Argentina is not whi-

>Argentina is not whi-

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btw girl 2nd from left middle row is mine, nobody touches her

How do I move to Argentina with my guns and impregnate waifu with my high white seed?

didn't know dendi was argentinian

Only half of them are white desu, your country is getting so mixed that you can't even tell what white is anymore.

Peruvian chino top left corner

who do they all look retarded?

I'll take first row, from the left 3rd one in.

I can see all the native genes from here.

Why do most of them look inbred?

What a comfy place desu

>private school
yeah now post public

Claimed 2nd row, 3rd from right

>Couldn't the photographer get everyone standing in one uniform manner? Everyone looks so sloppy and undisciplined.

Jesus, they're all cute af

Here I come, Argentina


actually meant second from right. total qt.

Where are the white enclaves in Argentina?



Second row, fourth from the left.

Or if she's taken second row, left-most girl.

Girl middle one from the right is qt

Wtf is that fucking chink doing there. Fuck these nongs for inbedding these mongrel nongs in our midsts

why do you hater your country? i bet you have italian roots

lots of shitskins, mulattos, chinks and ruskies there


why are they all ugly?

>tfw millions of ancestors in my family tree are responsible for my existance


Top blonde guy is Dendi.
Thats not Argentina, thats Ukraine

is that a chink in the background
what the fuck

when the same group of people have sex with each other for hundreds and hundreds of years, the same no bueno traits get passed to everyone.

it was obvious desu. The homeland-hating gene is an italian trait.

>scanning through the faces
>see boss eyed mongol staring back at me.

I feel like these aren't argies. I bet they're Slavs mixed with mountain turks.


the top row fourth from the right....holy neck

Blonde girl 4th from left in middle row will bear my champions

How did they find such a perfect 7/10 group?

None of them are outstandingly attractive, but no one is ugly as sin either..

Is everyone a chad there?

wait till you start dating one and all they talk about is their fucking country non stop like americans do. then you get to hear about how che was a genius and dindunuffin. then you get to drink mata with their family and share the same bombilla oh sorry bombisha because you cant even speak spanish correctly.
>t. dated a che vos for about a year

this is how a lot of the upper middle class look not fantastic faces but usually 9/10 body

I hate giving credence to the 'race mixing makes beautiful babies' crowd, but they are onto something when it doesn't involve negroes and a majority of white blood.

so any Argiebros in this thread?

How is Dr Who doing as President? There seemed to be a lot of hype and then it's died down, though I hear things are still considerably better than they were under whatsername

Is it just me, or can you tell someone isn't American by just looking at them?

yeah, they aren't usually fat.

A lot of the guys have asian hair. what's up with that?

2nd row 4th from left dibs

I'll also take third from right 2nd row

Are we looking at the same image?


Why are they so weird looking?

>asian hair
That's just how dark hair looks when you don't fall for the shampoo jew.

look, fags showed up in the thread!

>brown hair
>brown eyes

I don't think she likes Asians, sorry.

>native grandma
>nigger father
>in charge of telling other people they aren't white

Now post American public school.

I thought it was Scottish ?

Argentina is not white

>Everybody south of the U.S. doesn't wash their hair
Is that why you guys all smell like taco flavor Doritos?

The only thing that I know about Argentina is that Jorge Luis Borges is from there. He's an author I can HIGHLY recommend.

boss-eyed > cross-eyed
you Brits have superior slang, I must admit

Try again, dirty spic beaner.

>Still falling for the shampoo jew.

No wonder you guys are so brainwashed.

Dat body-language I love it when grills do that


>not a single blue eyed
Not white


First row, third from the left is the cutest.

Can we not just have one country?

>tfw little indios

Man those shampoo particles already got into your brain.

front row, second from left

>every single one of them is ugly
Really makes me contemplate


They are better, the only problem we have now is inflation. Dollar is cheap, there are job openings, crime rate went down, and our president is really proactive, wants to make oil platforms, create our own cars, give free laptops with inet to every schoolkid, etc.

Here's the consensus


shampoo jew makes you stupider

i want this one

Que te pasa, che culiau

Wow, that sound pretty good.

Most of the white people in Argentina are Italian. Of course they are going to look like Jews.

Think you need to look up the definition of white!! there is maybe one or two whites there

This article has a good explanation of the European origins of Argentina. It also serves as a scary reminder of what is about to happen to the US.

alright faggots, roll for your argie waifu

Kek they all look deformed and shit. Is that a special needs school or something? seriously though



Dear fucking god, dont they sell shoes in argentina? Just look of those piece of shit shoes. God they must be super poor over there to not be able to afford proper shoes.

Roll for 36-40, or 1-5

cmon 31 35



Someone from the bottom row please.


oh shit

11-15 is cute


Argies are a mix of Spanish (muslim rape babies) and fucking aztec stone age people. of course they're not white
