Why is Sup Forums so racist

Why is Sup Forums so racist

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>hurr everyone I disagree with is racist

Sup Forums are pathetic degenerates who have attached themselves to the cause to give meaning to their lives. and they're fat and ugly.

Why do blacks commit so much crime?

Because not all cultures are equal, largely because all people are not genetically equal. Blacks adopted into white families still have lower IQs than white adoptees. Science isn't fair and neither are genetics.

Because racism is rational.
The biggest philosophers in history supports racial division, and, my favourite, slavery.

Because niggers, spics, jews, and muslims still exist

We're only racist against leftists. Darkies on our side are part of the alt-white.


Because niggers stank

Why do immigrants say the country they fled to is shit but still stay because theyd already be dead in their own?

I disagree, but I don't want to discuss that, I have pretty much given up hope on changing anybody's mind on this topic.
But lets assume that's the case. Why would we still be racist towards them? Just because the majority have lower IQ's, we shouldn't discredit the ones who are more intelligent.
Also, this is a moral question: how would you treat a stupid person? Would you behave in immoral ways against them?
If no, then why would you treat a stupid black person differently?
If yes, would that really be racism? Because at that point, you are a huge faggot towards stupid people in general, not just black people.

Nigger hate thread


Sup Forums is a board of peace, extremist don't represent our real interests.

I think they need to blame anyone who doesn't look like them for their own failures in life


Because the Marxist tells you so.

minorities showed their hatred of me

Fuck you, you nigger kike spic. I'm not racists.


Sup Forums is a board of peace. You can't judge us all by the actions of a few extremists. There is over a billion of us and if we become marginilised we will have to join the racists to have our voice heard.

Because Niggers.

There are studies if you look. Even the niggers with a high IQ have a ratio of kids with lower IQ.

fucking retarded leaf.

we prefer the word "realist"


because non whites are fucking terrible especially niggers

>muh feelings

Sentence is DEATH

What's this?
political satire for ants?

>hurr everyone who calls someone racist thinks that everyone who doesnt agree with them is racist and the possibility that an alt right board with racist values is not viable

Because the anonymous nature of the board allows people to express what they truly think, and support those assertions as well.

Not only is this attractive to contrarians and racists, but /new/ started out as libertarian and lost the ideological battle and became /stormfront/.

At which point it was wiped then the Sup Forums board was created, starting off with people who paleoconservative, racist and natsoc.

If you see your ideas being attacked here and cannot defend them empirically, you should change your ideas or leave before you are turned.

>Sup Forums is white

Whats the number

I got jewed out of my lunch money, then nigs stole my milk

i wouldn't be horrible to a black/unintelligent person, but I don't support a low IQ race to be in the country, making it worse.

Because white people are superior to all races. I'm just spreading the truth, something wrong with the truth?

Nobody is racist on Sup Forums

Everyone is just a nigger until they prove otherwise

don't reveal the secret

Actually I cannot blame immigrants for wanting to better themselves by emigrating to the west.

If I based my beliefs on blame, I would blame white middle and upper class types that push for this type of immigration without having to deal with it's effects - they are the people who DO look like me user. Except they don't have too compete for resources and living space with the hordes they're bring in.

The fuck are you on about? Of course I'm not going to favor or desire unintelligent fools in my social or business circles. Go ahead and be good to retards and thieves and see where it gets you.

Racism is just a decent rule-of-thumb for making my group of peers as good as I can. I know to avoid black people on average more than I avoid white people, and that whites and Asians are the safest bets for maximum success.

Why are niggers so dumb


Because race is an integral part of identity, for native europeans, forgetting that means genocide and the downfall of their civilization in less than 3 generations away.

why are you a nigger faggot?

if you are talking about Minnesota Transracial Adoption Study, that study, i think should be taken with a grain of salt.
The experiment is done on 265 children. That's too few to draw any scientific conclusions.
Not to mention that 69 of those children are the control group.
Also the conclusion of that experiment states that the trans adoption has a "positive" effect on black children. While their IQ is not as high as their white parents, it is definitely higher than their biological parents.
Also, IQ is not %100 heritable. Two whites with the IQ of 140 will most likely have a child who has a lower IQ than that. This effect is stronger in black people, there is no doubt about that, but the results of Minnesota Transracial Adoption Study is not powerful enough to justify such extreme beliefs in my opinion.
If you have another paper you are talking about, I would love to see it.

