Atheism hate thread

Atheism hate thread.
Becouse we didn't had one in too long.

Other urls found in this thread:




>It's the same polish guy who posts anti atheists images that are actually photoshopped images of christcucks


Which one of those fedra faggots ae christians, ddipshit?



Kek, shouldn't you be scrubbing toilets somewhere?

>have i began

Such intellect




yes fedoracucks are this retarded

1: Christ is a historical figure. he died via Roman crucifixion. This is a historical fact. (see 1 in pic related)
no one walks away from roman crucifixion, it's a 3 step process.
if you survive the scourging and crucifixion, the third step is the deathblow.
they need to pry someone off a cross, so they would smash their head in or stab them through the heart with a sword or spear, or set them on fire, or let wild animals rip them apart.

2: We have firsthand and secondhand eyewitness testimony claiming he visited them in person after his death.
it's written in Paul's epistle to the corinthians.
hold on before the kneejerk reaction, it's written in this epistle, but it originated much earlier, secular scholarship corroborates this (see 2 in pic related)
>3 For I passed on to you as of first importance what I also received—that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures,
>4 and that he was buried, and that he was raised on the third day according to the scriptures,
>5 and that he appeared to Cephas, then to the twelve.
>6 Then he appeared to more than five hundred of the brothers and sisters at one time, most of whom are still alive, though some have fallen asleep.
>7 Then he appeared to James, then to all the apostles.
>8 Last of all, as though to one born at the wrong time, he appeared to me also. (1 Corinthians 15:3-8)
notice that He's appearing to groups, that rules out the 'hallucination hypothesis,' because hallucinations are subjective to the individual.
this creed is also dated to around the month year of Christ's crucifixion by secular scholarship as well, so that rules out the 'legend hypothesis.'

3: These people suffered severe persecution, torture, and death for holding this view.
which is not something someone who is unsure or knows that what they are professing is a lie is going to do.


Living in most atheist country on this planet.Last time we were christians(hussites).You send thousands of crusaders on us and we killed them.After all we elected fucking Austrian monarch he tried push catholic faith in our country because we chaged from hussite to protestant and after few years we were even more atheistic.Finally our fellow idiotic russians brought comunism to us and from 50%atheism we changed 75% .Now we are making 80%.Have a nice day.

options ruled out as irrational given the evidence:
A) the eyewitnesses were all lying
B) the eyewitnesses were all hallucinating the same thing at each occurence
C) the myth of this event evolved over time (legend hypothesis)
D) Christ survived the crucifixion

options left:
E) the event actually occured
F) ? ? ?
the only reason to deny E is pic related

The historical evidence for the resurrection:

Proof for the resurrection of Jesus:
The first 30 minutes is what's important from this one, the rest is questions and answers.

Ex-atheist scientist tells his story of becoming Christian after realizing that the story of creation in Genesis actually makes the most sense and gets a lot of things right compared to other religious books:

Cold case detective, former atheist analyzed the gospels using his skills and came to the conclusion that Christianity is the true religion and what is written in the New Testament is real.
The videos are long, but they basically come down to this:
1. The chain of custody is sound, the story doesn't change over time.
2. There was stuff in the Bible that was later confirmed by archeology(places, people, chariots on the sea floor of the Red Sea (Moses parting the red sea), snakes used to have legs, etc.)
3. There are even non-believers' accounts of some stuff Jesus did, just from them you can know a lot about Jesus if you piece it all together.
4. The differences between gospels aren't a bad sign, because witnesses rarely agree on stuff. If every eyewitness would say the same thing, it would be very fishy and would mean they probably talked to each other at one point.
5. The apostles died without getting rich, getting a girlfriend or getting power, they all died horribly. There was no point in spreading Christianity if they didn't believe in it. Why would they risk their life if it wasn't true? Why would they risk their life if it was all forged? Why would Paul try to join this new small church?
Also the only accounts of Romans getting Christians to change their faith was after the 1st century. No account of eyewitnesses ever changing their story.

>literally removing himself from the genepool
>first individual in literally entire history of his bloodline, going back to the first strand of DNA, who voluntarily chose not to reproduce
>that forced smile

Other videos:
New Testament Reliability:

Credit to based Polish user for the copy paste

People still don't believe in the power of KEK? That's sad! Must be Communist's!


Oh look its the Polish christfag again beint salty like he always is.

Long time no see. Would you like to tell me now what someone did to you to make you act this way?

Christ fulfills 353 prophesies in the Old Testament written way before him and it’s mathematically impossible for him to have done that by chance.



Science is my sex junk, this guy is just oh, oh, oh.



Fug, wrong pic

my favorite fedora pic.


Im atheist AMA

You typed this shit and tipped your fedora after hitting post. Don't fucking lie.



>This is your brain on himalayan comic strips

The most electrifying man in all of entertainment.




>I...I...Is he...shaving a girl's pubes
So close, yet so far.



I didn't realize until now atheism and low to medium spectrum autism DEFINITELY have a correlation.

that's retarded if someone tells me that theres wet paint why the fuck would I touch it

The look on atheists faces when Jesus returns. Oh man it will be priceless xD




>The belief
wow, 2 words in and already wrong.

