Now who did this again?
Welcome to Islamic State of Swedistan
I am laughing at us all. It isn't just going to be Sweden, it will be all of us. We will sit here with pictures of a frog while every western civilization becomes an Islamic State. They will pick up pace very shortly. Hate speech laws will be common place, forced Islamic teaching in schools will be the norm. Once they comfortably outnumber us we will have full Sharia law. (We will get to see this in our lifetime. If you haven't noticed just how quickly this is happening to you are blind).
>But what about our ability to fight back!?
It should have already happened and it didn't.
So is it going to be like this in the next 3-400 years?
Obviously those dirty Sandniggers are going to be every. They reproduce in our Countries like fucking roaches. I can't stand it seeing those cunts everywhere.
The next 3-400 years? Islam is so violent that I am sure in the next 3-400 years humanity, even these shells of it, will be extinct. They will have no qualms using nuclear weapons on each other because of small differences in how they interpret a sentence in the Quran. To die and kill everyone else in the process is their ultimate religious orgasm.
It's always darkest before dawn, my friend. Even in the Dark Ages of Rome, there were pockets of survival, and prosperity. When the money ends, that's when the collapse begins, and although the cities will be lost, there will be survivors.
if i eat a mcdonalds tonight, does that mean im effectively shitting on sweden?
They will keep the money propped up long enough for their new pets to vastly outnumber us.
In the next 100 years, Norway will have 13 million people. 5 million of them will be Norwegian. You? 30 years maybe?
Numbers are meaningless in conflict without the skill, morale, and equipment to lead them. There is far more to war than merely showing up. Go play Wargames: Airland Battle to get a feel for what modern warfare is like.
And not, only isn't there enough money to sustain the underclass, the underclass by definition cannot produce, which means it cannot survive on its own, only destroy. The moment the money ends, the barbarians are ruined.
That is why both the Huns and Mongols went extinct in Europe.
This is all venice fault
Are they still called HAMburgers, or are they renamed halalburgers?
Be honest swedebros
how do you live with it? how do you not feel like blowing your brains out each and every day?
The Rothschilds, British Royals & others akin to them are all genetically-maligned, poorly physically developed mutants.
So of course they don't hold the same biological-purity values as say the upper genetic echelon of the Germanic peoples and are happy to see EVERYONE's gene pool become as cess-like as their own.
Being mutants who all pat each other on the pack and crown themselves as the upper-social-echelon of humanity due to their wealth & social-achievements in intellectual realms they think that "biological-purity" is a facade and that maintaining genetic-cleanliness for the sake of maintaining sociological/psychological cleanliness is a farce.
But of course, judging by how ethically & psychologically mutated the aforementioned mutants are, it's clear that their subtly-mutated garbage genes have in fact predisposed them to be the morally-wretched monstrously-unconscious goblin mutants they are.
But I'm confident that no matter what these subtly-mutated, look-like-they-were-slightly-deformed-as-sperm-when-trying-to-enter-the-egg Rothschilds and others within their circle of fools do that the scientifically sound logic of genetic cleanliness for the Nordic people and/or the Northeast Asians will stay aflame in the right number of minds within the Northern lands and they will take their place in destiny to become the highest humanoid entities ever known, whose triad of BODY, MIND & SPIRIT will ascend to great heights and create a supreme new type of human far surpassing the Rothschild mutants and others; subtly-mutated psychologically-maligned and unconscious heathens who are destined for extinction.
It's time for violent revolution.
Fight or die.
Unfortunately Swedish women are getting Blacked by ugly, dirty muslim goat rapists every day. baka
Yeah, swedes are so fucking cucked and should simply off themselves, lol.
Bunch of cucks here have signs in English, Spanish and Arabic about some immigrant/refugee loving horseshit
As if their virtue signaling online and in conversation wasn't enough. They need a literal sign saying how cucked they are.
I'm honestly giving up. I just don't care anymore.
Are Swedish girls nice?
södertälje is ruled by christian syrian mobsters and they beat up somalis so it could be worse
No mCRib I take it?
We need to prepare, the next crusades are here. We should have been ready years ago.
Member the times when "You dont have to learn the Swedish language to get along in Sweden, you only have to use English" was a thing? Now you can't even use English anymore, fucking brutal..
"don't worry, all the new migrants are going to adapt to us"
how do they expect this to happen if they are going to give them special classes in their own language, special signs, they all live close to each other and they can keep speaking their language and go to mosques, how do they justify this shit?
No, disgusting eyebrows
Exactly. One of the reasons why the immigrants fail to acclimate to their European environment, and become an underclass which drains away state coffers.
