Society will welcome you back with open arms.
You will be rewarded with a happy and social life.
Society will welcome you back with open arms.
You will be rewarded with a happy and social life.
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Is that a kike?
Liberals are just Conservatives in decay, this picture of a normal family isn't the end goal of leftism
liberals aren't happy. That worldview is anathema to happiness.
No, libs need to join the right. Because we will run society in about 2 years.
Hitler was a loser his entire life before he got political power. If you don't have his immense willpower, intelligence and luck, you will become nothing in life if you keep being a racist.
stick around, we will show you the light
If we turn to liberalism, then your pic will be lost in a sea of degeneracy and wogs
I cant unlearn the truth now i can only sit back and watch the fireworks
The man in the picture is John Green, a famous author. And no, he's not Jewish.
Lmao you mean "if you keep being a white racist". Racists of every other color are becoming successful all the time
Leftism welcome a lot of different family structures, including traditional ones.
Eat shit, faggot.
I'll take shit that didn't happen for 800, Alex.
How come? Racists are shunned by society and liberals are welcomed. As long as you have good hygiene and dress okay, you will no doubt be able to get a circle of friends and a girlfriend as a liberal.
His mother is jewish. Also he loves to write about jews.
Stop pursuing happiness
Trump ruined all your chances, I'm sorry. Nobody trust you people any more.
Whats actually interesting is women seem to be turned on and intrigued when I talk about right wing politics with them. It's almost like its refreshing for them not to have a cuck talk about feminist leftist bullshit. Hell I even got laid talking to a chick about the stupidity about the occupy wall street retards and the benefits of the free market.
I meant his wife
maybe you don't realize what happened
liberals sent the world into chaos, we tried to reason with them, we tried to have a discussion, and they just scoffed at us
now we are assuming direct control and they will go along for the ride while we save their lives
>save their lives
cant be promised
>a happy
my social life has been dead for awhile, and i enjoy it
Say something negative about non-white people and her pussy will dry up instantly. And I don't really believe you're in good company if you like to talk about right-wing politics.
Reach hither thy finger, and behold my hands; and reach hither thy hand, and thrust it into my side: and be not faithless, but believing.
is that his whore wife?
poor kid :(
You will not gain control. You are too few and way weaker than you think. "Triumph of the will" is just make-believe bullshit.
Humans are social animals. If you think you enjoy an antisocial life you're lying to yourself.
>full of degenerate sub human trash
>95%+ of even whites are sub human trash
>100% of women are sub human trash
Good one annon, slavery is a low end economy
>since you're retarded I suppose some forgiveness can be ordered
>You will not gain control.
sweet child, we already have it
Marx said openly that destroying the family unit was key to achieving Communism.
Left liberals are working towards his goals by printing money rather then by having a revolution.
A loose knit group of atomized consumerists cannot sustain the family unit, user. But see, this is what liberalism seeks to create, a world of people devoid of identity to serve as labour and customers for global capital. You just don't see it yet.
A fully hollow materialistic existence is the end goal of liberalism.
Pick one.
liberals aren't happy
>implying there's a way back unless you somehow inflict permanent memory loss on yourself
Look at this fucking normie
You don't even qualify as a newfag. You have regressed to a degenerate subhuman ultrafag.
Gas yourself.
>Also saged
Your blatantly obvious propaganda won't make me change. Fucking hang yourself with barb wire.
Fake. The other day I was at a party and I started making sieg heil to girl (I knew her but only a bit), and she sieg heil back at me (we were both drank). She asked me if I was a nazi and she told me "me toooo!!" Then we kept talking stupid shit and well, we went into my friends room and you know what happened next.
Im not liberal, I'm a communist.
Pretend to be centrist in public and play the long game. Jesus Christ you're fucking plebs.
You know I always see left leaning people go right but rarely right leaning people go left. I also for one do not at all believe that Ariana Huffington or the guy that formed daily kos were Republican at some point.
>white people
um sorry sweetie but you are only planning on having one right? i mean anymore would be reinforcing white patriarchal bullshit, i mean what's next, are you going to start beating your wife? have you ever thought about an open relationship? it can really spice up your marriage.
Ariana Huffington turned liberal because she was in love with Andrew Breitbart but he was already seeing a younger woman and got married. It's actually a really sad story. She turned into a villain because she was spurned and then she watched her own side murder the man she loved.
Please kindly fuck right off and die in a hole you fucking nigger
Which shows how petty and childish woman are with politics.
You know that guy is a literal cuckold, right?
> Only one kid
Liberals =/= communists
That's what conservatives want also. Liberal or conservative, if you live in a capitalistic society. It's nice to have things.
T h i s
You will make excellent targets in the upcoming civil war
Can't wait to March you degenerates to the sea
someone photoshop the black hip/hand onto the wife
The only thing I believe in are the 14 words.
Why the fuck would I want a social life?
It's nice living in a conservative area
This is great. Why have I not seen this before?
1- You are 14 years
2- You are just fucking delusional
Come on kid. People don't like murder/
being a liberal is fine, being a nu-liberal is not
>being a liberal is fine
No, it isn't.
Fuck off back to r*ddit.
Underrated post.