When did you realize Trump was a jew shill?

When did you realize Trump was a jew shill?

Early on. But I'm older, I remember.

You're literally a jew shill. Fuck off

Fuck you cultist.

>long island jew
>democrat from new york
>surrogate father was a jew (Cohn)
>donates to Clinton campaign
>friends with Epstein and Netanyahu
>all his offspring are jews
>"wtf I hate being a democrat now"
>"we need to defend our greatest allies, we need to stop radical islamic terrorism"
I've known he was a kike since the late 80's

>Beautiful Jewish baby.

I realised after his first speech at AIPAC during the election campaign around mid year 2016. He basically said the Iranian nuclear deal was the worst and he would dismantle it immediately. I knew this was shit because the deal was purposely negotiated in a way the Republicans couldn't unilaterally destroy it by making sure that China, Russia, Germany etc had to agree that Iran was breaking the deal in order for the sanctions to snap back. Trump can put in US sanctions on Iran but he can't bring back international sanctions unless all these countries agree Iran wasn't abiding by the deal. His hatred towards Iran is pure Israeli in origin, it benefits nobody in this world but Israel to make an enemy out of Iran.

Then he talked about his Jewish grandchildren and other dick sucking things I realised he was wanting to be part of their tribe. I'm also a bit older than most of Sup Forums so I recognise a liar quicker than you guys, it's just a skill you learn with time which you'll all get too.

you're a good goy

>Sup Forumstards thought they could VOTE jews out of a system they own

His recent holocaust statements were very petty "muh precious jews, anti Semitism is never ok guys stop it!".
And Ivanka parading around the holocaust memorial cubes.
Plus talks of invading Syria with troops by some of his people and his excuse about the gas baby memes being a legitimate reason to do that kind of shit. Yeah, just a coincidence that getting rid of Assad would be a stepping stone towards Israel gaining the gaza strip and all the new found oil, just (((coincidences)))
And all the influence Kushner and Mcaster have gained vs Bannon.
He's definitely playing some chess.
The only question here is, is it 4D chess against them, or is it (((4D))) chess against you?
Either he's posing as a jew loving war loving mainstream neocon to consolidate his power and widen his base before going back to his populist agenda or the populist agenda was the way he got into the white house and this is his true form.

uhh probably when half his family were jews