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Why would I want to do that?
>crash the market
You're Antifa. Only a nigger would fall for the ass meme
Mfw Antifa thinks that /pol has so much power that if anons stopped buying shit it would crash the market.
thinks /pol would stop buying things
What is this website user?
have I discovered the lefts meme machine? Its not bad
And let Antifa win? No thanks.
>*Buys unneeded firearms in Capitalist.*
I'm going to buy twice as much shit today
lol, just saw the header
I'm a poorfag, everyone stop buying stuff cause I'm poor.
What market? There is no "market" to crash. If antifa are communists they already won, as all major corporations are insulated from market forces by central banks (communism).
The sensible thing for a capitalist to do is to distribute their money wisely. As in don't send a cent in the direction of the corporations. If a company has more than 2000 employees or is a subsidiary of some sort, blacklist.
You will eventually have more disposable income as you won't be buying garbage designed to break.
What's wrong with ass?
I'm going to buy the thing I was resisting spending money on just to piss you off.
kek no more juden
One can tell this case-whore walks only guiding her skeleton, lazily letting her flesh and hair follow her simply momentum based indulgences.
Economic collapse is the only way to save Western civilization at this point.
Why are bringing up antifa? This is more of a Varg idea.
>society destroys white race
>but you want to maintain society
I guess if you're black that makes sense...
buy only food, rent and utilities
spend my time outside going on hikes with my gf and dog
when not doing that teading, gym, or studying
im doing my part op
As long as you're speaking rationally and on a non-cultist talking point...
You guys are on the wrong side, man. We're trying to dislodge the shadow government here and right now you're working for Soros to keep those in power who are both unaccountable to you and I, but also killing brown people for their stuff. The refugee crisis is over Liquefied Natural Gas--all of it was started so Israel, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and their henchmen like Soetoro & Clinton, could get rich. Sorry, could get /more/ rich.
Trump is the guy we picked to get these fuckers out. There's no rule stating that one must like their champion. Once the government has been returned to the people we can go back to bitching about the usual suspects, but so long as these fuckhead psychopaths are in power we Progressives ain't winning shit. Nothing. Ever.
Nothing matters until the shadow government is gone and the likes of Bush, Cheney, Soros, Clinton, Clinton, Soetoro, et. al. are all in prison for their crimes against humanity.
All that aside, it's way more fun on this side. Like unbelievably more fun.
Brothers, sisters, xirs, you're on the wrong side! Please either help us out or at least stay out of the fucking way while we get these psychopaths put away where they fucking belong.