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Continuing Risk Game
So apparently I fucked the map up
if/when you fix it: southern and western india, pushing towards pakistan. spills into south pacific islands
Niice I'm fixing this shit
and rollan to stop the cartel
When you fix the map, finish off the Danes
We match.
Wew that map
Fill Denmark and that little german island to the east from it, spills Belarus
Make way to burma going around bangaladesh
west africa
any color
Hey bro, don't invade Denmark after u finish with Sweden, okay?
Papa Franco's Fashy Spanish Empire
Red (or any color)
fill more of USA
OP, what's up, when is map update?
Op map update
Also what is name of pink West Africa?
anyone inactive I can take over?
Push back the Patagonian masses! I need to sell my cocaine to your people, please!
Took forever to fix sorry
Fill Spain
The US, which is going to get steamrolled by the fishermen.
Kill Them!
This is going to be a bitter war.
Fill Denmark and that lil island
Spills Ukraine
Kekistan hasn't been around for a while
go up west indian coast to pakistan
spills into south pacific islands
Bro, you need to watch out for the fishermen too.
Expand North of Moscow
Not now but if someone whitened out everything this would be a cool map to do
Actually no scrap that, expand south towards Kekistan
Fuck yes
Just let me have all of SA and the Carribean
You need to watch your back anyways
Move to myanmar
I think you missed me last turn
That would be tactically irresponsible, more so than continuing to fight with you as without a portion of SA (the Carribean I only care about for mobility) I could lost my homeland with one lucky roll and have no means to get it back (as I'd have to expand out into the rest of the world).
Give me one good reason?
Nah you only rolled 2
And I have a real problem with southeast asian countries
Burma = myanmar ?
I won't chase you to the border
better hope that alliance with USA still holds up
They have a new president you know?
So far we've been blow for blow, I don't think you understand how negotiation works, you don't just get to demand everything you want and then threaten for it when we've proved to be on par.
das all of tamriel, user. Skyrim is just part of it
Push Patagonia back!
Fill Spain NAO
Fuck up the fishermen
I don't need to negotiate with you.
You already have nowhere to go.
If you want Cuba you can have it.
south pacific islands, including galapagos
spills bangladesh
We should ally, so that you can push the fishermen out and then take the northern hemisphere, while I take the southern hemisphere?
Just follow my previous roll
Husarii polski should have control over Denmark
Move down into thailand and vietnam
Sounds good my taco eating friend.
Don't trust those dirty mexicans
muhfucka you want some?
I don't think japan found the new thread
Perfecto, seƱor.
General Franco I am afraid I will need you to hand over your islands to the United States. In exchange I will help you with removing commies in Europe. What do you say?
Move down to Georgia/Armenia/etc.
Why don't you faggots do this on ?
because I like playing with other redpilled goys.
I don't think so either. We can divide
his t's between us of he doesn't show
there aren't any on Sup Forums they're all just hipsters memeing because there is a support group and it has an edge of contrarianism
at least I won't get banned for saying nigger
What Islands do I have? You can take them, Im focusing on Europe ATM
the caribbean. Fashy digits, btw
you're not going to get banned doing that anywhere
holy fuck, ypu can get banned for
saying nigger on /tg/?
what's the point then?
They were left over from 'Traps Aren't Gay'.
fuck IDK but most other boards have normeis that get butthurt over dumb shit
Oh yeah those are white
Finish Fishermen. If I have spill take the carribean islands
Fill Spain spill Portugal
Push the Patagonian's back!
Move south to Turkey
My dad fought in Vietnam
I have no fucking clue where it is though
lol its because your new shows so hard, nigger in the right context wont get you banned anywhere
saying it without an appropriate manner, like 4chinz is gay coz the jews did it, makes you look like assholes and really that makes you guys the real niggers
>new lands in Germany
I've never asked for this
Rolling to fight the Cartels
I've been here for 5 years.
moar south pacific islands, up to and including galpagos. spills bangladesh
well you rolled a 25 and I filled in Denmark
Where do you want them?
Ay dios mio!
Move into hong chong
Are you stupid? Risk threads have been a feature of Sup Forums and Sup Forums predecessor board from day fucking dot.
Stop trying to make yourself seem like an oldfag, it doesn't make you look special.
huh? having the warrior gene and an IQ of 80 makes you a real nigger.
In Ukraine mostly
This turn also rolling to fill Ukraine
attack usa
>captcha 2700 faglioni
ooooy vey
and you still call people niggers without reason and are a trip and name fag, name fagging is understandable in risk but trip too shiiet nigger
yeah and they shouldn't be, post your memes here is a feature of Sup Forums for years too and now were full of cunts who only come here to take weak bait and post memes.
being American does it too
bruh for real use directions
idk where a hong chong is
or 'nam or any of that
listen here you fosters chuggin upside down ass bucket. Don't you EVER speak to me in my own language like you know what you're talking about. I will PERSONALLY drive an aircraft carrier to your shitty desert island and BLOW YOU THE FUCK OUT OF THE UNIVERSE you MAGGOT piece of fuckign DINGO SHIT!
Sorry? Who put you in charge? Why do you think you have the authority to assume the high ground? Fuck off, you reddit-tier newfag (which is clearly where you came from).
I think he meant Hainan.
It's the Taiwan-sized island just south of china
Top fucking kek