>not a word about Syria
>not a word about Russia
That's right. Hang your head in shame, fat man. Slither on your belly back into the tall grass where you belong, vile serpent.
>not a word about Syria
>not a word about Russia
That's right. Hang your head in shame, fat man. Slither on your belly back into the tall grass where you belong, vile serpent.
Still the president, so now what?
Syria hasn't done any more chemical attacks and Puttin has joined the anti North Korea band wagon.
but but but he will be impeached RIGHT REDDIT?
just like Hillary will win... lol
just like bernie even had a chance... lol
>Still the president, so now what?
Now we wait for 2020.
>Syria hasn't done any more chemical attacks
Syria never did any chemical attacks, you MSM-trusting imbecile.
>and Puttin has joined the anti North Korea band wagon.
Who told you that shit - your "God-Emperor"? Or did you actually make this up yourself? (it's very convenient for politicians, you know - when they don't even have to lie to you, because you make up all the lies you wanna hear yourself for them)
>Now we wait for 2020.
Exactly. All this crying at day 100 is foolish. It should be in everyone's best interest that he does a good job for the country.
What're you laughing at, you moron? Trump's your president, it's your country his constant failures and U-turns are fucking up, it's you who's gonna pay trillions if he decides to go to some kind of war for Greater Israel - not to mention the lives you fellas are gonna be losing.
I think we'll be fine man. Don't worry so much. You should come and visit...we're doing pretty good now. Don't believe the media.
>Exactly. All this crying at day 100 is foolish.
T'was Trump that promised heavens to everybody during his first 100 days, defeating ISIS in 30 days, etc., nobody pulled the degenerate moron by his fucking tongue.
>It should be in everyone's best interest that he does a good job for the country.
I'm Russian, why would it be in my best interests, lol?
That ain't gonna happen anyway. It's only been 100 days, and the guy's already backtracked on a huge part of his campaign promises and failed on the others.
And might I remind you that that's the guy who got elected on his constant rambling about how he's the master negotiator who knows how to get the job done?
>T'was Trump that promised heavens to everybody during his first 100 days
Assuming you're not a proxyfag you should know that campaign promises don't always work out...he's not a dictator and has to work with a hostile congress to get a lot of the big ticket items accomplished. It's all a part o the game.
>I'm Russian, why would it be in my best interests, lol?
Sorry, by everybody I meant Americans. But since you brought it up, why do you care so much if it has nothing to do with your interests?
You've been doing pretty good under Obama too.
You'll be doing worse if Trump drags you into another big-ass war for Israel. Or when (not if, mind you) Kim gets his nukes - after Trump's state has been waving dick at him and threatening to rape him.
True. Obama kept us in war for 8 years though...so I fail to see how that's a good thing. If Trump drags us into a war then boo on him, too. Nobody here besdes the mil industrial complex wants war. We're pretty fucking tired of desu.
Kikes will nuke New York and make it America's last 9/11. That way, their Puppet Prez can start WW3. It's called "Operation Gotham Shield".
Watch it happen.
more anti trump pics pls
>Assuming you're not a proxyfag you should know that campaign promises don't always work out...he's not a dictator and has to work with a hostile congress to get a lot of the big ticket items accomplished. It's all a part o the game.
I could accept that until he started plain flipping. You know, like in "yeah, I promised that, but I lied, I won't even give a try - in fact, I'll do the opposite instead".
>But since you brought it up, why do you care so much if it has nothing to do with your interests?
I supported the fag. He seemed to be the voice of reason, someone who wouldn't fuck shit up, side with ISIS and Al Qaeda or risk WW3.
I'm also about to enter the US market with a product of mine, and richer customers are good for business.
He let me down.
I don't think so desu. hey do this shit all the time. Remember when everyone in TX freaked out over Jade Helm?
What you think is irrelevant, this is happening.
Give it time man. A lot of people are being hyper critical at way too early a juncture. The media hype doesn't help.
I hope your product is successful btw.
>hostile congress
they control the house, Senate and wh. So far they've proved to be all impotent limp dicks when it came to governing. This after 8 years of obstructing EVERYTHING and saying that, if given the chance they could solve all the problems. Sad!
someone post the screenshot of the email that has directions on how to shill on message boards, the one that has "DO NOT GET BANNED" at the end, also saged
It's an exercise just like Jade Helm was an exercise. The operation has already happened unless it was rescheduled?