Its funny how basically none of theists understand what atheism is. Sure they think they do or have their own definition, but are clueless to how atheists use the word or just straight up refuse to use to use the word in the same way because it would make it harder to dismiss them.


Oh fuck, I am honestly impressed.

Poor dude.

Can you prove it 100%? No you cant

I think he's plucking in-grown hairs LOL

From the thumbnail I thought it was that guy who was painting the girl's toenails but this... this is on another level.

so many strawmans

It is now a known fact that Yeshua Ben Yosef A.K.A. Jesus "The Christ" is a mythical figure. All God(s) are created by man. I was once a Priest and am thoroughly educated in Christianity and the History of Christianity and the major religions of the world. There is no contemporaneous records for this so called messiah. The Apologists like to use Josephus etc. as fact to hang there fairy tale upon but those records are interpolations and are now considered an academic embarrassment. This is the truth. If you learn the truth the truth will set you free. Life will make a lot more sense and become more precious.

prove what?
Did i try to prove something?



>>The belief
>wow, 2 words in and already wrong.

So big bang and evolution is a belief than?

Holy shit this is amazing.

If God is real, why is there no proof of him existing?

Opinion discarded

>to pic
You realize you believe in even less gods right? Also Buddha isnt a god.

also see

Proof is given to those that open their minds and believe

>Tisk, tisk



If Christianity is real then why are 80% of the priests childfuckers?

how is big bang and evolution in any way relevant to this?
oh right, you think they are because you think atheists claim there is no god.

i dont have to prove a thing because im not claiming anything (even if i was claiming that evolution is true it would not be me that you should go to, to find out if its true or not), you on the other hand are claiming that god did it, care to prove it?
I would guess not, second guess would be you are just going to say god did it and think that its enough, or the bible says so.
Suprise me.

The truth is the witnesses never existed (Gospels and Pauline Epistles are written by many unknown authors over many years at least sixty years after the claimed time). Therefore there is no empirical evidence for the miracles. There are many rewards available today for anyone who can prove any supernatural event such as a miracle and all the purses still remain full.


Catholic Church has been corrupted for some time. Just look at the false prophet Pope

Autists might not have souls.

>women are more attracted to jerks than wimps
>men's rights need more discussion
>men are stronger than women

Please explain what is cringy about these things?

What can a Muslim a Christian and a Jew do what
an Atheist can't?
They can get laid

>Ex-atheist scientist tells his story of becoming Christian after realizing that the story of creation in Genesis actually makes the most sense and gets a lot of things right compared to other religious books
Sounds like he's just a fucking retarded kike. I'm a Christian but I denounce the entirety of the jew testament. Including the Psalms. These are fucking jewish fairytales. A collection of boring and absurd myths about kikes. There is nothing godly or if value in their pages and every single goddamn PROTESTANT who emphasizes them over the teachings of Christ (because let's face it, you guys do) deserved to be gassed to death. You're just a messianic jew if you believe in these kike myths and bullshit

Guy has a great speaking voice.
Too bad he chooses to carry himself as a walking talking meme or else he could actually draw interest to the things he says.

see pic

Also if you actually do prove God real than the fedoracucks always say its fake

>I'm a Christian but I denounce the entirety of the jew testament
No, you're a heretic. The bible is the word of God stop being a pick and choose fag

Fedoras are already going to hell. Why put in the effort?

>Proof is given to those that open their minds and believe
Confirmation bias is given to those that are willing to believe things without good reasons.

fixed it for you.

>word of god

completed in the person of Christ. the old testament is laws are meaningless for christians. the "yolk" of the law has been lifted from our backs


does believing people you disagree with will suffer forever make you feel good?

You truly are a terrible human being.

Wankers like pic related need to be shot. The smugness makes my blood seethe.

Haha shut up, faggot. They can change at any time.

They wouldnt be dicks to me for eternity at least

juw lad

Funny thing is, I'm about 80% sure that Rhianna ran her mouth, and said something emasculating to Chris Brown during an argument, and he put that bitch in check.

Chris Brown is /ourguy Pol. Think of how cunty Hollywood women must be.... any guy besides Chris Brown would get shut down, and dominated by them. Chris busts their fuckin faces up on sight nigga. TEAM BREEZY POL

Yes. I do know Buddha is not one of the 2,870 known deities created by man. He was a Hindu. Jesus does not fulfill the required prophecies to make him the "Christ" (messiah) and this is why the Jews do not accept him as the completion of their myth. I am a Christian nemesis as I once was a Priest then left the Church and became a "Born Again" Evangelical and finished as a Pastor. After years of studying Christianity and its The History of Christianity I now know Jesus never existed and The Abrahamic Religions are all farces in addition to being atrocious cancers to mankind.

imagine all the free shit those 2 bitches must get

>it's a historical certainty that Jesus didn't exist

Holy shit, Jesus didn't exist, look some guy said it just now!

Do you know what the Southern Crux is?

Do you believe Jesus really rose from the dead on the spring equinox and was born on the winter solstice? Doesn't it seem like a big coinkydink to you?

Swallow the esotericism pill.

You can also stop believing that we deserve infinite punishment for finite crimes, boy you must be fun at parties.

Luckily not believing in an after life stops me from worrying about stuff like this.

Pol is a gnostic board. That fact will NEVER change.