Muslim Refugees Attacking Frenchman. But He Has a Surprise

I would have started shooting

So France has places where niggers will literally chimp out and attack you if you pass by them? There are bad areas where you may get mugged here but this is worse than the US


I would describe him as a nigger first.

>literally shaking.
Joke aside, yes no go zones are very real. There entire parts of the cities where you just can't go if you have white skin. And thanks the commies you can't open carry to defend yourself.


I was thinking how this is a great argument for allowing regular people to be armed. Here niggers like that isolate themselves in ghettos and just shoot eachother. There is a little spillover crime but if you find a nig in your house robbing you or in a situation like this you want to be armed. Also our police would shut shit like this down.

it was police, they are cucked and in fear losing their "pension" if they act against their masters.

>video blocked in your country

Why am I not even surprised? Although from the thumbnail I can tell I've watched this before. It's a nigger vs a cop in civilian clothes.
In this shithole, only state dogs have the "privilege" to carry guns.

>they still try to go after him even after he's brandished
i hope to one day be able to understand the infinite stupidity of niggers

Those chimps would've been shot dead if that was an American pigo. As soon as a rock was thrown.

It'd be interesting to see the results if we took all the euro nigs and switch them out with American nigs for like a week. They'd learn...

That doesn't even make fucking sense. Are you telling me that you have some pseudo-favelas like fucking Brazil?

Wtf man! You guys have armed forces, issue martial law in said places already!

I think this is older but oh how I wish he had purged them. They are like feral dogs or hyenas. Did you hear their voices and their body movements? How does anyone have sympathy for these nigs?

around 1:09

>he turns his back for but a second
>the mudslimes start to move in on him

fucking scum, pack of disgusting animals.

reminded me of pic related

whoops, 1:00 is what i meant

>where you just can't go if you have white skin


It's pretty fucking bad but still a lot better than Brazil fortunately.
And the footage wasn't filmed in an average ''banlieue''. These are old vacant buildings squatted by drug dealers and addicts btw.

t. nigger

Wow nothing fucking happened, they didn't even run away

I've never really understood this.
Deaf people seem to have their own culture and are proud of the bond they have with each other, but I've never grasped why being deaf is a stigma.

People go on and on about how being deaf is a stigma and the deaf are discriminated against; however, that doesn't really make sense to me. Why would anyone do that and does it really exist?

Why the fuck are you trying to argue, nigger? There are fucking VIDEOS.

You can't bullshit on The Internet where there are videos.

Fuck off shitskin.

I'll take things that never happened for $200 Alex.

That just makes me want to go there more.... fuck 'em, if my presence offends them, I'd love every second of it. We should get an army of Sup Forumsocks to just go to various no-go areas.

Sup Muhammad, how's that goat ass taste?

Nationals United. We know that the Muslims won't fight back against a large group, it's why they leave camera crews alone when they are not surrounded. It's why a crowd of men and women are somewhat safe. If enough people with shields and sticks (or in Europes case swords and axes with those shields) walked through the area helping to escort people, it would send a clear message.