Yup..you would think the Rs would be more supportive. The gov machine is a slow muthfukka.
The freedom caucus needs to fuck off. They do nothing productive and they give no shits about every day Americans
NK is a false flag you fools. Nothing is happening over there. Russia shot down Kim's crap to prevent the US from fucking it all up again.
Drumpf is such a failure. Have heard little to nothing about his rally. Suppose that is because his magic is dying out rapidly.
I don't think anyone in government cares about us.
We all know you're all shills.
Be honest senpai: Do you hope he will turn it around and do a great job for the USA? Or do you hope he fails miserably?
>Give it time man. A lot of people are being hyper critical at way too early a juncture. The media hype doesn't help.
Trump just steps into his presidency - and suddenly everybody's talking about wars and nukes. Not just media, but officials too, and the pres. himself's tweeting threats left and right. That ain't good.
>I hope your product is successful btw.
Thanks! It's a small-time content project; my plans are kinda modest at the moment, and I've been watching a number of similar projects take off rather easily, so it'll probably do fine.
I'll be happy if he doesn't start a war with kimmy fatboi
Here's your fucking problem, dipshit. These assholes need to be fucking purged.
Well I think we'll all be happy wit that outcome. Pretty sure that's not going to happen. It would be preferable for China to take him out. The Norks have suffered long enough.
>fat man
>vile serpent
Pick one
He said the only thing he fears is the constitution, which he swore to protect and defend.
Paul Ryan is such a phony cock sucker.
He should be kicked in the dick for his "health care" bill
Intersting. Got a source senpai? I would love to read about it.
If you don't like The Guardian you can look up the Fox interview it's referencing.
>Thanks! It's a small-time content project
Awesome. Best of luck to you. I wish I knew how to launch a product...I will just continue to be a wage slave.
He's never even read the constitution.
Otherwise he would know that a) there are 3 branches of gov b) they are all equal to one another
He lacks a desire to learn. He's going to go down as the worst president of all time.
>The freedom caucus needs to fuck off.
If you've had too much vodka in winter, fell into a snowbank, fell asleep and woke up to find your arm caught gangrene, you got two choices:
1) You can go to a doctor and he'll saw your arm off. It's gonna be very unpleasant, but will save your life.
2) You can pretend everything is fine and try living like nothing's happening. You'll be kinda ok for a while, but in time, it's gonna kill you.
The Freedom Caucus are the guys telling to go see the doctor.
Cool thanks. It's a little different than you lead on, but I get it. He's not having an easy go of it for sure. The whole system is corrupt...I'm all for a great purge.
No, that's DEFINITELY Obama.
That's his lie, though. The system's corruption has made it possible for you to sit at home doing nothing on a Saturday night with electricity, running water, access to the internet, and the ability to say whatever you want. You know you can access money in your bank account, and unless you're in some obsolete field like coal mining there are countless opportunities available to you. Trump is lying to you to make money for himself.
Could be true, but the proof isn't there yet. I'm all for burning any of them that are abusing their power, but I am also in favor of evidence. Right now the media is so full of shit I can't trust any of them. When I see an indictment I am 100% on board. Until then it's just 'muh Russians' all over again. They are all lying to us...
>I wish I knew how to launch a product...I will just continue to be a wage slave.
I've been watching similar projects take off for a couple years now. It basically goes like this:
- You choose a niche where you can create a competitive product, that also has decent target audience.
- You find where that target audience dwells - forums, message boards. A couple Sup Forums boards, definitely (for me, that is).
- You watch other projects and take the best from them.
- You create your own kick-ass product, as well as marketing materials.
- You go and communicate with your target audience. Gotta have a demo and catchy freebies for them.
- You talk with people, answer their questions, keep the topics alive, etc., etc.
- And you make those UPDATES constant and good to the best of your abilities.
- Monetize this stuff through whatever model you've chosen.