Racism is ironic, because a racist only hurts his own race by being so close-minded with their ideas. A racist with his hate speech will only give ammunition to the left, who will make everyone's lives more miserable with immigration(which should not be about race). And racism will never be taken seriously by open-minded people, the people we need, because it rejects any other ideas from discussion. If you are a racist, you're only shooting your own race in the leg. Also, you're seeing the world as black and white, which is never an adult thing to do. If you are a racist though, and you disagree, please tell me how I'm wrong.

>Hurr Alt-right board is for racists cuz hullury sed so, Hurr pol is Alt-Right with no identities of official formality associated at all with it hurr.

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Sup Forums has the best reaction pics.

P.S. High IQ blacks are good and I have no problem with them just because they're black. I approach black people with more caution than whites until I know them, because science says they have a higher chance of being a goddamn savage.

this is such a stupid argument. in this line of thinking, any true thing that goes against the mainstream should just be forgotten because the majority don't believe it.

Black people claim that ancient Egyptian kings who enslaved thousands of people were black while simultaneously bring up their american ancestors being slaves themselves as a scapegoat for their own racism against white americans

Yes that is what I am trying to say. You are not distancing yourself from blacks because they are blacks, but because they tend to be dumb, at least in your experience. So in this situation, I don't think there is any racism, as the unfavorable trait is dumbness, not blackness. You are not distancing yourself from someone because they are black, but because they are dumb.
Now granted, there appears to be a correlation between blackness and dumbness. But what I am trying to say is, being racist would also mean distancing yourself from the very (yes, very VERY) few intelligent black people. From what I understand, this is not the case in your situation. You are just distancing yourself from them as, you have experienced more dumb black people than intelligent black people, therefore coming to the logical conclusion that the majority of the black people tend to carry unfavorable traits.
I don't think this is racism. I think this is just learning from life experiences.

this board is more diverse than any liberal hyper-circlejerk hellspawn.

I also sometimes wonder whether the more serious posters are legit white nationalists or self-hating blacks. probably both.

have you seen the hwndu livestreams? the most Sup Forumsacks there were non-white. considering that they probably dont want to leave USA, they are probably not legit white nationalists.

Fair enough. I see your point. My post was about the reality of now. If you are a racist, you will not be taken seriously and you will only make it easier for leftist to have power, because racism is always linked to the right. Correct me about this, if I'm wrong. I've always seen racism and the right being connected. Wrongly, maybe. If you really believe in racial inequality, what is your goal though? Or what is your problem? This may be a more out there idea, but if you believe a black guy or a white guy is a lesser being than you, then why are you worried? I'm ready to discuss with racists(is this what one would call themself?), but most of the time racism is hate speech and not real exchange of ideas.

Why are so many muslims terrorist?

To be totally honest, the more time I spent around other races, the more racist I became.

because of islam?
not because of race?

It's still racism. You are stuck on this meme of racism being a crime committed by the racist against a victim. So you try to say all kinds of racist things aren't racist, because your eyes are open enough to see that they are good things. Open your eyes a little wider. They ARE good things, not in spite of the racist aspect but because of it. Racism is not an evil.

It's time to take back our language. Reasonable racism is a positive trait. It's time to re-habilitate racism.

as soon as niggers stop being sub human scum I'll stop being racist

Well, this is interesting. You're implying your only problem is with the black people. A moderate racist!

It's just satire desu
Just a prank bruh!
Why so serious?

Sup Forums is reactionary, not racist.
Learn the difference

not really. What I claimed was most people tend to distance themselves from black people, not because they are black, but because they, in their experience, tend to be dumber, or harbor another unfavorable trait.
Racism is discrimination and antagonism towards people of certain races. It discredits all people of a certain race. So, using the argument from my last post:
If you are not a racist, then you could still distance yourself from black people. Many people do. But if you were to meet with one that has no unfavorable traits or at least an acceptable amount of them, they would be fair game, and you would treat them like any other person. It is not racism, it is just precaution.
However, If you are a racist, then you would still be as antagonistic, and discriminatory towards a distinguished person of that race. Which to me, doesn't make any sense.
This is my opinion: I don't think there is anything wrong with being cautious towards people of certain races. But if they turn out to be decent human beings, I see no reason to be an huge ass towards them.