Redpilled Movies Thread

Boss Baby
>Central message is that people should stop buying puppies and start having children
>White family

Doing God's work.

Other urls found in this thread:

Angry Birds
>main message is that you should not be blind with compassion regarding immigrants

Why should white people have more kids? The world is already overpopulated

The mudworld is already overpopulated. Look at places like Canada and Wyoming and tell me with a straight face that they're overpopulated.

so that we have enough white workers to pay for nigger reparations

>Movie starring Alec Balwin

Pick one

American history x. Shows how niggers can steal your shit and if you kill then you go to jail and the Aryan brotherhood is full of ducks who rape and sell drugs to other white men

lmao welcome to Sup Forums friend. Why should white people have more kids? Because they aren't and white people are actually a global minority. The question you should be asking is "Why should niggers, spics, dune coons, and poo in the loos continue to have any children when they have already overcrowded their own homelands as well as most of the world.

This. That movie was based as fuck.

>it's making dreamworks face