Nationalism in Romania

I send to my fellow Romanians on this board an invitation to discussions regarding our position in Europe, our country's current political affairs and daily problems.

Considering the current movements in our neighbor country, Hungary, together with Slovakia, Poland, Greece plus the United Kingdom and France, the nationalism supporters are starting to consistently gain members every day due to the mass illegal immigration and the EU's masquerade. This is the perfect moment for us, Romanians, to unite under our glorious flag and reconsider our position inside the Union. We have known for too long what it is like to be under foreign countries control and our ancestors always fought against the dominance imposed by these monsters ( see Russian Tsardom, Austro-Hungarian Empire, Ottoman Empire, Communist USSR ).

We've been played and passed around but ALWAYS managed to break free from our "puppet masters". The time has come again. We are losing our traditions and embracing foreign ones which have nothing in common to ours, we are indoctrinated and enslaved in a world where we must obey what is being commanded from Luxembourg. We are working ourselves until exhaustion for minimum wage, yet the taxes and contributions we pay are being misused and are not improving our nation's healthcare, education, industry and transport system. We instead look at beautiful and useless expensive decorations, pointless architecture being built and events organised, all of these being made by our politicians, things which boost the masses happiness for a few weeks in order to vote them again.

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This leads to our country's political parties. Every party wants to represent us but won't do anything for us. They have a never ending war which includes back stabbing, lying and disorients the public. They show up on their own television channels and use their pawns to boost their image. Age groups are divided, each being manipulated in its own way by television or internet. These last two are fooling the masses, providing only bad news about our country and promoting stupid people and agendas, making the average Romanian lose his own thoughts and beliefs.

We, Romanian Sup Forumssters, must unite and repair our country and our image.
WE must unite together with the countries reminded earlier and divide the EU into enslaved masses ( the West predominantly ) and people who care about their countries!
WE must get rid of the useless garbage which is currently taking decisions for us!
WE must stop the foreign globalist agendas from taking control of our youth!
WE must maintain our values that we have earned during time!

Pru is a front for the socialists who are trying to destroy prm

PRM has been long dead since Tribunul decided to go to the indoctrinating television channels and act like a furious baboon.

I don't have any opinion on PRU, their idea is nice but the people in it are horrible.

you didn't mention the jews one time.

Horizontalize your flag like before please

I thought that the Romanians who browse this part of the internet have a vague idea of (((who))) attempts to run the world.

Noua Dreapta is nothing more than a SRI plan meant to be a honey pot for neo nazi's.

gyppo nationalism lmao

true, what's wrong with Romanian women, the birthrate is one of the lowest in the world?

Most of the young people are leaving the country. Not really that many people left to breed.

I've seen this argument when I was browsing r/Romania countless times. We don't seem to be controlled by anyone as far as I have noticed.

The exposure to social media has made Romanian women less interested in having children and more interested in using men to reach their goals. We still have natural beauties hidden in the rural areas, nationalist and proud to be Christian, but males find that like a step "down" the evolution stairs because everyone wishes to be a "city" person working in an office.

well, guess from which country a major part of immigration comes.

lol your nationalism about what?

half your country being on social benefits?

>but males find that like a step "down" the evolution stairs because everyone wishes to be a "city" person working in an office.

How can people be so retarded?

Like seriously I live in the middle of the fucking mountains and every time I get my ass down to Cluj I hate the city and it's guts. How can people like it?

Chiar și fetele din oraș rural au devenit narcisice din cauza fb. toate cu poze cu buze de rață

It's the most liberal city in the country, attracting the post-'89 newborns. I've also had the nuisance to go there and meet all kinds of depraved people.

Hans, I don't know where you're getting your information from. Your (((leaders))) decided to accept us in the EU and send immigrants. Most of the people I know that left Romania for Germany are either doctors in rural towns or engineers. I agree, we also "sent" gypsies, but that's the risk you assume when accepting developing countries in a group.

Locuind în zona nordică a României, pot să spun că da, și fetele de la țară devin narcisiste, dar e mai lent procesul.

It's low because Romanian women do a lot of abortions.

Wait. Are you a member of ND? I want to know something about you guys since I read some bad rumors.
Are your intentions legit?( by that I mean putting Romania above all else, not being corrupt)
What are your ambitions at the moment? What do you think you will be able to accomplish in the next few years?
And finally, if you had met Tudor Ionescu, how would you describe his personality? He seems to be highly intelligent.

