Am I white?

Rate my Results Goys

You're basically a nigger.

>90 percent irish
im afraid not.


pick one


Unless your 1000% Thulean Atlantean Aryan you are basically a monkey.

digits confirm

It depends really... Irish is sort of like discount slav.

You are 90% potato. We love potatoes in Russia.

it goes:

>1. Nordic
>4. Anglo
>7. Irish
>8. Slav
>9. Mediterranean
.50+ kike, nigger etc.

you fucking moron. look up gobineau

Am I white?

We are all niggers. When the Aryan Magician armies beneath Agartha conquer us they will eradicate all non Europeans and force the remaining purest pseudo Aryans to be their slaves, and breed us in large facilities for food and entertainment.

>1% jewish

clue us in as to what happens in the ZOG meetings

Yes you're one of like three people in Belize that's actually white.

You're R A R E

probably not, but you wouldn't get the gas first for sure

You need some sleep buddy.

1/4 Aryan same Irish and English. 1/8 native and swedish

>no 100% Bavarian phenotype

Sorry user, but you gots to go.

Are you of mennonite descent?

>blonde hair and blue eyes

Lol, sorry pablo. You're headed for the chambers on the DOTR


get out of belize lmao

>Am I white?
Well, if you have to ask...

6'3 180 pound alpha genes reporting in

>0.1% African
Go back to Nigeria Adebayo

Yeah I think I might be a bit of a Google fuck my kids all have blonde hair blue eyes though so we hide it well

Sammy Davis Jr, is that you?



sleep is for the weak

whiter than you.

no you are potato-nigger.

>1. Nordic
>4. Anglo
As if Nords are somehow superior to the conquerers of the world.
