Why does Sup Forums worship a pathetic manlet?
Why does Sup Forums worship a pathetic manlet?
Only dullards praise Hitler. Educated minds understand he ruined white nationalism and is responsible for everything wrong on the world
I knew people on Sup Forums could be retarded. But this is a completely different level
judging a book by its cover.... so enlightened, faggot.
I'm 5'5 and I could kill any of you with my bear hands
What's it like being that small?
Like a dream come true
You will never do pic related, why live?
if there's any man i'd worship, it'd be Andrew Jackson. ideologues can get a helicopter ride.
5'8" is a pretty average mans height though
being over 6 feet is abnormal
Linkoln, freed nivgers, many white men died
Washington, waged war, many white men died
Trump, jewish puppet, many white men will die
Sup Forums doesn't, reddit shills do
>That slave tried to free us all but he failed and now we're all being punished by master, its all that slave's fault I just wanted to live as a peaceful compliant slave!
It's ok bro. We'll never learn.
>Not being able to boss around people who are five times your size at work.
>Not being able to feel like Masterblaster.
Tree-people BTFO
wtf i hate trump now
i always wondered if bioshock took their idea for big daddy and little sister from mad max 3
5'9" for a chink is like 6'5" for a white.
Being over 6 feet is abnormal. If it were optimal for evolution, the majority of humans would be over 6 feet, but they aren't.
anyone ever had the thought that they're recruiting military men who have "war" genes in them in order to further domesticate the white race y sending our best off to die in a needless war? sort of a hooton-like plan?
Globalism is wining?
In a state of nature it's actually a disadvantage, for obvious reasons. Being tall provides virtually no benefit other than possibly being slightly more intimidating to predators on first appearance. It's basically a waste of resources to maintain more mass, an inefficiency.
Tallism is a feminine worldview, rooted in female ideas of male beauty. On the right wing, it has its roots in homosexual fascists, who naturally had a feminine worldview in re: manhood.
How many white people did hitler kill??
Why did the entire world revolve around a manlet for almost 20 years? Why did manlets save the world in LOTR?
>Napoleonic Era
>mao taller than hitler and stalin
>stalin being woman height
Im 5'8" as an honorary aryan
There are a lot taller than me but im a few inches above average thanks to my dad. Its to the point you walk into a train station you can see which door has the least people
Washington was a nationalist. Lincoln was a lazy, weak, diseased, girly-man. Stalin was a crippled midget.
>above average
Fucking hell I need to move to Singapore. I am 5'9'' and a turbo manlet here in Serbia. How's life there?
Needing to take a car to get to the shops.
Not simply riding there on your dogs back.
How's the petrol prices doing for you giant-man?
Not good to live in unless you're retired. Vacation is fine too.
Everything is restricted so no fun. No drugs, no guns, no fireworks, monthly contributions the list goes on. Cars cost hundreds of thousands here. Food is possibly the best on earth though, and the people mostly aren't sjw turbocucks.
Pretty warm most days, over 33°C and at night it drops to about 25.
Politicians like most countries are retarded, love importing foreigners because the foreigners will vote for the ruling party and the cycle continues. We're also surrounded by muslim countries unfortunately.
That cat could literally kill you, and would if you petted it the wrong way.
>tfw 6'4"
Manlets BTFO
Damn, I didn't know Singapore is so small. What foreigners are you importing? Muslims?
>manlet defense force
t. Sexually frustrated manlet
Tell me how does it feel knowing the majority of delicious white women pass you by with a glance?
Chinese, mostly, and whoever else wants to come. Mostly Chinese cause muslims are too poor. Indonesia, malaysia and brunei all run by muslims and the people are poor as shit. Their countries literally have done nothing except fuck up people that aren't muslim.
The chinese use singapore as a stepping stone to go to US. Of course some decide to stay, and the media makes them look bad from time to time because they let their kids piss and shit in public