>name another prominent Western country where you can hold an armed white nationalist rally like this and not be thrown in jail.
I'll wait.
>name another prominent Western country where you can hold an armed white nationalist rally like this and not be thrown in jail.
I'll wait.
Other urls found in this thread:
I'd fill the one of the left with semen and make white babies. I guess the right, too, if it came down to it.
More white babies.
None, which is sad. I know you don't live anywhere near anyone that isn't white, but you empathize with them so you are a good person. Right?
When they move to your neighborhood you will see.
they look like degenerates.
white babby best babby
Name another country where you can march an armed anit-white antifa mob down town ?
I'll wait.
>I know you don't live anywhere near anyone that isn't white, but you empathize with them so you are a good person. Right?
>When they move to your neighborhood you will see.
5% limit and things start diapering and violence goes way up . Rapes too.
they look like they would be in antifa
That girl is very....
ugh, fellow white nationalists, what do we do about the white trash problem?
This is what passes for white in Sup Forums
Lock and load your bike locks, senpai.
Tfw no gf with swastika tattoo
Tattoos confirm
I think in chile you could. Obviously antifa would show up.
reporting in
is not that they are free.
is just that 2 girls are fearless, also why was white power so feared by the jews? while nigger, spic, chink, gook, kike, even cuck [antifa] and gay parades are actually routine
big fucking deal
This is a shill thread, sage and leave.
UkraIne has been co-opted by a Western coup and they love their Nazis.
Is Keira Knightley /ourgirl/?
All white nationalists need to hang.
Good point.
>These girls faced down opposition, and are in fact a pair of badasses
As reported by Vice, etc.
Personally I like that the Antifa reveals itself.
is an ideology attacked from the darkness, but once it's enemies reveal their pozzed asses it becomes a more practical resistance.
even on pol, there are leftists that think censoring on other sites. ignorance is their solution. now with raids....
with raids the cucks expose themselves to what they can't delete. they accept they are wrong and move away, they move goalpoints a dozen time without ever being able to deny our points.
You can't do anything about it, racism and low IQ have a high correlation so you'll always have scabby uneducated people at the forefront of your """movement"""
This, methheads
Only if we also hang all Antifa and all Marxists
Right totally looks like carl the cuck.
Because White Power is truthfully scary to those that aren't. Black Mexican Asian "Power" is cute, like a child pretending to be a superhero.
1, Eliminate nog (((((("culture")))))
2, better education
3, breed with smart women
Be like me
Have 8 smart white kids :)
Best of luck lads
Where's the one on the left so I can wife her
>nobody has mentioned she actually shaved her armpits
This "not white enough" meme I'm convinced is from outsider shills trying to divide and dismantle white identity. These red necks are clearly trashy, low iq, low income/no income people but really? Not white? They don't look vaguely Hispanic or whatever... They're white you faggot.
>white nationalist rally
>attended exclusively by non-whites
Top laughs, only in fucking burgerland
How does this make you feel?
shieeet lemme wife her. she could honestly wear less make up though
Actual Neo-Nazis are violent, degenerate trash and are no better than niggers, really.
Damn she fine
They're both swamp creatures but at least they keep their pits shaved. Your move leftists
>have armpit fetish
>see this image