>Putin, who has dominated Russian politics for 17 years, has not said whether he will run in presidential elections in March 2018. But the 64-year-old politician, who enjoys high popularity ratings, is widely expected to do so. >Saturday's protest in the capital – called "We're sick of him" – was organized by the Open Russia movement founded by Kremlin critic Mikhail Khodorkovsky. Once Russia's richest man, he was freed by Putin in 2013 after spending a decade in jail for fraud, a charge Khodorkovsky said was politically-motivated. Open Russia is a "humanitarian" organization which has existed in two incarnations. Both were organized by the infamous oligarch Mikhail Khodorkovsky, who was arrested for fraud in 2003. The first incarnation had Henry Kissinger and Jacob Rothschild on its board. The second version has been organizing anti-Putin and anti-government marches like the one in the Reuters article ever since 2014. (
>One of hundreds shepherded into a queue behind metal barriers by police before handing over their petitions one-by- one, Anna, a 16-year-old Moscow schoolgirl, said she hoped Putin would get the message and not run again. >Her preference for president was opposition politician Alexei Navalny, who spent 15 days in jail last month after helping organize the biggest anti-government protests since 2012, which ended with over 1,000 arrests. Alexei Navalny is the chairman of the "Progress Party". The party is pro-EU and attempts to paint itself as the premier opposition party to Putin's United Russia. Two troubling things about the Progressive Party of Russia: 1. An economist named Sergei Guriev crafted the economic planks of its platform. Guriev is the chief economist at the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development. The biggest shareholder of the bank is the United States 2. The foreign policy of the Party sounds rather neocon in tone. It is for removing Russian support for "rogue states" (probably meaning Syria and other Western "enemies") and partnering up with the West. (ctrl+f "rogue states" on So in a time of increasing Russophobia and insane conspiracy theories about Putin intervening in the US election, the year before an election in Russia, the mainstream liberal opposition is coming from a Russian oligarch who has a personal grudge against Putin, whose organization has had on its board some of the biggest Western imperialists, and a political party supported by members of this org which repeats the standard pro-West and anti-"rogue state" propaganda. The Progress Party will be championed in Western liberal media such as MSNBC as a savior of humanitarian and "progressive" ideals in Russia. It will be supported by the US Deep State and neocons, along with the neoliberal banking and corporate whores.
William Cruz
It will a radical nationalist revolution and no Western jew boy gets into the office for PR this time
Nicholas Sanchez
>radical revolution
How? The Jews have pretty much got Trump cucked into oblivion at this point, he'll do whatever the fuck they want
Gabriel Anderson
Molotovs and guns
Zachary Mitchell
>Open Russia movement literally ties to soros the cia will still hijack it
Hudson Jackson
The CIA can't do anything when you have a radical from the street in a President's chair. Putin is a kike faggots and antiwhite scum. His actions will have consequences
Bentley Collins
tell that to kiev
Gabriel Roberts
Will it just lead to a full blown war?
My theory is that the USA will at first try a color revolution then just lose patience and start firing nukes because they're fucking insane