Also, living in Russia helps a lot. Goods here cost pretty much the same as in the US, but services are many, many times cheaper, as well as real estate for the most part. The median wage here is less than $6000/year. This means both that you need way less money to consider the project a success, AND that you can easily afford to hire people if the business is taking off and you wanna speed the production up.
Thanks fampai...great advice. I have some ideas I would love to try, but always afraid to pull the trigger because I am dumb when it comes to execution. You have given me a lot to think about!
Except that the market did all of that, not government. We have these things despite government, not because of it.
Better to have tried and failed than not trying at all. You don't want to look back on life and think shoulda woulda coulda
Agreed. My hesitation comes from having to spend money I don't have. I want to be successful, but I have to temper that with putting my family at risk if I lose the meager savings I have. I am sure there are ways around that (kickstarter etc), but I am just really cautious...probably fear more than anything.
Consistency is the key, along with marketing and viable monetization strategy. You gonna be working your ass off for free for a while.
Now, those who, despite no money, continue doing kick-ass updates regularly and consistently, communicating with the audience and marketing their stuff, end up doing well. I haven't seen a single product in my niche that did this and didn't take off, and I've been observing practically all of them (using them and observing the business side - they were often using crowdfunding, which is transparent and easy to track).
fuck off RIDF
Makes sense. I have heard people say you'll never work so hard then when you're working for yourself. I have no doubt you'll be successful. Thanks again for the great information bruv. I think I will not sleep tonight as you have fired me up to try and make something work.
Do your best to insulate yourself money wise from a potential failure. Keeping the roof over your head and feeding your family should not be put in jeopardy
Yeah that's the part that scares me. I really admire people that make it despite the hurdles. They seem to be able to tolerate more risk than I can right now. It's really frustrating desu.
As a resident of New York the chances of the kikes nuking millions of their own is a very unlikely scenario. Do nuke us though.
Well, I'm going to go to bed. I hope it works out well for you. Good luck
Thanks senpai. Sleep well.
Don't risk with the money you can't afford to lose, though. Put in your skills, time and effort instead. When pressed, I've come to find out that learning any skill from zero to a level sufficient to make a product is quite achievable.
For instance, I learned to program to a degree and to draw rather well in about a year. I program rather poorly and draw slowly using a bunch of software for better results, but that's enough to be able to roll out a decent product. I know a guy who hired people to do all that stuff, spent several hundred k $$$ and ended up broke and in debt. Had he learnt to do stuff by himself and spent money only when absolutely necessary, he'd be deep in the green and growing strongly - he only needed to manage to make a fraction of the sales that he made (which were a formidable amount, but not good enough to repay for his investments).
maybe you should be concerned more about what he's not talking about than what he is. he is, after all unpredictable
>Don't risk with the money you can't afford to lose, though. Put in your skills, time and effort instead.
Solid. I am probably in too much of a hurry. I need to slow down and learn more before I jump in. I would definitely prefer to become more educated in my field first. How long have you been developing your product?
>How long have you been developing your product?
Several months. Learning the necessary software and developing/fixing the production business processes took most of it. Hope I'll be able to roll it out in July, should be easier from then on.
Very cool. I bet you had a bunch of 100 hour weeks. None of this sounds easy, but it does sound fulfilling.
>not a word about Syria
>not a word about Russia
How many times did he praise the jews?
>I bet you had a bunch of 100 hour weeks.
Not really - I'm actually lazy. Had I treated this as work, I'd never get close to completion - but I like creating stuff, and I can spend sufficiently much time doing things I like doing.
Personally, I'm not into this stuff just for the money, but for fun as well. Otherwise, would've gone to investment banking or asset management.
RIght on. I am pretty passionate about what I do for a living...it does make it easier.
> 1 post by this id
I know this is bait, but it seems pretty funny to me that the left continues to use these dying topics. Since day 1 there was word that he would be impeached at any moment for his ties with Russia. There was also the narrative that Trump was going to ground war in Syria after the missile strike. My question to CNN & the other propagandist agencies is when the narrative completely falls apart do you expect your words to carry any influence apart from very left leaning individuals? It is going to be a huge boon to Trump when this happens at the expense of the left. I do think he is screwing up some of his campaign promises, but the left is choosing to attack the most dramatic/ the stupidest areas to attack.