>is a white nationalist
>worships a literal shit skin proto commie liberal Jew
>is a white nationalist
>worships a literal shit skin proto commie liberal Jew
>is a white nationalist
>is Buddhist
But I'm not a white nationalist, I'm a Christian nationalist.
You are a cuck
sure have a lot of claims and no proof
This image of Jesus was created by a Jew using the shroud of Turin, a falsified artifact.
In another thread I saw a guy saying if jews converted to Christianity he would welcome them with open arms into his ideal nation.
fucking LOL christkeks unfuck your shit. Putting faith over blood is your downfall.
Hello JIDF.
then read the bible cletus
I don't have a wife or a girlfriend so I cannot be a cuck. Literally, by definition, I cannot be a cuck.
Isn't the recent image of christ was based on Cesare Borgia?
ShareBlue employees are improving their tactics. Had you received a raise in the past months?
>says the huwhite CHRISTFAG
Hello non white christfag
Rome council made the bible for emperor Constantine. Basically, go get all of Alexandria history'papyrus, urban legends from across the land whatever left of assyrians. Mix that shit up and bang, you get yourself a bible. Redpill Jesus didn't exist, with time they made him look like a white ginger/blond to better support claims that French kings were descent of him.
Left the Stone Age monkey?
cucked you lick the feet of non-whites
>ignores the post with an actual counter-proof to your claim
He looks like that guy from the Game of Thrones
>going for the "white baboon" tactic
>implying brazilians take it seriously
my fucking god i love how hard you try
Christ is the light of this world.
Praise God.
is that el chapo?
>Hurr Jesus looked like an Arab for some reason
He lived in Roman controlled Israel. Where the people were mostly semetics/greeks at the time.
The largest populations there were Anatalions, Greeks and Semetic peoples.
>tfw the oldest depiction of Jesus was made by an edgy ancient fedora
Jesus is a penis, dumbass, not a regional character. Christianity is a sex ritual. Plus he was white with blond hair
>doesn't have small, beady eyes
>doesn't have a down turned, hook nose
>no "rat like" appearance
>the shroud of turin can not give skin color data, therefore; skin tone is a total guess of the artist
he literally doesn't look jewish
you don't have one cause your wife or girlfriend is fucking some other guy, so you are in fact a kuk
>a dude 2000 years ago looked like a fucking Cro-Magnun
Here's what an Anatolian looks like on average, here's Christ.
>natinalist not white nationalist
>the only tome it says what Jesus looks like was in revelations and he was white
>dont care if he's nit white
guys the shareblue shill fled
close the thread
Whites are literally not human, they're part Neanderthal, which autism derives from
doesn't being half-god mean you transcend race?
if god is a jew does that mean we were all well and truly fucked from the start? i'm talking pre-diluvian
That image was what the average Jew looked like at that time, so people concluded that Jesus looked like that too. But that's kinda silly I think. I mean, if Jesus was this awesome religious leader who could generate a huge following, then he probably didn't look or act like the average Jew. He was probably a lot different from the rest of the crowd.
Actually this is what The Lord looked like
Reminder that The shroud is real and Christ rose from the dead
>There was supposed to be an /r/atheism raid tonight but I'm the only guy here
Can't say that I have.
Never had a girlfriend and never had a wife either, so while I might be a "forever alone nerd" I am not a cuck.
Christ is King.
I'm not a white nationalist
>be me
>worship the one true God Jesus Christ
Jesus came to serve as a humble brown servant - maybe you're onto something OP.....?
i dont think it matters though. He is still Lord. whoever has seen him has seen God
> believing the ((( history ))) channel.
> doesn't know that the white race comes from the middle east.
> forgets that Levantines are Mediterranean Caucasians.
> 2,000 years ago at the time of Christ, the Levant and the Middle East was 100% Caucasian without sandnigger beduin blood which came several centuries after when mohammed conquered the Middle East due to Islam.
> Christ was from Palestine, which was known as Galatia, a Celtic Region
> The Bible clearly states that Christ was an Aryan Man multiple times.
> Paganfags were savage uncivilized cannibals and practiced human sacrifice which was nigger-tier behaviot
yes a jew
Reminder this is a reddit tier slide thread
Reminder not to take the bait
Reminder to sage and not be a newfag
The question I wonder is, without Christianity would whites still have conquered the subhumans of the world as easily? Or would it have been even easier with paganism?
I see the shills have been scaled back
I guess they cut the budge once they realized their shills come back babbling about hitler.
Mary looked like her
Glory to God in the highest heaven, and on earth peace to those on whom his favor rests
my point exactly
nothing but shitposting, you are the cancer killing Sup Forums
>be a white nationalist
>support shitskin muslim Assad
They're not the smartest or most consistent people.
Fuck off peaces of shit, Sup Forums is not a christian board this is a meme, just a lot of them came here becouse of our anti gay stands and think everyone here is christian ill tell you this it's bullshit we aren't christian board.
