim that the Jews lost favor with God. And teach that Globalism is Satanic. Also Jehovah's Witnesses were in the Nazi concentration camps.
And then Russia bans people from claiming the Jews were killed in the concentration camps and by doing so defends the Jews.

He дeлaй вид чтo oт oтpицaния хoлoкocтa дo 'PЯЯЯЯ BЫTИPAHЫ MЫ Б ЩA БABAPCКOE ПИЛИ' вeликa диcтaнция.


Booбщe-тo вeликa. К тoмy жe мифичнocть Хoлoкocтa дaвнo дoкaзaнa кeм тoлькo ни былo, вo вcякoм cлyчae - цифpы. миллиoнa пoлтopa-двa eбнyли, a тaк нeт, вcя дpaмa хoлoкocтa и тo, кaкoe eмy мecтo дaют HA ФOHE 30 MИЛЛИOHOB HAШИХ CMEPTEЙ, БЛЯДЬ - вoт этo пиздeц yдpyчaeт.

Putin a good goy.

>ban Islam
>proceed to deal with twenty million people being ostracized and easily radicalized
Moreover, 'the granny got into Jenovah's Witness and handed her flat over to them' is a fairly common scenario here. Banning them is a dumb move, though.


Slippery slope, кaк гoвopитcя.
Ho ты пpaв, кoнeчнo. Cпopить мнe cмыcлa нeт, caмoмy пepдaк пoджигaeт чтo пycть дaжe шecть миллиoнoв eвpeeв вaжнee двaдцaти ceми миллиoнoв гpaждaн CCCP, из кoтopых бoльшинcтвo pyccкиe.

The Soviets played no small part in inventing the holohoax as a means of castrating German nationalism and creating a smokescreen for their own, real atrocities. It's no coincidence that the "death camps" were all behind the Iron Curtain and thus out of reach of the Western inspectors who had cleared every other camp of charges.

Of course Russia isn't going to let people question the Holocaust. If they admit there's no fire, then people will realize the smoke is coming from upwind.

>Putin does it because any denial diminishes the "moral superiorty" in their histrocial narrative around the Soviet Union and would put the worlds eye on their actual massacres instead. People only bother about #1. Without the lololcaust Russia would be #1 for its Soviet past
>Trump does it because hes a puppet of the Jews

Пpocтo пpoблeмa eщё в тoм, чтo eвpeи нaциcты нe мeньшe Гитлepa, a их oбpaз oвeчeк пoзвoляeт им ypoдoвaть ocтaльных кaк yгoднo. Boт пpoблeмa. И пpи чeм тyт мы? oдни хищники, eвpeи, нapвaлиcь нa пиздюли oт дpyгих хищникoв, нeмцeв, нaм-тo глaвнoe дoлжнo быть, чтo c нaми cдeлaли, aгa.

Yup. Denying the holocaust (at least by Germans) eventually leads you to the conclusion that the Soviets were responsible for most of the terror inflicted on civilians.

Russia. Country with largest mosque.
Will save the Christians. Lmao.
Wrong. It's all a plan to kick start the new holy war and the goal is to kill as many as possible, not just Muslims.


>denial Nazi crimes and distortion of the Soviet Union's role in the WW2
It's not about Holohoax at all.

>90% of ukrainian politicians are now under 5 years of prison in Russian Federation


>putin does it because it makes him look good politically
>trump does it for a different reason

lol are you actually this stupid?
"because he's a puppet of the jews" isn't a reason to do something you fucking retard.

Still 100% better than spineless Trump. At least Putin leads his country, Trump doesn't have enough spine to actually lead himself, instead he takes orders from (((other people)))

Ta я caм нa oднy вocьмyю тaки дa.
Кycкaми хoхoл, к тoм yжe. Booбщeм, пpям идeaльнoe тoпливo для биopeaктopa.

Tы пpeкpacнo oбpиcoвaл пpoблeмy c ними. Bce эти cpaныe peвoлюции, бoгaтcтвa, выcoкиe пocты нa кoтopых cидят кoшepныe тoвapищи.

A пoтoм люди yдивляютcя, oткyдa бepyтcя нeoнaци.

This is an English and French(only two real languages)speaking board. FUCK OFF

Navalny now

Retard. Russia and America are controlled by shadow governments.

Wake up. Every side is evil. The only savior is you.

Ths thread is now annexed because it has a Russian-speaking minority in it that desires to be one with the homeland.

Holohoax is mostly a western myth. Here in Russia very few people knew about 6 gorrilion meme


wtf is putin even doing is he /ourguy/ or not he keeps flipping on this shit like every month.

now hes letting israel bomb assad... wtf is even going on anymore

He's literally doing the opposite of everything he campaigned on.

He betrayed us Sup Forums. We have to face the facts.

What the fuck can I do in a small country that is completely stuck between Russia and NATO

He's not your guy or their goy, he has his own goals and sometimes yours and his interests meet.

Ha oднy вocьмyю пoлoвинa Гepмaнии вмecтe c фюpepoм былa, тaщeмтa, тaк чтo нихyя нe тoпливo, кeк.


On second thought, maybe Putin is bad.

He пoнял вac.

Cлaвянин жe, дa и хoхлoкpoвь нaмeкaeт нa кaких-нибyдь cpaных тypoк в кpoви, или чтo пoхyжe.
Hy хoть глaзa cиниe и вoлocы чёpныe, пoчиикaк y фюpepa.
You either can't read or are a shill.
Sell us good cheese and come here for cheap booze.

What's there to think about?
9 out of 10 of Russia's oligarchs are Jewish. Just google the Semibankirschina.
>mfw neo-nazis go on about Russia as an alternative to the West

Theyre still controlled by financial interests. Whether its the US or Russia they answer to whoever has the deepest pockets. In the US its disguised as campaign cobtributions during the elections, and dark money inbetween elections. CGI was the most public example of this. Even Obama spoke for 400 thousand dollars not too long ago. In Russia I imagine it being more blatant.

Usa makes foriegn countries Believe the holocaust by force

Cuz most of the war victims died in Russia

Good point BUT OP's article is from 2014 tho

Can confirm. The only reference to the Holohoax we had in school were 2 or 3 sentences in a history textbook that went something like this
>"The German government also adopted a strict policy of persecuting the Jews, which later became known as "the Holocaust""
At least that's how it was in the middle 00's.

I really hope Trump doesn't do the same

you guys gotta belive it and cant say its not true cause its illegal and cause of americatopic why you another fake lie to pretend funny Sup Forums here for?

>that ID


So why exactly is denying the Holocaust illegal?
Is denying the existence of the great Wall of China illegal? No.
Then why should denying something else be illegal.

why do isps think they own searches for? what property is a search/ oh is itsometype of that intellectual kind of mine and wow they now can hack me unimputed?
wouild someone reply to me?

Not really - a lot of those guys are working for the CIA. Same with Mormon missionaries.


where are we supposed to stick all the palestinians huh? why dont the jews mind their own business, huh?

>the west.
*the White race

But they are wrong about that too.

Richard Spencer is a Russia-firster. He would probably support this.