French presidential elections are going crazy
Those who ally with Le Pen are fascists
Those who ally with Macron are traitors
It's Trump-Clinton all over again
French presidential elections are going crazy
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Except le pen will never ever win
Allons enfants de la Patrie,
Le jour de gloire est arrivé!
Contre nous de la tyrannie,
L'étendard sanglant est levé, (bis)
Entendez-vous dans les campagnes
Mugir ces féroces soldats?
Ils viennent jusque dans vos bras
Égorger vos fils, vos compagnes!
Aux armes, citoyens,
Formez vos bataillons,
Marchons, marchons!
Qu'un sang impur
Abreuve nos sillons!
but she would if pol actually cared about this one
that's indentity politics for ya
Marianne is a bitch, long live to the King and glory to our Lord. None of those Macron-Hollande traitors would have a political life if French Monarchy would have still existed.
if mods are not being nazi we would be memeing right fucking now
I don't know frech politics but if I had to guess i would say that the other "right wing" candidates that naturally should support le pen will rather support macron and "true conservatives" will never support "a racist".
I feel like this is different than hillary v trump. I hope I am being wrong.
France is cucked, get over it and enjoy your new president, lapdog of rotschilds and soros. I don't believe, you people will vote right.
Last time pol supported a candidate, he turned out to be a zionist (he always was he pol was delusional), same with le pen. Screenshot this.
If you wan't to live in this world you have to be at least in front of cameras, a "zionist".
Now go back poo in the street Apu
its not like trump tried to hide it. unlike le pen who hides her anti semitism.
>French presidential elections are going crazy
>Those who ally with Le Pen are fascists
>Those who ally with Macron are traitors
>It's Trump-Clinton all over again
"La France est un pays de veaux"
giving le pen my power
Don't insult them like that. Le Pen isn't an idiot and Macron isn't a crook.
Just giving my post to whoever wins.
posting oc for Le Pen.
Also roll for trips.
This is exactly that. Misconceptions about the FN as racist, xenophobic, fascist and islamophobic are numerous
>hello i'm a monarchist and I love being oppressed by an oligarchy
Finally someone truly red-pilled.
Posting Picard Pepe for Le Pen win
Also digits confirm Macron is a pizza candidate
qu'est-ce qu'il voulait dire par là ?
Rate my OC 0/10.
Is the media treating this the same way they treated the US election?
>Clinton has a 90% chance of winning
>Clinton is more popular than ever
>this is the beginning of the end for Trump
>no wait, this is the beginning of the end for Trump
>hold on, THIS is the beginning of the end for Trump
>Madam President + the silent right
How the hell can she not win?
Do you hear the people ree?
Singing the song of nazi frogs.
It is the music of a people who will not be cucks to wogs!
When the building of the wall echoes the beating of the drums,
Globalist tears will freely fall when May seventh comes.
Will you join in our crusade?
A thousand ropes hang from the trees.
Destroy the full blown AIDS of this diseased society
Come join with Le Pen and we'll make sure the French can be free!
Do you hear the people ree?
Singing the song of nazi frogs.
It is the music of a people who will not be cucks to wogs!
When the building of the wall echoes the beating of the drums,
Globalist tears will freely fall when May seventh comes.
Will you give your dankest memes
In all your shitposts and your bantz?
We'll make our memes reality
With esoteric chants
And Kek will make sure
Mr Macron is shitting his pants!
Do you hear the people ree?
Singing the song of nazi frogs.
It is the music of a people who will not be cucks to wogs!
When the building of the wall echoes the beating of the drums,
Globalist tears will freely fall when May seventh comes.
the FN is exactly that though, what misconceptions are you talking about?
Kind of.
But Trump won because a lot of americans didn't vote. Though alot of French voters will vote blank, I don't think it will come as close as Trump.
So yeah really crossing fingers on this
morracow, pls
How is the FN all what I stated ?
The french themselves seem to not really care on this board, otherwise they'd give us information and spend time translating memes.
All of us speak english. Almost none of us speak french well.
we want to remove kebab, close borders, reinstate the order in the country through police force and REMIGRATE SHITSKINS ! Are you stupid or a lefty?
The choices are
>a literal globalist Jew
>someone who might turn out to be a zionist later
Trump is being manipulated through his SJW daughter Ivanka. Once he realizes that, he'll come around.
yeah but how is that fascism and racism ? Do you even know those are ? Look it up, idiot
what those are*
>But Trump won because a lot of americans didn't vote
Trump won because the polls showed him as a non-threat, and the lefties got lazy. Seems like the same shit happening in France.
All the stats I can find about voter turn out shows, like, maybe a million less votes than normal. Some even show more turnout that normal (above 50%)
this must be satire
M8 just stop, everyone knows the truth even if we avoid stating it. Like in the UK, everyone that wants UKIP just wants to get rid of shitkins, I know it, they know it, UKIP know it they just don't say it in so many words.
Mec c'est Sup Forums ici pas besoin de cacher ton niveau de puissance tu sais ! On s'en tape que les gauchiasses nous traitent de racistes, il suffit de voir ce que les boîtes à cirage font de leur continent pour se rendre compte que raciste c'est pas une insulte.
I know this might be playing on words, but this is not racism, not what leaving UE and giving the police more power is fascism
>the silent right
Doesn't really work when they have several rounds. The first round reveals these people.
Well fuck the modern French then.
Que nous le soyons ou pas, les laisser nous traiter et nous dépeindre tel quel nous décrébilise
le pen is a national socialist and macron is just a socialist. who give a shit? west is doomed anyway
So Le Pen wins and turns into a globalist?
He was bought or threatened. Are you guys so dense that you cant see the president is just a PR puppet?. Real choises are not made by him. The "most powerful man" does not have to give up his sit every four years
>using BLACKED memes on frenchmen
>someone who might turn out to be a zionist later
Uh no he was a zionist from day one and HAD FUCKING KIKE KIDS
yep the conservatives won't support Lepen for her economics politics and the fear of being fucked by the MSM for being "racist"
LePen at least know what politic is compared to your real estate orange agent
no fear brothers
>Le Pen will win praise kek
France is lost, it's already over. Muslims already have the majority.
Va te pendre défaitiste
I don't get why they would the delete the threads unless they were purposely trying to fuck over Sup Forums. They seem to be strong on the double favorite board at least