The resistance is winning.
The resistance is winning
>I am glad hilldawgs and true nazi polacks could finally come together against the drumpft menace
(i am being sarcastic)
Trump IS the resistance.
So yeah, you're right. We're winning.
Exactly what part of being a globalist jew makes him the resistance?
>The resistance is whining.
They really aren't, maybe if they were resisting the right things, like him further selling out our country to the Kikes, there would be a real movement.
But no, they're "resisting" imaginary fascism, racism, islamphobia, etc...
we need a better system we need to start another political party the kekistani party we shall rule the world with free speech woke motherfuckers
fuck outta here shareblue
You do realize that if Trump goes full JFK and tries to end world conflict, initiate space exploration and audit the Feds...
They will "JFK" him?
If he shows his power level, he's dead by the end of the year. International politics is not a game for dumb people. It takes guts and brains, both of which he has proven to have over the course of his life.
Is that why you had to come on here and tell us?
you can't even muster a "get the" out of your hands, what are you going to do?
Um no you're not. You're dying. You and the rest of idiots are still crying, and while you are doing so, I'm going to enjoy these next *8* years.
And while Sup Forums maybe divided in opinions (not the first time), I'm going to enjoy myself enormously. So please. keep punching those "mean, racist, naZi-frogs, and drummph" supporters. You're only proving my point.
>beating a dead horse is now "winning"
>red areas losing to liberals by fractions of percentages
>liberals are dying
LOL, liberals are DESTROYING
it's faggots like you that will keep me supporting Trump. You literally reinforce my support every time with your crying and temper tantrums and non
stop bitching.
This, uodneksbrisjcuskdjcbpf btfo
I WANT you to support Trump. I want your fervor. I want your dedication. I want you to commit fully to this man.
That way your fall from grace will be that much more glorious.
dream on fag
It's not a dream, honey.
see this is a perfect example why people are turning off to you guys, you just don't know how to act
Your president literally said it's okay to grab women by the pussy and you're commenting on liberal values?
Jesus christ you are truly a gift from the gods with this comedy. Thanks for the quote, I'll use it on my site.
>has US flag
>"your president"
Our president, honey :^)
He's not a legitimate president, sweetie, he's what you call a traitor. We're simply waiting this out until the proper president can be put in place.
>wearing a Hillary pin
Nope lol
OP is a cellar dweller
1.- make that American government buy American things and hire Americans to do most of the jobs (which was not done before, spending millions abroad).
2 .- have American companies look for another place to produce, by to do for decree that the trade deficit with China has a limit and have a white house team look for ways to reduce it.
3.- ending environmental regulations that avoided large investments in the United States.
4.- Reduce labor regulations that made jobs less competitive, and made bankrupt entrepreneurs.
5.- end the obligation of schools to have a special bathroom for the transgender (something that only spend budget).
6. Only one spent in the media and a quarter of a million dollars when others like George Bush spent about 26 million at the same time.
7.- make to look to social justic warrior like little children, that don't have real power and start the end of their power over companies like MARVEL; that lost money for listen them.
8.- destroy credibility of companies like CNN, MSNBC and abc.
good enough to me.
She won by 6 million votes.
I like Trump. He's not perfect, but he's doing a pretty damn good job considering all the hate he's getting and honestly, if he doesn't do anything at all for the next 8 years he would still be better than Hillary.
But of course, he has done a lot already and it's only been 3 months. I'm honestly proud of Trump. I'm still a Cruz-missile and a True-Conservativeā¢ but I am very satisfied and I will always support PRESIDENT Trump.
Ivanka's clothing line is made by Chinese children who make $1 an hour working 60 hour weeks.
Don't you dare mention those traitorous shits and "American-made" in the same sentence if you don't want to be blasted from here to China and back.
Fuck off, shill. Trump will deport every single Mexican and give out free Trumpguns to every republican citizen. Just wait til 2020, once he saves the economy and solidifies his legend status he'll have enough backing to deport the niggers too.
If you liberals were winning, it would be self-evident, thus eliminating the need to announce it yourselves.
God, you're pathetic.
Only if you count the dead, illeglas, convicted felons and those allowed to vote multiple times. Also, muh popular vote is never an argument in a Presidential election. It's never won an election and never will, it's not how we do it. Argument Invalid
It's happening on a daily basis, you'd know that if you read real news.
You just need to know it. So that's why I'm here. I'm silencing your Iraqi Disinformation Minister and giving you cold hard truth, and you're confused by it since you're not hearing it from your normal source.
sauce? oh, wait, you're probably a liberal who either doesn't have sources or uses some shitlib media outlet as a "legitimate source". CNN, VICE, Buzzfeed and Salon/Vox aren't sources. You'll need to do MUCH better if you want any credibility.
Trump was defeated the second he thought he could compete with pic related.
Trudeau actually made a coalition with mexico to stop Trump from backing out of NAFTA, that's right, Canada and Mexico teamed up to KEK orange hitler
I don't think Sup Forums will ever recover
>he thinks breitbart is news
>he thinks alex jones is news
KYS, baby.
>we we're winning now drumpfkins j-just wait for madam president to save the day
>w-what do you mean we lost Berkeley for the 4th time and are rapidly losing support within the younger generations ?
He never said that seriously, and as a comment it's pretty much in line with leftists' depraved mentality.
What a charming infographic...
>The resistance is winning.
>he doesn't know that Trump IS the resistance
>Even in that picture Trump is getting what he wants
Yeah, we are winning and it tastes so good
Never Trumper here. I want Trumps presidency to fail. I want his family to fail. I want his heart to fail.
fuck outta here /r/thedonald. You newfags have infested our fucking board with your idol worship. Trump only lends credence to the regressive left. What we really need is NatSoc candidates who know what they're doing
>make to look to social justic warrior like little children
Ok you fucking beaner, pick up a dictionary and learn proper english. Trump's retarded bullshit is turning people towards the left
>if Trump goes full JFK and tries to end world conflict
Yeah, just like he tried when he took that phone call from Thailand, threaten our country to pay the wall, or pissed NK