>"Second generation Migrants have to learn their own mother-tongues in Europe, because Academics show that if they are able to use their own ones fluently, they will also have less issues in learning new languages and thus integrating :):):):):)"
If this Nutjobs would be far away I could and would probably laugh, but I literally can't anymore.
>German schools allowing people to learn Arabic, Turkic, Persian, etcetc.
How does learning your parents mother tongue give you an advantage to learning new languages? What is the logic behind this?
Most of the Arabs in Sodertalje are christian though. I know a Latvian chick from Sodertalje and most of her "Arab" friends are actually Assyrians, Armenians etc. from the middle-east.
Dont have any idea, the only thing these kind of politicians from the left spectrum would sperg about would be: 1. Academics say so, so it has to be right, 2. You can't and shouldn't compare the language of the country you are/will residing and the mother-tongue, """because it is no conflict""" (whatever this means) and 3. [insert any insult] if you don't believe in this.
Isn't immigrant culture in european cities just a mystery kabob of turks, arabs, blacks, serbs, poles, central asians, poor natives etc. speaking a weird mongrel language, wearing hoodies and pretending they can rap
>"""because it is no conflict"""
*in no conflict (with each other)
Ha, we don't even have Chinese language coupons
Maybe our grandkids will all just talk like that wallah habibi
WW1 was started due to an assassination. These things don't take a lot. The moment some far right guy snaps and goes into CNN and goes on a shooting spree scaring the Jews is when you will see things accelerate. From that point news will demonize more, people will get angrier, guns will be taken away and that's when it starts
>Isn't immigrant culture in european cities just a mystery kabob of turks, arabs, blacks, serbs, poles, central asians, poor natives etc. speaking a weird mongrel language, wearing hoodies and pretending they can rap
Its exactly this.
Every immigrant kid in the west is growing up being immersed in American Nigger culture.
Exactly, for whatever reason these kind of migrants can't speak the language of the host-country for shit even if they are like in the third generation and never ever stepped foot on their home countries. Eastern Euros, East Asians, South East Asians and Indians (+Iranians?) tend to be okay, however esp. those you mentioned can't or rather won't ever do that but whine instead about how they cannot """"feel"""" as part of the host-countries.
why do sweden don't ask for immigration from christian countries on problem for avoid the islam?, like venezuela, yes, they are brown people but are christians.
>Trump obligates Peña Nieto to make Mexico pay for the wall.
>Peña Nieto gives up and decides to implement an extra tax for all Mexicans helping to pay the wall without many financial problems.
>The wall is built.
>The Mexican people just can't stand enough presidential incompetence.
> Revolution.
> Peñas's head and other politicians' ones are shown in the Zocalo square of the Mexico City.
> The people chooses a honest and hard working president.
> Mexican economy greatly improves during the next years.
> Javier Duarte dies of rectal cancer.
> Dolar is now worth 8 pesos.
> The new government is a democratic one. Corruption, crime and drug dealing is at an all time low in Latin America.
>Nicolas Maduro dies of starvation
>Civil war breaks out in the UK after muslims break into the buckingham palace and rape and kill the queen and everyone inside
>Civil war spreads throught out Europe
>Eventually Europe loses and muslims take over, now presidents from all european countries are all muslim. Now the EU is known as the Islamic European Union
>Mass murders, rapes and lootings hit an all time high in Europe
>Muslims take over Oceania and East Asia
>Eveantually muslims take over the US. Now the US is known as the United Arab States
>Trump escapes to Mexico
>Muslims try to take over Latin America
>Latin America unites and becomes one big country
>Fight the muslims for years for the last habitable place on earth: Latin America
>Muslims fail miserably and retreat to their shitholes
> Trump gets a heart disease and dies at the age of 90 in a hospital in Argentina.
> Deathbed
> Before dying, a tear slips to his cheek.
> "My plan worked, Mexico is finally great, and Latin America also is".
> He always had good intentions.
>Dies as a public enemy of Latin America.
>The rebuilding of europe begins
> Chabelo goes to his funeral.
> The 43 missing students were just sent to a rightzation camp.
> Good guy Donald Trump
We were born just in time to watch our once powerful and beautiful countries be destroyed from the inside out.
This is the worst timeline.
>christian countries
not "diverse" enough
>Hal-appy meal
>comes with a kids sized suicide vest
A great example of this is Desert Storm
These are up at every county health clinic.
They shill for how they will not have consideration made for their race religion and whatnot, but at the bottom is says "immigration status".
This is state sanctioned shit here.
>When you see Spanish ads/billboards in your city