Daily reminder that Georgism is the most redpilled economic philosophy that was completely destroyed by the Jews...

Daily reminder that Georgism is the most redpilled economic philosophy that was completely destroyed by the Jews because of how threatening it was to them.

There is a better way to manage society than to fall two sides of the same Jew - (((capitalism))) and (((socialism)))

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Hello friend

georgism is literally a tax plan
it isn't an economic system
you're right tho, we should switch to a 100% land value tax
it should be done slowly over the course of 10 years to allow for a smooth transition

Lol very true. Lolberts are truly sickening.

>a 100% land value tax
i mean only have a land value tax, no other taxes
the tax rate shouldn't be 100%, that'd be ludicrous

You wont get many replies... ive tried this before. No one really knows how to argue against Georgism as its been forced out of the mainstream for quite a while now.

Another difficulty is that its very hard to explain the concept of economic rent

Redpill me on Georgism, goy. Be specific.

I only call it an economic system because it would change society so much (in a positive way) that it would feel like we changed economic systems. You're right though. It's simply just a tax. Which just goes to show how easy it would be to implement.

Here is a neat essay about how confused and backwards right wing or "royal libertarians" are