Fuck off Muslim
>Latvian flag
What are you smoking retard?
we have 0.1% muslim population here.
Than what are you?
So he was Korean?
Your theory is fucking retarded.
This is Lutheran country, but i am personaly an atheist right winger.
>So he was Korean?
I don't think you understand my post. I'm just saying he probably didn't look like the average Jew. Most people who just look average don't get much attention.
It's not that hard to understand.
So are the Baltic States our guys?
>he was a leader
>therefore, he probably didn't look like his parents
I don't know you tell me.
HEY SHILL, u like my nigger gore
I didnt know Jesus drove a cab in Uptown.
>Implying that secular (((professors))) know what Jesus looked like.
Friendly reminder if you believe Jesus Christ is Jewish, you are literally a useful idiot for the Jewish agenda or a Jew yourself.
Judaism as a religion did not exist until the Talmud was created several centuries after the death of Christ, and was created in by rabbis who had spent the few hundred years after Christ's death killing anyone who knew He was the true Messiah that they could find.
Mary's mother (Anna) was from Britanny, so she probably looked like that.
I wonder how Joseph was taking his colleagues' jokes about "his wife's son".
this, this, this
New world was a mistake
You know nothing about Jesus, Jews loved him so much they killed him.
He wa sso liberal demanded poor people to help themselves and not rely on government.
You must realize that your arguments are shitty, right?
There's no reason to assume his parents looked like the average Jew and Jewess at the time. Also, even if they did, their genes could've mixed in such a way that Jesus ended up looking much different than others.
Not exactly.
I turned around to see the voice that was speaking to me. And when I turned I saw seven golden lampstands, and among the lampstands was someone like a son of man, dressed in a robe reaching down to his feet and with a golden sash around his chest. The hair on his head was white like wool, as white as snow, and his eyes were like blazing fire. His feet were like bronze glowing in a furnace, and his voice was like the sound of rushing waters. In his right hand he held seven stars, and coming out of his mouth was a sharp, double-edged sword. His face was like the sun shining in all its brilliance. When I saw him, I fell at his feet as though dead. Then he placed his right hand on me and said: “Do not be afraid. I am the First and the Last. I am the Living One; I was dead, and now look, I am alive for ever and ever! And I hold the keys of death and Hades.
Revelation 1:12-18 NIV
After this I looked, and there before me was a door standing open in heaven. And the voice I had first heard speaking to me like a trumpet said, “Come up here, and I will show you what must take place after this.” At once I was in the Spirit, and there before me was a throne in heaven with someone sitting on it. And the one who sat there had the appearance of jasper and ruby. A rainbow that shone like an emerald encircled the throne. Surrounding the throne were twenty-four other thrones, and seated on them were twenty-four elders. They were dressed in white and had crowns of gold on their heads. From the throne came flashes of lightning, rumblings and peals of thunder. In front of the throne, seven lamps were blazing. These are the seven spirits of God.
Revelation 4:1-5 NIV
>can't find his body to identify how he looked
>assume he looks like a fucking Neanderthal
Hey Christ killer
>white nationalist
I'm not though
Conservative christians really are the most pathetic group in the world
Educate yourself a bit. Jesus was a Middle Eastern Jew.
>Jews loved him so much they killed him.
wow dude bible clearly says Romans killed him, and i am not eaven religious and know it.............
>He wa sso liberal demanded poor people to help themselves and not rely on government.
Are you fucking idiot?
WHAT GOVERMENT?What are you talking about?Roman empire didn't have any social weltheare, they all had to relay on themselves.
Will this proxy asshole ever stop making these threads? Fucking shill, I bet you're located in Tel Aviv
>Mary's mother (Anna) was from Britanny, so she probably looked like that.
I like my picture better.
>I wonder how Joseph was taking his colleagues' jokes about "his wife's son".
>I hope he said back to them, "My son is the god. What your son?"
But you can hand over your land to nonwhites. This is cuck mindset. Christianity is globalist and the most kike friendly religion their is (I mean other than Judaism) It was made by kikes. Jesus was literally a jew
nice try shlomo
Jesus was white.
have you ever seen a jewish person IRL op?
they dont look like your picture
and jesus was a jewish man
deal with it
>his parents
According to Jesus himself, he looked like his father. He even said that who has seen him has seen his father.
Explain please.
Go Zeus go
Checked. (((OP))) belongs in the oven.
No, he just didn't exist.
That's why you fall to the communists.
You asserted that he was a leader, therefore he didn't look like other Jews.
Do you even know how fucking retarded that is? That can't even be classified as logical fallacy.
who said we were all christians
w....w....what the fuck are you talking about?
USSR anexed Baltic states with force.
I am atheist capitalist right winger, only becouse you are not religious dosen't mean you have to be a comunist.
kek those jews are eastern european converts that lived in khazaria. Ashkenazi jews aren't actual jews