Let's talk about "what if" about the Norks.
>More Sanctions?
>Flood of Refugees?
>Regime Change?
>Roles by each Country?
>Who will win?
>What will happen to USA?
>What will you do or need t do?
Let's talk about "what if" about the Norks.
>More Sanctions?
>Flood of Refugees?
>Regime Change?
>Roles by each Country?
>Who will win?
>What will happen to USA?
>What will you do or need t do?
Other urls found in this thread:
Nothing will happen. I have foreseen it.
ya always has been like that, so agree, although it does seem a lot different this time around
sorry, but I made the thread, but other with "It's Happening" was just not working for me, totally unrealistic thread
This potato face ain't going anywhere.
Anyone know where the naval fleet is exactly?
>>What will you do or need t do?
Hopefully you, as in, Americans, will get called up for war.
Feminists, SJW, gender fluid pansexual rastafarian identifiers making up the front lines.
I am old, so I can't, also waiting on getting my back fused in July
If anything, trying to prep is all
thinking more sanctions is all maybe too, if NK can weasel to that, dug a hole this time
I was hoping more for a purge of the groups mentioned than old guy's with sore backs.
Anyway, probably nothing will happen. But if you do end up going in, except way more casualties than Iraq/Afghanistan. I know they are seen as a joke but they are brain washed, have discipline and there's a fucking load of them.
seen in the Catalog earlier some thead NK tested a missile? that new news or guy way late on news?
it will be the same threat with Japan during WWII, ruthless to the end scenario, agree
Pyongyang seeks ASEAN’s help to avert ‘nuclear holocaust’ as Trump warns of ‘major conflict’ — RT News
This is not the first time that Pyongyang has sent a letter to the 10-member regional body of which North Korea is not a member.
Coons: Senate may have to 'support military action' | TheHill
Cant get to the oil reserves?
was on twitter and youtube, Defcon went to 4 yesterday, now back to 5, the lowest
seems we should be ok, right now at least
Right outside the CNN center in ATL
wonder if this the 4d chess Trumps plays here
Trump: ‘We may terminate’ U.S.-South Korea trade agreement - The Washington Post washingtonpost.com
See thread: Much better
boards.Sup Forums.org/pol/thread/123406456#bottom
Nice fake link
which one?
I find this whole thing funny. I have worked on nuclear installations my whole life, so did my father, and my mother is also military although nothing to do with anything nuclear.
I can tell you for a fact that NK have been successfully testing an m26 nuclear warhead. This is the reason the US are scared because there are only 3 countries who actually have access to them at this time and that is the US, UK and France. It's supposed to be top secret but fuck it you probably won't believe me anyway. When the North Koreans say they will turn the US to ash, they fucking mean it believe me.
Also the flag says NZ but I am British living in NZ.
I knew there was more to the story, and that is some great info, there is always more
NK tech is getting better, I think he maybe destroying his missiles too, what do you think on that?
seoul are sitting ducks. neither washington nor seoul were prepared for this because they thought nk would've collapsed by now
>m26 nuclear warhead
can you give me a quick rundown?
they should of never developed up like they did in Soeul back in the day, and also, I never ever heard of a plan to stop or continue the war even in my lifetime
I am not sure either, maybe multi warhead
They should've. Perhaps North Korea is an eternal enemy that was being kept around for...reasons.
their development isn't really the issue here. it's just that they haven't been taking nk seriously because they thought it would've collapsed before they could become a threat, which wasn't ill informed, it was just a miscalculation. the crippling sanctions that were put on nk could've collapsed any country. the fact that nk still somehow developed nukes ad icbm's is pretty remarkable
This isn't true.
>Feminists, SJW, gender fluid pansexual rastafarian identifiers making up the front lines.
That would be fucking hilarious but conscious objections are a thing.
well there's no contingency planned for this and you can tell because america is hesitating to do anything and the fact that they asked china for support is even more telling. america knows china isn't going to do much more than feign support
fake as fuck
I sense that US does not really know how to go about this at all also, they know it can go brutal or even worse
tell us why please
Wish they would hurry the fuck up and take the chinks out already. Stop talking and JUST DO IT
ya a lot of hesitation with all this
Google it. There is nothing.
He is a faggot larper
I imagine right now they're working with redpilled North Koreans on the inside to make a regime change from within. Don't believe the media, a good portion of North Koreans know the jig was never there and now it's up.
casualties from all sides would be in the hundreds of thousands. it's already been assessed by u.s. intel as too costly
I was thinking regime change from the inside a lot too, but after sanctions
it would be brutal on both sides, talking massive, I think they know that too
I did google (duckduckgogo), was waiting for a reply, totally nothing on M6 warhead
I can see it coinciding with a cyberattack to disable their grid and a decapitation strike by Special Forces. THADDs are being placed in the region to make sure their dead man switch plans don't go through.
Navy SEAL team goes in and extracts, all trained too
you guys see the article (use twitter link) for Trump to ditch South Korean trade agreement?
odd timing
Why do SEALs get to do all the cool shit?
yup. Because he is a liar. Attention seeker. SAD!
Old news. that was talked about a few days ago.
sneaky killing machines I think
cool, I just saw it, sorry about that
I saw a tweet earlier tonight that said the nuclear sub that just arrived to join in the "training" broke off from formation to do it's own thing.
I can't find it now though. I'll keep looking.
Thinking they are taking attention of something else is all, or blame all this on something with the markets too, we only had 0.02% growth, stock market is way too high, needs to drop.
who is ten? they keep saying ten, someone said "ten going back to Korea?"
redpill me
Last night i had a pretty detailed dream of a nuke going off far in the distance (Australia) and the fiery mushroom rising up.
