Why is islam so cancerous and why does it exist?

Why is islam so cancerous and why does it exist?

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Would the real Messiah please stand up?

Qur'an 4:34

"Men are the maintainers of women because Allah has made some of them to excel others and because they spend out of their property; the good women are therefore obedient, guarding the unseen as Allah has guarded; and (as to) those on whose part you fear desertion, admonish them, and leave them alone in the sleeping-places and beat them; then if they obey you, do not seek a way against them; surely Allah is High, Great"


cancers spread effectively


The middle east used to be a very hostile area, with the strongest culture winning, and then falling. Common people needed a simple system, to win in this savage battle arena and islam happened to be the one solution that they sold their souls for..

It exists because the violent and less intelligent needed a religion. This is why sandniggers and regular niggers love it so much.

Abraham fucked it up for us all when he fucked the maid. That's where the Ishmaelites come from. baka

Wait. Does we agree with this or disagree with this?

Same reason Christianity exists.

I just don't understand how the left is supporting them when their views are a total 180 of theirs! It's goddamn retarded as fuck.


The left's primary goal is to destroy western civilization. Everything else is secondary.

Yeah that is true

Because most of them are college aged/college educated. They believe they are the smartest people. They believe their professors (that are the same people) when they say Islam is a religion of peace. What you are seeing are an increasing number of idiots that think they are smart being told by the same idiots that think they are smart something that other idiots that think they are smart told them. It would be near impossible to find a liberal (excluding Muslim women that pretend to be in order to utilize their stupidity) that have read any of the Quran. Instead they have unwavering trust in themselves.

Newtons law.

For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.

The Jews try to control society, Muslims must seek to destroy it.
Jews try to Genocide all whites, Muslims will take their place and genocide all jews.

Islam isn't necessarily the problem. Without Jews, they'd have been stranded in the deserts.

If anything, I consider Islam to be our "In case of deepest darkest emergencies, give these people all the power they could ask for, so that the can unleash vengeance upon the world".

I wholeheartedly hope, that if the jews ever succeed in white genocide, Muslims inherit the most nukes. A culture that worships martyrdom, with nukes... Samson won't save Israel.

Muslims are the anti-jew.
This doesn't make them good. Both extremes are bad.
But the Jews are uncontrollable, worse, they control you.

So basically mongoloids that want to be smart

Islam is Muhammad's fan fiction of a real religion. It is cancer because all fan fiction is cancer.

ok ahmed

Well, everyone on pol is Mormon, its simple really, Islam will fade if we all go on our mission trips

It continues to exist because leftist retards with opposing beliefs support it. Stupid people support stupid things.


why >

why would you post one of the most based verses in the koran if you're not schilling for saturn box worship ?