>The Turkey Blocks monitoring network has verified restrictions affecting the Wikipedia online encyclopaedia in Turkey. A block affecting all language editions of the website detected at 8:00AM local time Saturday 29 April. The loss of availability is consistent with internet filters used to censor content in the country.
>Certain subdomains remained partially available on ISP TTNet at the time of writing, while the restriction appears to by fully implemented on Uydunet, Turkcell and other fixed line and mobile service providers.
In fact, we may as well just block Turkey completely from the internet.
Jacob Campbell
Wikipedia is jewish-controlled bullshit anyway
Adam Torres
Don't worry, they'll do it themselves and will cheer for it.
Noah Peterson
I say we nuke 'em first.
But you know, roaches survive nuclear blasts.
Ayden Lewis
i dont give a fuck about turks but wikipedia is system propaganda. should be shut down completly or allow the truth
Juan Adams
>reading jewish lies
Joseph Martinez
>i dont give a fuck about turks >That flag
Hans, you have 6 million T*rkroaches in your shitty country.
You obviously give a shit about them.
Caleb Martinez
Gotta keep the dumb roaches dumb so they keep voating for the alpha roach.
Nothing to see here.
Charles Clark
turks btfo
Julian Bailey
1, it was not Erdogan. It was a judge. We still don't know what was the motivation. It was perhaps done to make people believe we have censorship like Iran or North Korea.
2, Wikipedia is not a "free encyclopedia" as it wants us to believe. →
Zachary Harris
Does the Turkish state pay well?
Jose Martinez
>T*rkey having judges >Sultan Erdocuck not having power over everything >T*rkeyroachistan not being the joke of the world.
lmao nice one Mehmet.
Joseph Moore
You should tho, they can rile up the local turk population And they've been getting ideas about muh ottoman empire
Nathan Moore
Six million you say? Hmmm
Dylan King
pls pls Sup Forums
Isaiah Thomas
we still have gulenist shills within the state. you know nothing idiot.
Noah Rivera
Yugoslavia 2.0 Just instead having 16 new micro countries it's gonna be Turkey and Kurdistan with 40 mil citizens each.
If war breaks out we gonna see much more religion of piece tourists in Germoney
Nathan Turner
>When you think everyone's your enemy you become a dictatorship.
Oh roach, is Erdoshit butthurt that T*rks were googling Armenian Genocide and Hamidian Massacre last week?
James Martinez
Austin Nelson
Thomas Morris
Turkey has a lot of skeletons to hide.
Jayden Long
now their students will do their own homework
Jackson Hernandez
A lot of Genocides and just roaching around.
Jacob Cox
Ethan Myers
>turkey >internet >implying roaches even have electricity is this another thread pretending to criticise turkey, but still trying to make it look less shitty than it really is?
Asher Hill
Hi Muhammed
Henry Nguyen
I guess they'll get a plenty of other sources to write their "Why Erdogan is the world greatest leader" essay