>post YFW you see the definition of "cuck" on urban dictionary
Post YFW you see the definition of "cuck" on urban dictionary
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Kek demands a raid. Your digits say so.
Urban dictionary is just a propaganda outlet at this point directed by fanny flustered leftists . E.g "delete your account" It's meaningless at this point for most slang
Mad that the rest of the internet isn't an echo chamber?
>Mad that the rest of the internet isn't an echo chamber?
>implying op's link isn't an echo chamber
they want us to be angry. best we can do is wait until we can think of something that pisses them off more
whudt the fucc
We should do something out of this site one day or the other.
I bet it would be super easy to get bots voting for some... better defintions.
The one at the bottom (definition 7, posted by: by RW250 March 29, 2017) should be voted up, all others should be voted down.
>Short for cuckold
>A person (usually a man) who lets others (usually women) metaphorically walk all over them in the name of "being a better person", or as a fetish.
It's fucking weird how the definition shifted so fast on Urbandictionary. I cannot remember the definition having anything to do with anything related to SJW white supremacist bullshit. Which is obviously not true.
>((((((((((urban dictionary))))))))))
oh look, it's another paid shill
>Lefties brigading to try and change the literal definition of words to suit their agenda.
Can't say I'm surprised, really.
I'm just showing how shilled the page itself is.
You should consider how manu people look on this website when they don't know what a certain word means. Especially words that are used on the internet.
Just look at the fucking given definitions. It's literally fucking bullshit, and it's basically saying that everyone who calls you a "cuck" is a white suppremacist.
Looks right to me. I'll give it the thumbs up.
>added one month ago
>2800 upboats
Seems legit to me.
lol fag liberals cant shill on Sup Forums and do anything so they resort to brigading urban dictionary and changing the definition of 'cuck'
wow shareblue you really got one over on Sup Forums!
The Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said: “There are three at whom Allah will not look on the Day of Resurrection: The one who disobeys his parents, the woman who imitates men in her outward appearance, and the cuckold [husband of an adulterous wife]. And there are three who will not enter Paradise: The one who disobeys his parents, the drunkard, and the one who reminds people of what he has given them.”
>cuckoldry is Islamophobic
What about this?
Jesus fuck...
Please read I'm not a shill. I'm just really shocked about the fact they changed the definition of "cuck" by implying that everyone who says it, is a white supremacist.
>urban dictionary
>not an echo camber for redditors
If you're too caught up your own ass to have a good chuckle at this, Sup Forums is not for you.
Just check out the traffic towards this site. I'd assume people would rather read the definition on 'Urbandictionary' than the one you see on google.
I'm not sure how accurate this information is, but I think it's a good indication of it.
I swear for the month following Trump's election the "Word of the Day" was just one retarded left wing anti-Trump term after another (alternative facts, trumpgret, donaldtrumpisanassface, etc.)
It reeked of elitist leftists thinking they were being funny when they shit they're sprouting wasn't humorous at all.. like trying to be "cool and hip" with the youth. Also I suspect heavy ShariahBlue involvement as well.
Brother you are speaking on a web forum where you can say
>We should see this as an appeal to the cis-male patriarchy
>kikes need to be gassed
with equal validity.
Sup Forums is not an echo chamber, but instead the most open forum on the entire internet.
He's okay for a furfag.
a laughed pretty hard desu
my comment wasn't directed at you, it was a reply to your post, clearly you're not a shill I was commenting that this was all the shills could do since they can't really make a change here.
cuck belongs to the_donald and their meme-ilk now
sorry cuck you're going to be called a cuck forever and you trying to get us to stop only confirms it bothers you and we'll keep using it to trigger your numale babby tears