Was he, dare I say it, /ourguy/?
Was he, dare I say it, /ourguy/?
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No he was an Boston IRA larping faggot
He was on the right track. But he made some mistakes that allowed him to get caught. Also he should have reconnoitered more and not attacked a building with a day care center.
*cia fall guy
fixed that for you
still not /ourguy/
false flag
McVeigh was in Waco and watched what happened there. You can see him on some of the pictures and video footage that was taken there. It's what drove him to the Oklahoma City bombing. That, and Ruby Ridge.
I mean I can see a point in taking automatic assault rifles from a bunch of wacky weirdoes. Totally. But they should have had the patience to starve them out or doped up their drinking water. If you don't have the element of surprise, then whoever is holed up in a complex has the upper hand in a shootout. FBI knew that, ATF was just dumb to rush in.
You can see in today's Iraq and Afghanistan what happens if you "don't infringe".
Hell no. He was Lee Oswald'd and egged on by some undercover Fed to be the patsy for the precursor psyop to 9/11. No way an anfo blast wave took out a whole line of vertical supports in that building. That building was wired up on the inside. Early news that day reported a second bomb found in the building but that was quickly 86'd for the Ryder truck anfo bullshit
t. kike
when he was scheduled to be executed the rock and roll radio station in my town got a big old billboard with a cartoon of him and a needle going into his arm saying 'highway to hell'
.... and yet America continues to shower Saudi Arabia with the latest in military technology when Saudi Arabians killed way more people on September 11th 2001 than McVeigh ever could have killed.
What a country.
Was getting caught part of his plan?
Branch Davidians were a bunch of brits and people from all over
David Koresh had like 15 kids
Anytime a white guy manages to be independently wealthy, capable of living off the grid, and starts breeding like a rabbit the govt will put an end to it
It's crazy cause after Waco you see chuck schumer talking about how burning these people to death was no big deal and then you see him crying crocodile tears next to a bunch of arabs after the travel ban this year.....a group of people known for doing that exact thing
What I don't understand is, why aren't truck bombings more common? The kill counts would be far higher than for these shitty mass shootings we get that usually only kill around 5 people.
Watch this Corbett Report and tell me you don't think he's still alive youtube.com
picture very much related
because this isn't the middle east
He took every opportunity to accelerate his execution while in the court system. He swore to his cell mates that his death would be faked. Sure enough there were suspicious circumstances concerning his death.
Him and Ted both are
Both are/were different sides of the political spectrum, and both hate/hated retarded lefties.
Then why does the Middle East have mass casualty bombings and we don't?
From a normal person's point of you: You only amass large numbers of automatic guns if you're going to kill a lot of people. That is something I can understand the government is concerned about.
Add to that the facts that 1) Branch Davidians were in decline and had in fact been taken over by the new management of David Koresh and 2) they were so whacked out that local authorities couldn't even talk to them seriously.
All facts considered, they had an armed religious nut timebomb in Waco with no telling when it would go off and who'd be killed.
> McVeigh, 32, stated that he had "religious, ethical and philosophical objections" to an autopsy. A letter to his hometown paper, The Buffalo News, reads "I was sentenced to death, not to death and disembowelment."[6] The authorities granted him his wish.[7]
>20 years on, a Guardian article noted that "Perhaps the most striking thing about the Oklahoma City bombing... is not how much we’ve learned over the past 20 years but rather how much we still do not know. Despite the government’s insistence that the case has been solved, we don’t know the exact origin of the plot or how many people carried it out."[2]
Additionally, Ted Gunderson spends some time in this talk speaking specifically about OKC. IIRC, he worked as an investigator--I forget in what capacity--and in his investigation he realized that the official narrative had to be BS. youtube.com
>implying materials are free and easily accessible in large quantities
ready access to tank shells / weapons of war; poor to non-existent policing of such weapons; large diesel or fertiziler purchases will get you flagged; poor infrastructure in backwater countries to detect internet searches and log user data, etc. etc.