Sunt de la București și am încercat să găseasc o soție română, dar nu sunt serioase. sau proștit mai rău decât aici

Te invidiez, omule. In munti ii cel mai frumos. Si eu urasc Clujul. Au fost cateva ocazii in care am fost nevoit sa trec pe acolo, tinand cont ca stau numai la cateva zeci de km distanta. Numai post-modernism si aglomeratie pe acolo.

Do you even have nationalist political parties? Would they go out of the EU, make your country rich again and slaughter all gypsies?

90% of Romanian girls are cam whores, alcoholics, or materialists.

The true redpill are Romanian Pentecostal girls

fuck romania, we deserve to be called a shithole

Yes, we want and we will make Romania great. We intend to slowly acquire more spots in the Parliament and start organizing meetings with the newly recruited members. We won't side with anyone as they are (mostly) ex-FNS ( frontul nerozilor socialisti) members or influential people with lots of money to buy their ranks within parties. If you want to gain more information, you may need to join.

Haven't met Tudor yet, but yes, he is indeed a charming person and has all the needed requirements to lead us. I've met Alexandru Năstase, who is the Head of Recruitment. Incredible person.

We have three of them, Noua Dreapta ( New Right ), Partidul Romania Unita (United Romania Party) and Partidul Romania Mare ( Great Romania Party ). We formed an alliance called BINE (which translates to "good" / Blocul Identitatii Nationale in Europa - National Identity Block in Europe ).

Maybe you can change your mind soon. Until then, you are a leech.

What happened to the Iron Guard?

They have old members/fanatics who gather once a year in a cemetery and do interesting rituals which imply reciting their songs and the national anthem. Sadly, the revival of the Iron Guard / Legionarii is forbidden by law.

Also, do they have a great following?

Pretty sad, Codreanu was one of the most based persons I've read about.

You are right on this one. I'm a penticostal male and I can say we are religious fanatics(which is a GOOD thing).
Thank you for answering my questions and I wish you succes. Mi-e teama ca nu pot intra la voi in partid ca abea de am saisprezece, aproape saptesprezece ani, dar va pot garanta votul meu imediat ce il pot oferi (la optsprezece ani)-am scris in romana sa nu ma spanzure moderatorii.

We've managed to achieve the unification of all the right-wing parties in Romania after so much time. The 2019 Parliament elections represent the first test of our alliance and our power.

Nu sunt sigur, dar avem si interactiuni cu tineretul. Trebuie sa ne construim si continuatori ai ideilor partidului Te asteptam in lupta impotriva mortaciunilor ce sugruma Romania.

>We've managed to achieve the unification of all the right-wing parties in Romania after so much time.
what do you mean by that? Everybody is allied and you're sending one PM candidate?

everybody talked about ND but what about

Voi sunteti singura speranta se pare. Aveti grija la (((scarbele))) care detin televiziunile. La noi televiziunea are mult mai mare putere asupra populatiei, din pacate. Astia vor incerca pe viitor sa va dea o imagine proasta (daca nu au incercat deja). Am incredere ca veti rezista si veti continua sa rezistati. Sa nu va lasati garda jos.

I´d be heavily in favor of Romania leaving the EU, it would be greatly positive for both of us. We would have less gypsies coming over and wouldn´t have to pay for your EU-gibs, and your youth wouldn´t move out of the country as easily and you wouldn´t be exploited by the international banking cabals which they EU forces on you. Rexit when?

Also Antonescu did absolutely nothing wrong.

I'm OP, had to move on phone for a bit.

Yes, we will act as a coalition and appoint one of the coalition's co-presidents as the PM once we get the majority.

>romanian nationalism
>we wuz romanz and dacians nd lords of atlantis nd sheet

I don't think we'll ever have a nationalist party in Parliament, at least not in the near future. Romania is probably the most progressive country in Eastern Europe unfortunately

I was lurking this thread waiting for a hungarian to reply. Im not disappointed.

Final solution to the gypsy question when?

>Hungarian nationalism
>we wuz mongalz n conquerorz n shiet I can feelz dat Turan blood in muh vienz

t.mongol rapebaby still sad that his precious Erdely was taken after he chimped out with that communist republic of his

>implying that a piece of land is what the hungarians are mad of
oh please its not that its the fact that 1/3rd of our peoples got stuck outside our borders oppressed and genocided
>implying that sane people belive in turanism

Step by step, just like that charismatic Austrian did in Germany a while ago.

Same as above.

>Swedish nationalism
oh wait

>Implying that any normal person believes in turanism

are you a paprika proxy?

>tfw Swedish nationalism has been almost stomped out by the SJW school system
Don´t kick someone who´s already down Austrianon