Was pretty scary desu
don't fret too much, think SK and Japan need to worry
found it
>>>US nuke submarine Michigan leaves Busan to "exercise on its own." Michigan's believed to be armed with 154 Tomahawks
I live in California so all of this is pretty scary, I'm over an hour and a half from LA
I am looking too, still nothing
nvm see your update, thanks
that is the one sub that went to dock, wow that is odd, never joined the fleet
I dont think CA has anything to worry about either, think just Alaska within the US, some Canada
Same user. I live on the west side in LA. Hard not to feel concerned since I have kids.
You'll be fine.
Just worry about earthquakes and gang members.
That shit will kill you before a nuke will.
You're good.
If you lived in SK, then I would be saying something totally different.
US is safe from NK. For now.
USS Carl Vinson stages war drills with Korean Navy
US security chiefs reaffirm no THAAD payment by Seoul
has pol found funny NK propanda youtube channel yet?
Reunification of the Koreas will destroy South Korea as we know it. But it's the right thing to do.
Please elaborate, Japanon. How do you see it playing out?
Add them fun facts about North Korea and the creepy kids who play guitar if you can lol
That guy getting hit "ahhohhaloo" too funny
Too bad their missiles keep blowing up when they launch them. But you keep larping.
While you're at it, explain how nuclear power plants have any access to top secrets from the military and intelligence organizations? I ask only because I'm bored, and want to see the doozy you'll poop out of your mouth.
Worst case scenario we antagonize kim to do something stupid.. like bomb one of the neighbor countries.. or all of them.. for us in the west there is zero threat..
seems NK is trying hard to reach is though, not long at all til they do
Once the border comes down the South will be flooded by people with little education or life skills that will need to be fed and housed. It will absolutely devastate the South Korean economy.
What if they're intentionally sabotaging their own missile tests to pull the wool over our eyes and they actually already have a nuke capable of reaching the US mainland? This is the kind of shit I dream up and worry about.
them all lol
>Too bad their missiles keep blowing up when they launch them
they blow up after launch, during second stage engine thrusts. this is how you know they're doing it on purpose. they've launched satellites, they can easily launch missiles
oh your in Japan too, ya, this was going to happen within our lifetimes, unification is someway, they only did that Labor Complex at the border only, that was a hint
I just read a few things where NK is trying to better their relations with SK.
They are trying to soften them up for something.
Do you think refugees from NK would be motivated to assimilate so that the country could recover decently given enough time?
I'm predicting Trump will keep shaming China and Russia into curbing the fat kid in, or building more pressure on the NK generals to take the fat kid out in a coup. Nobody wants ware, but all of our Presidents and the world have been bowing and scraping to the little fuck, and his father, lowering sanctions and sending money and food and resources when he starts running his mouth, because he spent all of his allowance on army men again.
Trump is throwing the little fuckstick's game right back in his teeth, and the fat kid doesn't like it, and I think we'll find out, he's ALL fucking talk. He's just a grifter, like his father, and when Trump,Putin and China start tightening the screws, he's gonna break. And then his people will see what a fraud he is.
It's a dangerous game, but it's about fucking time someone told the fat kid to sit down and shut the fuck up.
The fat kid will not be around by 2020. Either by war, or coup.
of course they can, they're the same people. the korean war is a civil war
Pyongyang seeks ASEAN’s help to avert ‘nuclear holocaust’ as Trump warns of ‘major conflict’ — RT News
This is not the first time that Pyongyang has sent a letter to the 10-member regional body of which North Korea is not a member.
You're an idiot.
>>More Sanctions?
>>Flood of Refugees?
>>Regime Change?
>>Roles by each Country?
>>Who will win?
>>What will happen to USA?
>>What will you do or need t do?
Leave them alone?
It would take a least a generation. Children born after reunification would be able to assimilate perfectly not the ones living now.
Who was it that mentioned Spec Ops?
>>>Michigan has its own midget submarine that detaches.
>>>That midget sub is designed for use by Special Ops and the 60-member crew may include some.
>>>Michigan came to Busan with its 60-member crew only 2 days ago.
We aren't talking about your family dude. Wrong thread
latest headline I read was Trump "believed" that China was helping, not a good sign to me
I am thinking Sanctions have to happen first, so we really don't have clue anyway
Translation: "I just spent a week showing off my offensive capabilitie - now America is doing it too?!!? And they have better toys? NO NO NO NO NO! I'm gonna run to ASEAN mommy and tell on him!"
Good lord, that letter, could they be bigger drama llamas? We're taking them seriously?
a couple of us thought this too, gathering data while not breaking international law really
they had a u.n. assembly yesterday. china and russia both asked u.s. to pull back on its threats and instead negotiate
would be great, agree
Any first strike will look like the Chinese did it.
Best efforts will be made to decapitate and contain any launch counterstrike. All over in 3-4 hours.
A reliable source within the GRU have informed me pic will become reality.
There are sanctions in place already. They don't work. They didn't work for Saddam, either. If China or Russia don't lower them or sneak shit to them (like the Chinese oil tankers that docked in the NK right when this shit started, despite the embargo), Iran will be glad to send them shit, just to piss us off.
Trump's doing the right thing. Fat kid doesn't want to commit suicide, there's no scenario where even a small aggressive action on his part ends with him alive. If yhe doesn't see that, then he's insane, and then he really needs to go.
ya we all seen that live on here, a lot of cucking, but agree with you
THADD has to stay in SK though
Of course they did. Money is on the table. And, you didn't see Trump back down, did you?
He'll bring them to heel. He doesn't pay attention to the UN, it's one thing I love about Trump.